This is what civilisation is. Sacred, and Periclean, and Noble. The Turks didn’t like it, so they blew it up.
If it aint civilised……Blow it up
We at pcbycp are so sick of culture wars. That’s the great thing about ‘Corona-geddon’. It makes us appreciate the bounty of being ‘Civilised’. We know from our excellent secondary education that ‘Civilisation’ is roughly several thousand years old. We at pcbycp date civilisation to the time, when there was enough wealth and security generated by agribusinesses to establish a slave class. Today that tradition continues with renters and anyone else who cannot get onto the ‘ladder of opportunity’. “Before civilisation” is a period as long ago as five thousand years. Older than the pyramids. To civilised people, anything older is just shit. If you ask Donald and Boris it’s the western civilisation that counts. That’s why they like Ramsay Centres and know how to close down institutions that do stupid shit like save lives. Lives of poor people. ‘Corona-geddon’ has sorted that out. Civilisation at work.
And Boris should know cos he knows how to strue. “STRUE”? you say. Yes “Strue”. “Con- strue”. Boris likes to talk about how he learnt Latin at school. He’s telling those who don’t know Latin that’s he’s fucken EDUCATED! So when he kills thousands by doing fuck-all about Corona-geddon, you can’t question him cos he’s a full bottle educated toff. We learnt a bit of Latin too. For those who don’t know what a “Finno-Whack is” it’s being taught Latin with the sharp end of the ruler, by an old pederast, who wore academic gowns, who walked up a down the grim scruffy aisles and asked, faster than a onager would hurl a boulder on a four b tower, (for the uninitiated a four be two-er refers to the Israelite defence of Masada in ad 70) to construe “to love”. And then in an exctasy of awkwardness, would follow, “ amo amas, amat amamas’…., (where’s Boris when you need him?) etc….etc.. until breathless and anticipating the whack, the construe- ing would be completed. Then, onto another slab of Virgil. Not the bloke who flew Thunderbird One, but some Roman tosser who banged on about poetry and that, during the so- called Republic. Anyway, it was civilised cos it was old and European, and used Latin.
That’s why Brumbys are vital to the high country. They’re a transplanted European tradition. Bit like rabbits, foxes and any other feral animal, cept they’re NOBLE. They’ve been in the high country for as long as over 120 years. Some of them could be related to the one what Banjo wrote about. Some could’ve been related to horses that died gloriously in Mesopotamia way back in 1917. Get it? Died for ANZAC! Our nationhood was born there. In noble sacrifice so that franking credits should be a sacred right for the financially secure. So that blokes wearing dryza bones can identify with a GLORIOUS past. And be Real men. Light horse- men. And enjoy dressing up as Cultural Fucking HEROES!. Not poofy stuff like dancing around with didgeridoos. But the flag, Gallipoli and decent God-fearing blokes who wouldn’t shag a shielah if it were his sister. ( Tasmanians exempted).
The point is anything different from what the Roman’s and Greeks did, anything that’s not steeped in Western civilisation ain’t really civilisation.
Abo Art that can’t be converted, carried or transported is WORTHLESS! Ipso Facto (Latin Term) : Not Civilised. Good thing then it was blown up!
You see its relative. if you’ve had a good education, (In Australia, read that as Expensive) you know a lot about culture. There’s ballet, which gets shitloads of funding from what’s left of the Australian Council. There’s Opera what rich counts (royalty love ballet and Opera) go to and other rich counts get tax write offs through philanthropy. And there’s low culture. Occasionally Low and high culture get mixed up. It’s a bit like anything Andrew Lloyd Webber did or whether you barrack for Melbourne or Footscray. That’s the shit that poor people like, and as a consequence you wouldn’t touch it with an auctioneers paddle. In a sense it’s all art. High Art and Low art. What people pay for art determines whether its high art. If it cant be bought it aint worth Nuffink.
Which brings us to the vexed question of about what’s colloquially referred to as ‘Abo-art’. There is a distinction. If it’s transportable, to be hung on a wall, or even a spear, a woomera or a shield it might be worth something. But if it’s something that’s a chunk of rock out the other side of buggery, it’s worthless. Even the pyramids, the highest and most enduring (or Stonehenge ) are worth something to the tourist market. But ‘abo-art’ out whoop whoop is shit. Worse than shit if it sits amongst a shit- load of iron ore.
Iron ore is worth heaps, worth more than anything the Abos may have done 45000 years ago.
Its a no brainer really. Cant see what all the fuss is about.
45, 000 years ago, is immaterial. And besides, God created the world six thousand years ago. We read it on the creationists web site. Someone is having us on.
And besides it’s black-fella art, and in this country they’re lucky we just blow up their cultural artefacts. In the U.S they’d just be killed for jogging down the street.
That’s why they call us “ The Lucky Country”.
Trouble is, some bastards just don’t know how lucky they are.