Poetry of a Tuesday

Aussie Billionaires don’t like to swagger. This un, owned by the developer Mark Simonds only consumes 40 litres per k. A sure sign of global warming awareness.

Dear reader, as a departure from the usual tradition, we received this anonymously penned fragment signifying the peril of billionaires. As you may well know, the recent decision by Federal Police and state agencies to cut short a joy-riding Billionaire on the east coast determined to escape the Melbourne lockdown bought tears of sympathy. Elsewhere, those who would usually be found at Davos, are on their yachts, determined to cure the worlds woes, by staying insular and very rich. These Billionaires, be they Russian, Chinese, English, American or our very own are in peril. If they go the entire fabric of our society may be DOOMED.   We need billionaires, they give is something to look up to, and wonder.

When on your million dollar yacht evading the draconian lock-down its important to adopt ‘Gangsta-Rap’ hand- signals to demonstrate solidarity with the oppressed, and those poor who can only afford a rubber ring or overcrowded refugee vessel.








Escaping the perils of lock down. This is not the politics of envy, just good Aussie Mates having a go!



Suffer they, the billionaires

Save the fucking billionaires

They’ve all humanity’s got,

Spare a thought for their homelessness

Onboard a billion dollar yacht


You’ve heard of medicins sans frontiers?

That’s doctors without borders

Millionaires are just not billionaires

Its a fucking new world order (Billionaires without borders) 


Russian Kleptocrats know how to Party. This- un consumes more fuel than the Titanic. And that’s just to keep the lights going.

So show a little leniency

Cut just a little slack

Next time a billionaire goes yachting

Pat him on the back


Cos these people are what’s left

Of humanity’s rotting carcass

They who own everything also serve

This-un has its own nuclear reactor. Just to operate the Juice extractor. The richer you are the more energy you need. Cos YOU CAN!

The power of the markets

Hypocrisy?…….. as easy as ABC

Mr Burgess, he runs the show, from hereon referred as ” B”

Have you noticed just this last week how many pages in the ABC news have been devoted to plugging ASIO? 


The ABC/ASIO Vault. Because of its interesting door-shape from hereon referred to as “The Star Chamber”

Last week an exhaustive article, on how the ABC were given exclusive access to their headquarters. Buried deep within the bowels of the organisation a sound proofed room, that floated in its very own amniotic fluid of impregnable silence was the test best for trialled listening devices. The journalists beside themselves with insider knowledge, devoted paragraphs to breathlessly describing how this Battlestar Galactica of intelligence was designed to keep Australia safe from Spies. 

Not a Dr Who prop, but the sound proof, device proof inner room of ASIO, from hereon referred to as ” The Death Star”!

Breathlessly the journalists described “the outside world”  teeming with spies. Perhaps we are left to wonder, there may be an antechamber in which people stare at goats, or attempt to walk through walls.  In shipyards, medical facility’s, local embassies, Hong Kong booksellers and from the Confucian Societies within our Universities we overflow with spies.  And for the rest of us, we only needed to know that Asio was looking over our shoulder , with “Special and Enhanced” Powers to keep us safe. 

The ABC clearly is now working as the national champion in the New Cold War. Clearly Ita knows which side her journalistic bread is buttered on. Something she may have learnt from Packer. Fear sells newspapers just as much as sex used to. In the ABC’s case doors slam on a slew of long term female journalists, it’s a bit Arividerci Alberici. Like the Buyer lectures, if you’re a clever, (read good investigative journalist)  journalist, your days are numbered. 

Last weeks article referencing heroic ASIO deeds in the early sixties. Woman in image now referred to as WOMAN X, (no relation to LAWYER X)

The following article took another headline suggesting that Asio was at the forefront of saving us from nefarious villains who wished to steal our intellectual property. So that they may grab our winning coronavirus vaccine. The director of ASIO, looking for all intents and purposes like ‘M’, sternly stood for all of us. “These devices are as small as a human hair, can be inserted anywhere, and can give us a real insight into the activities of evil doers. So that we may be one jump ahead in the espionage stakes to protect and ensure that Australian values are protected, in keeping us SAFE’. And first points for Dog Whistling it’s always China. Not that China plays a straight bat these days, but the curious thing  is in case you hadn’t noticed……NO ONE DOES!! 

