Dear reader we’ve been enlightened by a recent communication from father Gerard Rissole, (rtd) submission to PCbyCP in defence of George Pell, and his incapacity to get to the Child Abuse Royal Commission.
Indeed in hindsight, there’s been quite a bit of unfair and uncharitable innuendo cast in the direction of his holiness the most christian and noble Cardinal George Pell. We at PCbyCP would like to apologise for the tenor of the most recent submission which made fun of Mr Pell’s condition, and his proven incapacity to front the Child abuse Royal Commission.

Father Rissole and George. Father Rissole, seen here wearing his distinctive, ‘See no evil, I can keep a secret glasses’.
We think also it’s exceedingly important to respect the Cardinal’s position, in recognition of his status, (one down from being the Pope himself) and the secrecy required as a basic and indisputable fact that secrecy, (the requirement to keep the internal working of the church an absolute secret) is tantamount in upholding the spiritual worth, depth and majesty of those who serve in the elevation and preservation of the glorious and exalted kingdom of heaven and God.
God also knows, (as we have it on the most reliable authority) as a sage and far seeing very old man, that travel can be dangerous. That’s why the kingdom of heaven is anchored firmly somewhere out beyond, star system NBC 234/697 sector 7. Moving the Kingdom of Heaven, (KOH) about all the time, may irretrievably disturb the astral envelope that we, his underlings, must believe in. If the KOH moved by any other service than Hyper-drive, the fabric of our universe would be ripped. How does God stay firm in the kingdom of heaven? How does his holy host and archangels manage to enter the earthly realm to instruct the Cardinal on what not to do? Can’t tell. It’s a secret.
It’s a secret service. Service to God. Service to Heaven.
With that comes the obligation, to keep those secrets intact, and let them grow in order to consolidate the noble, holy, miraculous KOH. Without secrecy, it’d just be another religion, not the correct one we have which enshrines the Lord’s bounty and his emissaries, as good, noble christian old men. Old men generally have a handle on things, and they, (unlike women) know how to keep a secret. In the kingdom of heaven, there’s no such thing as “ Telling the truth” in heaven, it’s maintaining a glorious secret. That’s what makes it truly spiritual.

Empire Class Flying Boat. Illustration depicts forward compartment for Cardinal. Luxurious internal appointments as required as reward for “keeping secrets’ in service to the KOH. This design for transporting his eminence in comfort and luxury was scrapped before the CSIRO Climate Science division developed their Cardinal Transport device, which was also scrapped. Then the division was scrapped. The Cardinal in service to the KOH gloriously remains firm and inviolate, proof perfect that climate science is ‘crap’.
Pell has gone onto bigger and better things, and you’re probably thinking, why can’t this bloke who runs the entire finances of the Catholic Church not be able to attend a few hearings in Australia? If he’s fit enough to run an empire, (just ask Rupert) why can’t he front? The Pope can do it. Even, (God bless her) Our Majesty can do it. Get on a plane, and front. Even an Empire class flying boat could chop the trip into short sections, via Cairo, Aden, Karachi, Bombay, Singapore, Jakarta, Darwin, and the Royal Commission. Well he can’t and you know the reason why. His condition the two page document reveals is a “secret”
What of the children who were bastardised, buggerised and had their souls destroyed by evil men, who offended tine and time again? Those evil men had their crimes rewarded with sinecures in other parishes, and a rigorously enforced code of silence. They could breathe easily, because their crimes, their misdemeanors, were “secret”.
And all this is frustrating for Pell, and all his brotherhood. If he fronts he runs the risk of being asked questions from a WOMAN. And what’s even more confronting is that these these kids were buggerised whilst being educated. EDUCATED? They’ve clearly failed rule 101. They ‘couldn’t keep a secret’. It’s a big FAIL for those kids. And I’m inclined to agree with George, that it’s just beyond the pale when they’ve broken the most fundamental rule.

MOST fundamental platform in service to the Catholic Church and elevation to the KOH. Keeping a Secret.
There is no such thing as “Truth” in the kingdom of heaven. Spiritual truth is the capacity to keep a secret. That’s why Pell, can’t front. As his counsel suggested, It’s a secret. Pell aint going nowhere, and you wanna know the reason why, well i’ll tell you, but I can’t because, you know the drill, it’s a secret. And if you TELL, the whole bloody system that gets people like dear ol George to the very top, would just not work.
Pell’s Hell is Dante’s Inferno tied to the existential reality of the inner workings of the Catholic Church. Tried, tested and trusted since about the fifth century, and its a secret. Or in code, as we jesuits are fond of using in a tight squeeze, (as the Cardinal said to the choirboy) ‘SMB’. ‘Secret Mens Business’.