Donald points out to King whatisname; ” In America we only castrate drinkers who are black and on a Sunday’.
Good news that Donald Trump has made an historic visit to Saudi Arabia. Apart from the 110 billion in arms sales the Saudi’s know quite a bit about human rights. They’re a sophisticated society and Donald is quite right to spare the Saudi’s the ignominy of being isolated as a potential source of hardline terrorists. Admittedly the people who made 9/11 happened, were from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia. And that hardline brand of, fixated, sexually repressed, misogynist psycho-fundamentalist nut jobs invariably come from Saudi Arabia. There is one important distinction that separates them from other moderate, civilised muslim countries. It’s a pure distinction.
The citizens from other countries banned from the U.S are not Nice. Whereas, King, (what’s his name?), is terribly nice. He knows how to look after a U.S President who’s in a bit of strife. They understand power. And they also understand the value of luxury cars, property portfolios and several submissive, (any number will do) wives. These fellows are well educated, like to dress up, and know the difference between a Dom Perignon 52 and a Bollinger 38. Though the Saudi’s don’t drink, (we hear the punishment these days is castration) they know the value of such things, in gold, oil, and human lives. Other more moderate muslim nations just don’t get that sort of thing. That’s the cachet Donald needs when he talks Turkey. Incidentally Turkey is also a supposedly a secular state that’s just beyond the pale. A good thing Mr Erdogan is taking it back to its Ottoman glory. That’s what Donald wants to do, take the USA back to its former glory. He’s fond of saying it, “Make America Grate again,” and right across the world, good folk are looking back, in order to move forward.
Donald talked of building trust and understanding, and then followed his trip to Saudi Arabia with a visit to Israel. The Israelis’ also have an outstanding record on human rights, and they are incidentally hated by all their neighbours. Donald will find succour there, because he’s not generally liked by a lot of old fashioned democracies, including Russia. Vladimir knows about power, and the less invested in the ordinary people the better.
That’s what the Australian banks think also. They managed to encourage Anna Bligh to head up their banking lobby. Anna knows quite a bit about power, and how to sort things out for mates. That’s what the Queensland Government is trying to do for Mr Adani. In Queensland they understand Mateship and looking after people with power and influence. And to be quite frank, they’re way nicer than ordinary people. On this count Malcolm and Bill are in furious agreement. Same goes for paying a billion trillion dollars for obsolete defence materiel. It’s looking after mates. That’s why Donald is in Saudi Arabia, and why Malcolm, Tony or anyone, will go all out to sit with the President. It might be any President, a President, even of a banking lobby group. Cos when you sit next to a President the power rubs off. That’s important, makes you look big. Even John Howard looked Big next to Dubya. And it says something else. ‘Small people, LOOK OUT! I’m coming to get you’! And that’s reassuring. Shows that keeping the status quo is what makes the world go round. And makes America Grate… again.