Supreme controller of all espionage related activities, from hereon referred to a ‘THE POTATO’, or ‘P”

What is flabbergasting, is that everything described, was used to infiltrate and destroy an ally’s potential. In East Timor, the Timor-Gap negotiations were skewed under the direction of our Minister for Foreign Affairs to root the daylights out of a little country we’d assiduously neglected. For years  Timor Leste was short-hand for the obscenities of regional Real Politik. For thirty years we watched benignly on as they were chopped up, raped and slaughtered, and then when finally the world looked our way, we intervened to save them. So that we may screw the daylights out of them as well. And all of this was done with Asio’s clever uses of bugging devices……..

ASIO operatives raiding ABC Offices. cos they could just walk in, unlike trying to get into the Chinese Embassy.

And the final insult being Witness K. To Australia’s shame no one, not even Ita who knows how to bend the ear of the very rich and powerful, seems to give a stuff about witness K. He rots in a tribunal in which, (for the Australian public interest) we are not allowed to know what’s going on.  If you so much report about it you’ll go to jail. Aint this what the Chinese Government is getting a bad name for in Honkers and Uighurstan? 

Well you’d be dead right, you’d be a wok short of the Wonton.  It’s hypocrisy. 

B and P’s finest moment, the Trial of Witness K.

All witness K said that ‘Australia is intent in screwing these poor bastards, ( He’s got the evidence) and it aint right’. What Witness K doesn’t’ understand was that in foreign policy code, the poor indiginies of East Timor, were NQR. (Little people of colour cannot expect fair play).

Its an unalterable fact In line with our policy on refugees, bit like a white Australia policy in which even the black bits are white. Just ask the silly bastards in the Flemington Housing Commission Flats; 

‘B’ Demonstrates the “Spy-proof” toilet cubicles at ASIO headquarters

FAIRNESS is opaque, well a concept that’s more fairly white than off-white. 

Poor Witness K, even if he escapes jail for squealing on Exxon and Woodside to exploit resources and pay no tax, he’ll be jailed if he publishes his memoir. 

What will his memoir be titled? 

ITA, from hereon referred to as ‘I”. Assisting ASIO in giving them good press and  weeding out journalists ( Emma Alberici, etc) and troublemakers, (Witness K) who make life difficult for endangered T, G, and C ( Twiggy, Gina and Clive)

“Hypocrisy, as easy as ABC”…..





“Asio,? What does it really stand for”? 

MDFF 25 August 2020 QANTAS

Mazuva akanaka shamwari

On 16th November 1920 the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited, in a manner of speaking, got off the ground. Eventually this was to evolve into Australia’s flagship airline Qantas which in 84 days time will celebrate its 100th anniversary. I wonder if Qantas will get a telegram from the Queen?

Talking about the Queen, I forgot to mention that in the last Queen’s Honours list a policeman who was put in charge of Yuendumu Police Station after the sub judice fatal shooting last November got a ‘commendation’. I’m not sure what exactly he was commended for but as I understand it it was for bravely and selflessly keeping the lid on the alleged highly volatile situation in Yuendumu. No mention was made of a number of Warlpiri Elders who I witnessed calmly and behind the scenes choreograph a sombre and dignified march on the police station in which virtually the whole allegedly volatile community of Yuendumu took part in the aftermath of the shooting.

Another non sequitur: Many years ago I was on a flight from Amsterdam to Dublin. It was a clear day and as I looked out of the window I counted seven passenger jet aircraft simultaneously flying in various directions, that is over a thousand passengers just within my limited field of vision. I read that at any moment worldwide there were, from memory, six million people in the air.

But, back to Qantas. In 2014 Qantas announced a $252M half year loss and the shedding of 5,000 jobs. CEO Alan Joyce bravely withstood a barrage of demands that he resign and subsequently presided over Qantas’ phoenix like recovery. 

So along comes the virus which had the effect of virtually closing down the aviation industry. Qantas just lost $2 billion and Alan Joyce announced he would not be drawing a salary this year. He also announced that a further several thousand Qantas employees would be stood down.

Then in an emotional patriotic appeal Alan Joyce asked our leaders to open the state borders so Qantas could do a Lazarus on the back of a local tourism based economic revival.

