The Buyer Lectures.

Angus and SCOMO, point to where taxpayer funding has been siphoned off to help Angus with his offshore tax havens.
We’ve been blind-sided, just like Greg Hunt when his press conference was blind sided by the Chinese ambassador for Twiggy’s mining interests. We were going to devote todays blog to Angus Taylors use of Caribbean Tax Havens in order to grow his family share portfolio from investing wisely in Murray Darling tax credits and profit siphoning from poor farmers and taxpayers. But there’s something much more interesting in the re- branded “Buyer” lectures,
‘The Buyers’? you say, Yes it’s what used to be “the Boyer”.
The Chairman of the ABC realising there was neither money or friends in arts an culture followed the money trail hence the BUYER lectures, “reflective of more contemporary Australian values”
It’s in line with Vice Chancellor salaries universities courses, and ‘shovel-ready’ leaders to inspire a new generation of young Australians.
It has been announced that the reader of this years Buyer Lecture is not another literary genius.
Not a great thinker,
Not an ex-pollie with decades of political experience to draw upon
Not an artist, a poet, a writer, a musician, a sculptor, anthropologist, futurist, not even a retired school teacher, a scientist or a medico.
But someone who represents the very core of contemporary Australian vaues,
An obsecenely wealthy miner.
This bloke the quintessential ordinary bloke who just happens to be a biilionaire, digs shit outta the ground. Thats what Australia needs University graduates for; to dig shit, or at the very least drive a truck, a bulk loader, or tell the Chinese how much the spot price of iron ore is. Without these high level technical skills, as a nation we’re rooted.

Twiggy and Nev. Together they’ve Conquered Astralya
We at pcbycp are cock a hoop. Cos the winner is….. TWIGGY!
Twiggy ’s gonna be talking about redressing inequalities. Thats what he and Gina did when they pole- axed the rent resource tax. What they’re talking is equality amongst billionaires, and strictly, Equality on THEIR TERMS.

Twiggys mates are well heeled and know how to deal with TROUBLEMAKERS!
It’s a bit like Twiggy and his mates in the Chinese Communist party, if your an insider in the party you just get a bit more equaltity than non-party members. Bit like ‘Animal Farm” really, ‘some people are more equal than others’. Still you’ve gota hand it to Twiggy, he’s the full-bottle on caring for the underdog and he’s never shy on publicity. Everytime he finds a menial job for a local indigine disposessed of his land through mining Twiggy is there receiving more glory than signing the Magna Carta. You’ve gotta hand it to our billionaire mining overlords, they’re humble. That’s why Ita’s given him a gong, just another ordinary intellectual doing his job.
Intellectual, Yep mate, he’s got more honorary degrees than Tony Blair and Bill Clinton put together. He’s even written the odd paper, or at the very least got some other bloke like Nev to write it for him. We at pcbycp cant think of how many universities have bestowed gongs upon him. Some cynic said its cos Uni’s would sell their grandma’s to get funds, but that’s just below the belt, Twiggy does it cos he cares. And obviously he’s dead keen on freedom of speech, that’s why he fronts the Buyers, to tells us that if you’ve got lots of money, you get freedom to speak. And if you’ve got shit-loads of money you can skew government policy and ensure that taxpayers money is siphoned into your very own coffers. Pretty simple really, As has been said mining aint rocket science, MATE!
Ths mining thingy is just what makes Australia GREAT! Without it we’d have to think. And we know since Kevin 07 that no-one is gonna want to listen to some egg-head banging on about Australian creativity or 2020 vision.

Twiggy’s in lock step with the Government on TROUBLEMAKERS! SHUT EM DOWN. They stand in the way of OBSCENE PROFITS. That’s why Twiggy’s a leader and got to address the BUYERS!
Anyway Twiggy who’s a fucken philanthropist, (they’re almost as big a miners as top level Australians) ,know how to get Federal Government kickbacks for buyin anything he likes. Just in case you forgot, He and Gina were able to put the moccas on the Resource Rent Tax. A filthy socialist scheme, to give a fraction of their obscene wealth to other Australians without VESTED INTERESTS. In other countries that behaviour would be called naked ‘GREED’, but in Australia we call it ‘MATESHIP’!
Twiggy and Gina represent the future of Australia. Thank Christ its 400 per cent non intellectual.
Like Dan Tehan, we hate intellectuals and its a bloody good sign of things to come that Ita recognises which side her bread is buttered by clearing the deck for someone who actually works for a living

Ita endorses Monaco as another safe haven for “discretionary ” income.
Perhaps next year we can have Peter Dutton talking detenton centres and the following year, SCOMO talkin about Franking Credits as the single greatest legislative initiative in Australian parliamentary history EVER!!
They say the Boyers used to be highbrow, but the BUYER LECTURES reflect a more contemporary Australia, .. the Australia of winners, and if your a loser you probably live in a Housing Commission flat, and to all intents and purposes you wouldn’t be listening to the ABC and you wouldn’t be a ‘REAL’ Australian anyway.
Postscript…… There is however a silver lining. If you back the power..

Gina, a champion of free speech for those who can afford it.
Buttrose will be honoured at Hancock Prospecting’s International Women’s Day Luncheon in Perth in November and has recorded a short message to thank the Momentum charity for naming her Momentum most admired woman of the year for 2020. ( ABC News)
Jeez, perhaps Bronwyn Bishop can get the award for her insights on Australian Aviation.