There is no need for a Royal Commission into the banks as a consequence of consistent unethical, fraudulent, misleading and criminal actions by individuals working within the sector. Dodgy banking practices will be thoroughly investigated. Maintaining a strong principled stance that Asic, is the best vehicle to ensure that the banks are investigated, the Federal treasurer insists that ASIC is a; “tough cop on the beat”.

A practical demonstration of corporate ethical responsibility. Using both hands to siphon from the system.
Responding to criticism that over 120 million dollars of funding have been ripped from Asics budget, a spokesman for the treasurers department responded by citing several recent examples of hard hitting investigation undertaken by the corporate watchdog. ‘The vocational training scams and general rorting of the schemes and their publicly funded enrollment incentives are been rigorously pursued by Asic. Most recently we sent several angry letters to training colleges and dodgy education sector operators asking them to clean up their act. We’re really determined to root out this systemic rorting of the federal government private college finding scams by hunting them down, and bringing them to account. Though the vast majority of letters were returned to us, “unknown at this address” our investigators were able to track them down in a process of diligent and far reaching investigation. And i’ll let you know, a new series of quite severely worded letters have been sent to their new corporate headquarters.
We believe, (shock) that in spite of their recent closures, phoenix operators are still at it, obtaining federal funding for signing up the poor, the vulnerable and dispossessed into schemes they cannot possibly afford. Though the vast majority of new letters have been re-directed to Panama, we believe it’ll send a shockwave through the sector. Proof perfect that were serious about corporate crime.
Asic is the perfect vehicle for investigating this behaviour as it has proved in the past in thorough examination of the banks, miners, corporate off-shore transactions that we’re really serious about tackling corporate mis-behaviour. Not that there’s anything illegal in what these organisations are doing, it’s just that it’s understandable as they rort and rip and rent-seek, the electorate gets a little shirty. With Asic onto them, it looks like were really doing something.
We’re doing something about political donations whilst we’re at it. And very glad to announce that the NAB will be sponsoring our fundraiser for Higgins. Can’t tell you how much they’re giving us, but elections are expensive. Prohibitively expensive! Great to demonstrate that the NAB is happy to do the heavy lifting, and offer the same to Labor. That’s bipartisanship at its purest. Banks you can trust. They fund our little fundraisers, because they want to demonstrate that at the core they’re not interested in profit, rent seeking and anti-social behaviour, because they care about people. Well….. a select group of people I’ll admit, those that can afford a $1200 to $2500-a-table breakfast. Really high quality fruit juices and very nice coffee is inclusive in the price!
And by holding the fundraiser at the Palladium room at Crown Casino, it demonstrates we’re all pretty serious about regulating gambling, and gaming and its effects upon the wretched, the poor and the disaffected in our community as well. The “premium corporate tables” at the event cost as much as $2500. It shows were serious about banks doing the right thing, casinos doing the right thing, and anonymous party donors doing the right thing. Not that there’s anything illegal about it. It demonstrates Asic is well and truly on top of it.
Society works with co operation. That’s why in association with “Enterprise Victoria’, the Liberal Party’s business networking arm and anonymous donations from the banking sector, the development industry, and anyone else who needs a bit of lifting, we’ll make it quite clear, that with Asic on the job, were ‘Open for Business’!! It’s all about due process within existing legal frameworks loopholes and section 18b of the sanity clause to ensure that Asic looks after our national interest to ensure that the community at large are give what they well and truly deserve.