Meanwhile California is once again being incinerated and our own bushfire season looms. We don’t hear much about coral bleaching these days nor anything about our dying mulga scrub as our news media obsesses about the virus and the economy and the latest not funny joke from Donald Trump. So what is the latest on the never-ending Yemeni genocide? Is the Amazon Basin ablaze again? And what is happening with that silver lining, the virus induced drop in world wide pollution.

In the Northern Territory we’ve just had a Tweedledee Tweedledum election, both major parties are hoping for a fracking-gas led economic recovery.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9ARcLTcqoA Middle of the Road- Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum

As most of you know I’ve been writing a book about Yuendumu which is at a cross-cultural front line. I like to think this exercise has, albeit ever so slightly, enhanced my ability to look in the mirror and to walk in other’s shoes and to glimpse outside the squares of our ethnocentric and egocentric mental prisons.  To peer out of Plato’s cave.

Thus it came to pass that my first reaction to Qantas’ two billion dollar loss was to think it was a great pity. The sooner we could once again spend a week in Paris or lounging on the beach in the Riviera on the other side of the world the better. Then I came to ponder how come Qantas had two billion to lose? How much carbon emissions did it take for Qantas to accumulate that two billion?

I admired Alan Joyce’s brave sacrifice of foregoing his income, until I learned that his personal 2018 earnings were almost $ 24M.  Wiyarrpa (poor bugger, pobrecito, pauvre petit, arme stakker), how will he manage?

So what if those aircraft never take off again? What if the Global Economy with its perpetual growth imperative stops heading towards the cliff of irreversible climate change? 

So what if we don’t get back to “normal”. Perhaps we’ll be forced to redefine what normal is.

All rather depressing n’est cest pas? Finish with some nice music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXGyer-cIg(Oliver Tuku- Neria)

A pity ‘Tuku’ is no longer with us, but don’t despair, the following is by his daughter Selmor Mtukudzi with her sister and husband. 


Kusvikira panguva inotevera. Chengetedza


And if you can spare the time- appropriately titled ‘What does it matter?’- What indeed?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3CHhhxT1k Zvine Basa Rei (Zimbabwe’s Shona Language)   


Sent from my iPhone


The Buyer Lectures. 

Angus and SCOMO, point to where taxpayer funding has been siphoned off to help Angus with his offshore tax havens.

We’ve been blind-sided, just like  Greg Hunt when his press conference was blind sided by the Chinese ambassador for Twiggy’s mining interests. We were going to devote todays blog to Angus Taylors use of Caribbean Tax Havens in order to grow his family share portfolio from investing wisely in Murray Darling tax credits and profit siphoning from poor farmers and taxpayers. But there’s something much more interesting in the re- branded “Buyer” lectures, 

‘The Buyers’? you say, Yes it’s what used to be “the Boyer”. 

The Chairman of the ABC realising there was neither money or friends in arts an culture followed the money trail hence the BUYER lectures, “reflective of more contemporary Australian values” 

It’s in line with Vice Chancellor salaries universities courses, and ‘shovel-ready’ leaders to inspire a new generation of young Australians. 

It has been announced that the reader of this years Buyer Lecture is not another literary genius. 

Not a great thinker, 

Not an ex-pollie with decades of political experience to draw upon

Not an artist, a poet, a writer, a musician, a sculptor, anthropologist,  futurist, not even a retired school teacher, a scientist or a medico. 

But someone who represents the very core of contemporary Australian vaues, 

An obsecenely wealthy miner. 

This bloke the quintessential ordinary bloke who just happens to be a biilionaire, digs shit outta the ground. Thats what Australia needs University graduates for; to dig shit, or at the very least drive a truck, a bulk loader, or tell the Chinese how much the spot price of iron ore is. Without these high level technical skills, as a nation we’re rooted.

Twiggy and Nev. Together they’ve Conquered Astralya

We at pcbycp are cock a hoop. Cos the winner is….. TWIGGY!

Twiggy ’s gonna be talking about redressing inequalities. Thats what he and Gina did when they pole- axed the rent resource tax. What they’re talking is equality amongst billionaires, and strictly, Equality on THEIR TERMS. 

Twiggys mates are well heeled and know how to deal with TROUBLEMAKERS!

