“We will just have to take people head on,”
“Those people collecting the tax deductibility to fight us, take them head on, and start selling back to the Australian people the economic message ‘this is how you are actually going to survive, this is how you are going to win as a nation’.”
And he’s right, he’s not even a real Australian, but the deputy (pending the High Court decision) is absolutley right in holding the line and stopping green groups, who are benefitting fullly from charitable status from putting the blockers on progress. Though he was not there to talk about what kind of progress, we gathered it was all about taking money from the Northern Australian Infrastructure Fund, and giving it to an overseas mining magnate, for free. And ensuring that this smooth passage of taxpayers money was poured unfettered.
Which makes good sense because Mr Joyce is 100 percent overseas himself, and obviously has a great deal of sympathy for other foreigners who wish to tap into the “rivers of gold” gifted to them from a supine, unquestioning australian public.
We at pcbycp abhor environmental groups. We abhor their constant guilt campaign directed at shaming those who cannot destroy natural resources for short term interest. We abhor the puritans amongst the conservation movement who decry the loss of the Great Barrier Reef for a few short term mining jobs. And we abhor those who protest the use of the Artesian Basin, the greatest resource this country has, for a short term buck and taxpayer funded free ride. We stand in lock step with Barnaby, Australia’s most Australian un-Australian, for assisting a few cotton growers in diverting the entire resource of the Murray Darling basin so they can make a killing. And as the philosophy goes, ‘bugger the silly buggers downstream, and fuck the environment’, Cos it, (the environment) don’t go to church and it don’t know how to lobby, for foreigners like Barnaby.
We want Australian taxpayers to jump on board and give Barnaby a go. Give the stuff away, and stop those greeenies for harping on the sidelines.
And he’s right, whilst the Minerals and Energy Council don’t receive tax breaks directly, their membership does get a nice kickback for explortation, diesel, depreciation, and mining. Basically everything. Up to 100 percent if you’re looking for really valuable stuff like gold. That’s why just the environmental groups should be singled out. Someone’s gotta do the heavy lifting.
Churches get the full charity status tax break and as a minority, they’ve stymied debate on same sex marriage, enforced a very narrow view of religion and reinforced the conflict between church and state. The spectacle of a PM pleading with business execs in the power industry for adopting the business model successive government’s approve indicates that with charitable staus comes the right of few, to extert their viewpoint on the majority. And make them PAY. And as Barnaby so lucidly said:

Twiggy, diverts what would have been his tax burden into philanthropic ventures of his own choosing, like footy clubs.
“Now we are still fighting. Still fighting to this day. And they fight it in the most ardent forms, right in your face. In fact many of the groups that fight you have tax deductibility. They’re charities, apparently. A charity whose job it is to completely destroy the economic base of Australia.”
Joyce said that conservation groups fought projects with “green tape” (a reference to environmental litigation), “red tape” and “black tape”, Aboriginal activists. (Guardian)
And we heartilly, agree, green tape, black tape, red tape. It’s not right and as a foreigner he should know. Its the colurs of another persons flag. Perhaps it’s Barnaby’s national colours? At heart he’s a warm and fuzzy sentimentalist.
God bless him.