Dear reader, after some considerable delay, the pcbycp computer has at last tallied all the nominations for the ‘hatful of arseholes’ comp and come up with a clear winner. These have been difficult days, because as you would well understand, we at Pcbycp have a policy of even handedness. Some of the submissions were unprintable, and in keeping with the policy of mainstream political parties we were only able to accept nominations in the end that contained substantial donations. These donations have been put aside to assist us in our quest to have the Australia Wide ban on fireworks lifted, and the possible re-instatement of Guy Fawkes night as the most anticipated date in the yearly calendar.

Ray Hadley and Phil. Out of nowhere to claim Orange!! And (reputedly) big fans of bringing back Guy fawkes Night
In this respect we feel emboldened. You may say, “but surely that is a single issue catering to a very narrow spectrum of community interest”?. Yes indeed you could say that, but you would be wrong. Recent global events suggest that single issue interests can be election winners, and we at pcbycp have a view as to why. It’s not about ‘limousine liberals’ and the ‘chardonnay socialists’ yoke of political correctness being lifted. It’s not because of the all consuming wowserism of the nanny state and all the narrowing that it entails. But something much more significant. More significant even, than the commercialised sludge, (Halloween) foisted on the community as a sop to removing Guy Fawkes night, so that corporates can squeeze, the dumb, willing and compliant further. It’s a new re-allignment focused on having FUN. And it’s happening here.
From the backblocks of New South wales, The leader of the ‘I actually think shooting is great fun’, party Mr Phil Donato, was as pleased as punch to accept his historic occupation of a NSW lower house seat of Orange. Though he was unable to make comment as he was out on a kangaroo shoot his thoughts are anticipated just as soon as he’s finished cleaning the carcasses and visiting the dog food processor later in the afternoon.
Unable to describe the jubilation felt by the members of the Orange community, the Prime Minister was able to give a quote at the latest Apec summit. ‘In a world changed since the Trump Presidency and the realignment of economic and intellectual boundaries the election of the IATSIF Party represents a seismic shift.
‘I’m still rapt to the teeth in free trade and economic rationalism. Ordinary people out there, (and I really mean ordinary) just don’t know what’ we do for their own good. That’s why the free trade deals are done in secret. And now that same public, unemployed, unskilled and uneducated, clear winners of an open global capitalist system are unhappy. Why’s that? I have no idea? You just cant please all of the people all of the time, and in some instances that’s really is all of the time. if you are rich, have vast wealth, and have nothing of interest whatsoever in what poor people do, (incidentally that’s me), free trade is fucking awesome!! Without it we wouldn’t have a Bunnings, and land fill sites across the country would be empty. The “I actually think shooting is great fun’, party got in because we banned grey hound racing, Grey hound racing, though cruel, vile and unsupervised gave joy to lots of poor, uneducated simple folk. We hate poor uneducated simple folk. And the fact that they’re still trying to have fun, is just the last straw’.
Hmmm, The PM for thought bubbles my be right. This concept of the poor, the unwashed, and the tracksuit wearing as a constituency is just what Donald sided with and look at the result. Happiness for rustbelts. Happiness for those who yearn for the return of Guy Fawkes night, and bad news, really bad news for Puritans, wowsers and cultural elites everywhere. Who know about as much as having fun, as what to do with a hatful of arseholes!