It’s a bit like Twiggy and his mates in the Chinese Communist party, if your an insider in the party you just get a bit more equaltity than non-party members. Bit like ‘Animal Farm” really, ‘some people are more equal than others’. Still you’ve gota hand it to Twiggy, he’s the full-bottle on caring for the underdog and he’s never shy on publicity. Everytime he finds a menial job for a local indigine disposessed of his land through mining Twiggy is there receiving more glory than signing the Magna Carta. You’ve gotta hand it to our billionaire mining overlords, they’re humble. That’s why Ita’s given him a gong, just another ordinary intellectual doing his job. 

Intellectual, Yep mate, he’s got more honorary degrees than Tony Blair and Bill Clinton put together. He’s even written the odd paper, or at the very least got some other bloke like Nev to write it for him. We at pcbycp cant think of how many universities have bestowed gongs upon him. Some cynic said its cos Uni’s would sell their grandma’s to get funds, but that’s just below the belt, Twiggy does it cos he cares. And obviously he’s dead keen on freedom of speech, that’s why he fronts the Buyers, to tells us that if you’ve got lots of money, you get freedom to speak. And if you’ve got shit-loads of money you can skew government policy and ensure that taxpayers money is siphoned into your very own coffers. Pretty simple really, As has been said mining aint rocket science, MATE!

Ths mining thingy is just what makes Australia GREAT! Without it we’d have to think.  And we know since Kevin 07 that no-one is gonna want to listen to some egg-head banging on about Australian creativity or 2020 vision.

Twiggy’s in lock step with the Government on TROUBLEMAKERS! SHUT EM DOWN. They stand in the way of OBSCENE PROFITS. That’s why Twiggy’s a leader and got to address the BUYERS!

Anyway Twiggy who’s a fucken philanthropist, (they’re almost as big a miners as top level Australians) ,know how to get Federal Government kickbacks for buyin anything he likes.  Just in case you forgot, He and Gina were able to put the moccas on the Resource Rent Tax. A filthy socialist scheme, to give a fraction of their obscene wealth to other Australians without VESTED INTERESTS. In other countries that behaviour would be called naked ‘GREED’, but in Australia we call it ‘MATESHIP’!

Twiggy and Gina represent the future of Australia. Thank Christ its 400 per cent non intellectual. 

Like Dan Tehan, we hate intellectuals and its a bloody good sign of things to come that Ita recognises which side her bread is buttered by clearing the deck for someone who actually works for a living

Ita endorses Monaco as another safe haven for “discretionary ” income.

Perhaps next year we can have Peter Dutton talking detenton centres and the following year, SCOMO talkin about Franking Credits as the single greatest legislative initiative in Australian parliamentary history EVER!!

They say the Boyers used to be highbrow, but the BUYER LECTURES reflect a more contemporary Australia, .. the Australia of winners, and if your a loser you probably live in a Housing Commission flat, and to all intents and purposes you wouldn’t be listening to the ABC and you wouldn’t be a ‘REAL’ Australian anyway. 

Postscript…… There is however a silver lining. If you back the power..

Gina, a champion of free speech for those who can afford it.

Buttrose will be honoured at Hancock Prospecting’s International Women’s Day Luncheon in Perth in November and has recorded a short message to thank the Momentum charity for naming her Momentum most admired woman of the year for 2020. ( ABC News)


Jeez, perhaps Bronwyn Bishop can get the award for her insights on Australian Aviation.

Read All About It: Ali Cobby Eckermann

I was in Adelaide when the reality of COVID-19 struck Australia. Melbourne had been my home for the previous year when I accepted an Adjunct Professorship with RMIT. My adopted mother had passed three days prior to Xmas and I was travelling back and forth between the two cities, spending time with my adopted siblings and finalising her affairs. It was a surreal dilemma. All my possessions were in the suburban home I shared in Doncaster. I tried to rationalise my decision before the state borders closed. In recent years I had suffered two severe bouts of pneumonia. I considered the risks had I caught the virus, and ultimately chose to stay in my home state with family. After a few weeks, as lockdown continued, I returned to my old residence in the mid-north of South Australia, to Koolunga, where I had established Australia’s first Aboriginal Writers Retreat in 2010.

I (re)enter an empty house. Every furnishing and trimming has been removed. Of course, the basic structure remains and I spend hours walking slowly through the maze of empty rooms. Echoes of my footsteps are the only noise inside. It is outside where the symphony of life sits, the constant trilling of birds that exist here, drawn by the narrowing neck of water that wraps around this tiny town, the dying visage of the Broughton River, once one of South Australia’s finest. Ambling, I retrace my steps from before. Walking old paths is restorative to my soul. I feel somewhat reassured in my decision, removing myself from the busy metropolis and returning to a natural place. The future of establishing a new life, with new networks and opportunities I so eagerly sought in Melbourne, drifts past like a cloud on a clear sky day.

