Donald is absolutely right,
Dear reader, we know there’s a wealth divide. We know, (for our regional readers who may be tuning in on their crystal sets), that there’s a dearth of opportunity in the sticks, and we know that the climate is stuffed. We know also that electricity bills will just go sky high, and even if you get off the grid, we’ll still be slugged as the rent seekers, (corporations) find other ways of making us pay. And we also know that no politician is interested in change. In fact they’re stuck in a rut of ideological fundamentalism, laziness and managerialism. Completely rooted you may say. And no one has the imagination to get us out of the rut. The managerialist system that has seen the commonwealth diminished, the public marginalised and sanctioned doesn’t possess an atom of imagination. And that, unassailable and sinecured, is how they like it.
But then Donald comes along. And Donald has the solution. The U.S have gotta win the next war. Donald says it straight. Since, the end of the last big-un, the yanks haven’t won a bloody war. And he’s dead right. That means (by implication) Australia, (who alone possess the glorious sacred, unquestionable chalice of Anzac-dom and all the nobility and purpose it sustains) is also on the losing side. That’s an admission from Donald that the sacred task of civilising Iraq and Afghanistan rates a complete zero. That’s “nought” in Shakespearian-speak. And also, (this is the telling part), it suggests that Korea, Vietnam and whatever the fuck we’re doing in Syria is on the wrong tram, and it’s all going to end in tears.

Last time we properly won a war on our own. Civilising the outback . Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries.
Now this points to a big problem with our foreign policy. The U.S, who is currently our No 1 ally, (until China offers us something better, and the promise of recycling political dissidents organs as part of medicare ) is clearly picking on the wrong people. If the U.S want to win a war for reasons of national prestige, security and flag waving and wants to have the full unquestioning support of its allies, it needs to pick on the right kind of enemies. It just wont do fighting people who are aggrieved and unwilling to share the glorious bounty of consumerism, market capitalism and long term economic, spiritual and moral impoverishment.
That’s why New Zealand is a perfect target, They’ve always been a bit uppity and superior as they’ve had the opportunity to hide behind the protective cloak of their bigger brother. They’re irreconcilably anti nuclear, and they’ve made a treaty with their native peoples way back that actually works. How dare they!! Donald should take a leaf out of John (WMD) Howard and invade them. Another intervention is what we need. But this time its one we can WIN!! And we’ll give those Kiwi’s a reason to feel marginalised and wasted. That’s a war the U.S can win on their own terms. And we, as bold, noble, pure Anzacs can share with them in the glory. And make use of those hideously expensive jets that don’t work and the submarines that don’t submerge and the tanks that we don’t need. Donald has never had a more willing ally.
Go Donald. Do it!!!