The Deputy Prime Minister has uncovered a fiendish plot. It’s directed against all good honest hard working Australians. If unchecked, it will surely be a “ catastrophe’ for all real Australians, (sic), ‘those on the land’.
The lefties, the pinko tinged greenies are on the move. If unchecked they will strangle what’s left of agriculture in this country. And it’s insidious, the green tide is creep creep creeping, and soon good clean living Australians, (those that aren’t converted into lezzo’s pooftas and foreigners) will succumb. And before you can figure out what LGBTI means, you’ve gone a paler shade of green. And as we said before, “mix em all together, pinko lefty, (red) and green and you get poo brown’.
But Barnaby has uncovered something worse, Those greenies are out to get our water. Yes folks, the water that was ordained by God to be given to Cotton growers, rice growers and any other extractive industry, (like mining in the Galilee basin). A lifetime of water for absolutely nothing.
But that’s not all.
The greenies want to go one step further. They want to extract water from ALL rural communities, and not just those down from the big cotton growers. You might be up the famous Shirt Creek without the proverbial and the Greenies’’ll grab that also. Got to the stage that cotton growers are seriously lobbying the federal government on the 457 visas. If they can’t get free water paid for by the taxpayers, they’ll do what made, the Southern (American) states world-beaters. Yep, they want to go the slavery option. And it makes good sense. If people are working to pay taxes to give it free to cotton growers, we might as well go the full monty, and just formalise the process as Slaves. And there’s benefits, a lifetime of good work in a healthy environment with a bit of herbicide, insecticide thrown in, and plenty of water.
The greenies want to strip water off rural communities. And the ABC’s Four Corners should be closed down. It’s the ABC that’s sapping the lifeblood of this nation, and stopping those farmers, who just happen to be cotton growers, for making an honest living screwing the taxpayer. On this count Mr Joyce is not mincing his words, to a willing audience in Shepparton, he made his position quite clear:
“We’ve got $13 billion invested in it,” (Mr Joyce said, referring to the Murray Darling plan), “We’ve taken water and put it back into agriculture [ministry] so we can look after you and make sure we don’t have the greenies running the show, basically sending you out the back door.”
“You know what the Four Corners program is all about – it’s about them trying to take water off you, to paint a calamity, A calamity, for which the solution is that they’re going take more water off you, and shut more of your towns down. We have taken water, put it back into agriculture, so we could look after you and make sure we don’t have the greenies running the show.”
And he’s right. He makes perfect sense. Even if he does repeat himself a little.
The greenies would run the show, and it’d be the most boring show in town. No drinking, No smoking, No fornication, just the intolerable sense of smug. And in the background those Green senators left in parliament sermonising about feeling guilty.

Federal Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce seeks inspiration and protection with one of his staunchest followers. Doris the calf.
It’s enough to turn you green. And make you want to stick to things that really are important. Like Real Estate.