I sit on the only chair in a large empty room. It is almost cinematic: polished floorboards covered with a sprinkling of dust, a frieze of cobwebs along the cornices of the 14-foot ceilings, all curtains removed from the grubby windows, a dead starling lying awkwardly in one corner. Outside the sun shines its beauty over this land, the land of the Ngadjuri, the land on which I was raised. I know this beauty in my heart; I witnessed this beauty as a little girl. Old memories dance like the dust particles that drift in filtering light. And I am drifting too, between the past I knew and an unknown future of pandemic. Days begin to pass and I have barely moved. My thoughts are idle; I am unable to define where my attention will land.

Family arrive, like a restorative faith. Their murmurs of love are all I need, all I ever needed. Social distancing is heeded, because together we cherish life. Too young, we have all become the matriarchs and patriarchs of our individual families. We are grateful our parents do not have to suffer the confusion of this time, to suffer more risks than they already faced every day as Aboriginal people in Australia. We are grateful they are at peace. And in their peacefulness, they guide us. Standing at the window I watch the silhouettes of birds in the dawn. Always they seek the highest branches, as if to honour and welcome the day. The syllables of a poem arrive like a sunrise, soft and soothing, settling my fears and emotional uncertainty in this strangeness of pandemic time. My thoughts begin to centre. Gently I rise to attentiveness.

In solitude, an open computer screen becomes a murder scene. The killing of George Floyd by the thuggery of Derek Chauvin, a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, is screened to the world, the footage captured by distraught bystanders who were prevented from intervening by other police officers. Protests erupt around the world. The Black Lives Matter movement intensifies the ongoing Black Deaths in Custody protest in Australia. Hundreds of thousands of people rally in our cities. I remain in quarantine, after a quick trip interstate to gather my possessions. My sister live-streams the speeches from the rally held in Adelaide. The past and the present stand side by side, as the names of Aboriginal people who died in custody are remembered. Whilst I am isolated from my community, my heart is not. I am aggrieved and fearful. In the lull of the virus, a larger mirror appears, emulating disparity based on race. Our Prime Minister continues his catchphrase that we are all in these times together. His voice is silent as three inmates die in Western Australia. His choice of priority is evident. The increase of police presence on the streets is not a reassurance to us.

Not much happens in Koolunga. The everyday activity in this farming region continues, seemingly unaffected by COVID-19. I stay indoors, except to walk alone along the river. I have no social need outside my family. This is my priority. Weekend visits are my joy. Parcels of food are gratefully received, reciprocated with home-cooked meals. Our conversations centre on caring for family. We are the primary caregivers, responsible for our younger family members, as our parents and grandparents were. All attention is given to the sanctity of our homes. We must keep our children safe from the threat of the pandemic. The threat of police brutality is of equal measure. We encourage our children to stay at home. I stand inside, watching from the windows. My siblings and cousins ring in almost every day. Our emotional health is paramount. We are united in our effort to protect our young. My thoughts wander to the caregivers who work on the frontline, providing essential care during the pandemic. Again the computer screen reveals heroic stories from overseas, amid the deaths of so many. I begin to question my comfortable security.

Joy Harjo is the current US Poet Laureate and my friend. As a member of the Muscogee Creek Nation, sister Joy published a response in The New York Times to the announcement of the recent McGirt v. Oklahoma decision: ‘because of an 1866 treaty that the Creek Nation signed with the United States much of Oklahoma is still sovereign tribal land’. In her article she shares a poignancy from her Elders, that ‘justice is sometimes seven generations away, or even more. And it is inevitable’.

These words remind me that as an Aboriginal woman my comfort is not secure; it is as fleeting as any reflection. My family story over the generations has always been filled with conflict and uncertainty, from the testing of atomic bombs on traditional land at Maralinga in my Grandmother’s years, to the Stolen Generations’ removal episodes as experienced by my mother, myself, and my son. There will always be doubters and distractors to our story; the current retelling of Aboriginal history in Australia has always failed, short of our truths.

