JAY and SCOMO, Mateship borne through KING-COAL and COP Intransigence! GO NUCLEAR!
Dear reader, we return to our saga of Ces and Quent in pursuit of the truth behind Ms Culthorpe who was so cruelly defiled as an intern in the Nation’s Parliament. With more twists and turns than the irrefutable logic of the PM’s climate response, there seems to be no way out other than the ‘Australian Way’. Is the ‘Australian Way’ enough? Is it impossible to move forward, when the entire apparatus of everything strives to hold you back? Will Kurds find their weigh? Have Ces and Quent run out of puff? And has Sophie got them slotted for something more hideous than a one way ticket to Kabul with ‘Benny-Boy’ Roberts Smith in tow? Read on if you dare for as the SAS emblem proclaims; ‘Who Dares Wins’. (some of the time)….

Minister for Black-face Matt Canavan is all for NUCLEAR!
As we recall, our heroes were being led to an underground rail line built by who knows what to who knows where? Perhaps, (we hesitate to ask) by the same alchemic force that contrived the Federal climate policy….
Ces began the line of enquiry,
‘Excuse us Sophie, but this rail line. Would you mind telling us, where does it go to and how long has it been here’?
Sophie lit a Sobrani, and calmly informed us; ‘this little beauty, an underground rail link, the poms built it in the fifties. They had tunnels built all under the desert. They’re good at building underground sewers and systems. This was to provide secret access to top level scientists, KGB agents and members of the CIA without too much publicity. In the 50’s we all had a share in the nuclear pie, and joined forces, I bet ya didn’t know that!!! And you know that we were well on the road, to making Australia a global NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER’!
Sophie, was in fine form, as a Fair Work Commissioner, she clearly knew how to articulate a righteous and infallible position.
‘Not only that, we had uranium coming out of our ears, everyone was happy to buy it, and then, (she took another drag on the Sobrani and we marvelled at the bluish smoke ring as it spiralled and twisted in the gloom) the whole thing came crashing down, And do you now what made it all crumble’?
“Was it tariffs’? Quent timidly asked,
‘Was it an interfering regulatory authority like the United Nations’?
‘Nah. Think again’?
‘Was it the threat of takeover and annihilation at the spread of global communism that stopped it’?

Barnaby sees GOLD STANDARD in going NUCLEAR
‘Nup, it was the dickhead running the so -called ‘Australian Academy of Science’?
‘Macfarlane Burnett’!!!
She said the words as she spat them out through gritted teeth. He’s the drongo who questioned nuclear proliferation, TROUBLE MAKERS’!
Apparently he was worried about the storage of spent fuel reactor leaks and all that dumb greeny shit hyperbole, that’s stopped us from selling of the national parks, privatising national health and funding rat-bag lefty stirrers to sit on boards of enquiry. It was stopped because as a nation, we lost faith in ourselves. It was if, we all got caught in the fear of the NEW! We choked on a glorious future of Nuclear POWER! Whatever happened there-after, tariffs, the closing of Qualcast, and the death of great Australian names, ‘Victa, Hills and Vegemite’, all went off-shore. From thereon whatever we managed to manufacture was held down by green tape. Got to the stage you couldn’t clear the land of natives and let off atomic devices without exhaustive environmental checks. In a word, it just got too fucking hard. We lost out mojo, and then we became the backwater for R and D we are today. Today, you mention R and D and the Real Estate industry want a slice, and the coal industry want whatever’s left for ‘Clean-Coal’ and carbon storage, when the real deal all along was NUCLEAR!
Since pissing off the frogs, Scomo has got us going nuclear all the way. And you know what, it’s gonna make me and my partner FILTHY RICH’!
Your partner?
Yep my partner in crime, he’s the best of the best and he’s out current Energy Minister, Ya didn’t know that!! But now you do, don’t pretend to be surprised,

Minister for Nuclear a CHAMPION for NUCLEAR AUSTRALIA!
Who made squillions outta water futures?
Who has the Cayman registered company?
Who diverted rivers of gold for improvement” from the NSW government
Who confected the campaign against the Sydney Council,
And who, pretends to champion a technical solution to stuff that doesn’t work
Me old mate, Angus,
Through Angus I got to meet Xi, and get Vlad in on it, we’re gonna make a killing that’ll make Geoff Bezos wanna give up.
And i’ll be in front. As the deal maker, and once again Australia will have a NUCLEAR FUTURE!!!
The sun will shine for a Nuclear Future,
Kiddies will sing for a nuclear future,
And the denizens of our interior, the dry dusty wasteland will benefit by being a global leader in nuclear waste storage’!!
We could tell in all fairness, Sophie had a point, being a Fair Work Commissioner we gave her full marks for articulating the vision that put taxpayers funds and the Commonwealth in the pockets of cronies and carpet-baggers. ‘I suppose’, Ces, reflected, ‘its what makes the world go round’.

Keith Pitt, will go NUCLEAR if he cant go BALLISTIC on COAL!
But is that all that makes the world go round? Find our in our next circumferential episode, ‘Spin is all the world vision Scomo has”, or; ‘What goes round might more often than not, be round’.