My decision to share my personal story through literature has been paramount to my emotional and holistic health, the cathartic telling guided by many senior healers and law-holders from my traditional land in the central desert. The thought that justice is inevitable is overwhelming to me, although I like to think I’ve always held that hope.

I find the mirror of COVID-19 challenging. The abuses of racial injustice seem more prevalent, as isolation reduces human contact and we are reduced to the media and online screens. When police in Sydney assault a young Aboriginal teenager, his parents speak out. I know them; I call his father Uncle, and his mother performed with me on stage at the Sydney Writers’ Festival. Every week I hear about racial abuse inflicted on people I know. I hate when I cop it. This country is filled with so much prejudice and unresolved sadness. My tactic to escape this idiocy in Australia was to travel. Over the past seven years since closing my Writers Retreat, I travelled extensively nationally and overseas. I stayed close to social circles where I felt safe. I copped a few racist comments overseas, although my friends were always quick to defend me. Mostly in Australia, there is a silence, and we are perceived negatively if we defend ourselves. It is tiring and I was tired. My time overseas allowed a necessary respite from the incessant hurt. It is a wonderful feeling to live without fear of reprisal in the everyday.

The pandemic has allowed me good time to rest in my isolation. I slept for twelve hours every day for the first month of lockdown. I cleaned my house and began to renovate. It became essential for my living environment to reflect my mental state. Slowly I built my fortress, a new place of safety for my family. Our role as caregivers is with us for the rest of our lives. The virus will continue to grow as an intense mirror. It will reveal disparity based on caregiving. We all have this role despite the difference in our stations. I know a silence will exist between the givers and takers, evident even when united in death. The sun will continue to rise even if we are looking outside from our windows. Many tears will be shed. Many more prayers will be spoken with love toward the sky. My attention will be focused there. And on the road, waiting for generations of my family to arrive.

Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal poet Ali Cobby Eckermann is the author of seven books, including the verse novel Ruby Moonlight, and the poetry collections Inside My Mother and the memoir Too Afraid to Cry. In 2017 she was awarded Yale University’s Windham Campbell Prize in Poetry. In 2018 she was awarded a Literature Fellowship by the Australian Council for the Arts.

On Free Speech

The Editors of PCBYCP would like to express their extreme disappointment that the planned launch of the “Downer Institute of Foreign Affairs”has been hijacked by “Rat-Bagism”. Proof that the University Sector could suffer irreparable repetitional damage from malcontents and whistleblowers.

For a long time we’ve been concerned about ethical standards in our universities. 

Student rat- bag agitators, motivated by the same delusional principles enshrined by Witness K. Inciting repetitional Damage and WRECKLESSLY Impacting the BUDGET BOTTOM LINE

For years, we’ve admired their morphing into second-rate vocational colleges, as visa factories, as cess-pits for the non-creative who only linger on to increase their feather-bed, their benefits, their superannuation and their peg on the stinking ladder of departmental promotion. We applaud the prerequisites to vice-chancellorship, an MBA, must be a suck-hole and the lowest common denominator of wiling dolt. Whose primary aim is to keep the turn-styles clicking, and the sinecures sticking. To ensure for the “PUBLIC GOOD” that our universities curb ‘dangerous ideas’ which challenge the system. 30 years of neo-liberalism have cleansed these institutions of ideas, life, public responsibility. At last universities are recognised as refuges for individuals with no ambition other than ‘greasy-pole-ism’. 

Universities are now SAFE!

Witness K deserves everything the Feds can throw at him for tarnishing the reputation of Australia.

We are reasasured there is no longer social agitation and “Trouble” from this sector.  

They’re cleansed of civil disobedience, new ideas, imagination. Since the student unions were de-coupled all that was wicked has been replaced by preferrment, obedience, and suck-holism. Campus’s are now “CITIES OF THE DEAD”. 

In any corona affected special acccommodaton home you’ll see more evidence of LIFE!

BUT…., there is STILL TROUBLE! 

From the senior tiers of the Peoples Liberation Army there is DEEP DISSATISFACTION! 

The  University of Queensland and UNSW indicate leaks on intelligence sharing on Hong Kong students. Free speech and malcontent academics speak out against censorship. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

Ratbag (University Educated) Baby-Boom era social agitators creating “MISCHIEF”. Threatening to destabilise PROFIT and PUBLIC ORDER.

As our PLA spokesman on the university sector opined, “We still don’t have full facial recognition on campus. Naturalised Uighurs have been caught studying on campus. Cantonese is still being spoken. We’ve overheard it in the student union, and in spite of recent requests to the university hierachy including the Vice Chancellors office we believe some student groups are actively flouting directive 35 B of the sedition act by making pro Hong Kong gestures on campus, IN PLAIN VIEW”! 

Though we’ve received abject and craven apologies from Vice Chancellors, we remind them that THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! And we should warn that failure to comply as directed by on campus Confucian Centres and section 55 C of the Belt and Road Intiative, will result in travel restrictions, harvesting of organs, forced sterilisation, dissappearance of relatives, if ever they should return to the Chinese homeland. 

It is CLEAR. Universities are FAILING.

There is not enough dobbing in on campus. Not enough espionage. More should be done as a matter of national urgency. 

Proof that Dan Tehan is RIGHT in de- funding non “Shovel-ready” courses. They Produce Lefty Rat bags who discredit LEADERS by QUESTIONING and AGITATING for CHANGE!

We spoke to Dan Tehan who informed us that he was shocked. “The Federal Government has been foremost in defunding and turning them into vocational colleges. This outburst of free speech is not  consistent with “GROWTH” and should not be tolerated’. 

He’s right. now that universities have wholly owned faculties devoted to enshrining donors on the right side of history, we should be more trenchant in getting rid of socialist and disruptive tendencies. There is no place for free speech on campus. Particularly of those speaking haven’t the benefit of corporate sponsorship, or are ineligible of tax benefit 35 B courtesy of the Philanthropic Trusts and Donors Act. Unrepresentative free speech is anti-establishment and a threat to the entire university sector. 

‘I dont think these kids understand the damage they’re doing to the University sector. We’ve got building projects, resort complexes and space terminals that must be constructed and these malcontents are holding it up with quaint notions of democracy and self expression. Who do these kids think they are? Do they think we’re a sovereign state? Youve gotta be joking, and besides, my last trade and investment trip to China, I bought back a piece of the Great Wall, signed by XI.  How good is that”? 

We had to agree, rather a fragment of Great Wall signed by a great man, something that you can really put your hand in and say;  ‘This is civilisation’! Rather than a piece of rock from the Pilbara that may have been deemed sacred. 

This Lefty Agitator, has an Arts Degree. Proof that such degrees provide no ECONOMIC VALUE to society

That’s the good thing about Australia, you can say what you like about culture. 

According to our most prominent University sector donors, (Rio Tinto), 

‘We have none’. 

MDFF 15 August 2020 What shall we do?


Once again let me dwell on Closing the Gap.
only halfway through reading Kieran Finnane’s recently launched book ‘Peace Crimes’ so am not yet ready to write about Closing Pine Gap.

The latest flicker of hope is offered by the Morrison Government.
In a 30th June 2020 Media Release Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the new Closing the Gap agreement is an historic achievement.

Today finally marks a new chapter in our efforts to close the gap – one built on mutual trust, shared responsibility, dignity and respect,”.

For the first time, a National Agreement has been developed in genuine partnership between Australian governments and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (the Coalition of Peaks)

The 47 page agreement includes:

Outcome 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are not over represented in the child protection system…

Data Development: Explore options to measure and report: • measures of culturally competent child protection response: o National Compliance Framework for the ATSICPP that is consistent with indicators being developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), in collaboration with the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC), Child and Family Services (CAFS) Strategic Information Group (SIG) and Children and Families Data Network (CAFDAN), across jurisdictions, to fully measure the five elements of the ATSICPP: prevention, placement, partnership, participation and connection.

A cause for optimism me thinks (ACFOMT) at last something that makes eminent sense (ALSTMES)

So what shall we do?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11po9xKBsbw Oliver (“Tuku” ) Mtukudzi

An often expressed sentiment in Yuendumu:
Yampiyalu-ngampa (Leave Us Alone) (YNLUA)



On Genius

From our sage from the near-north comes this scintillating piece of analysis. 

Russian Scientist extolls the virtues of Melania 1 prototype to Russian Oligarch who seeks a service-bot for one of his many London weekenders.

Analysis you say?  Well more about the human condition.  And humans have been in pretty poor condition lately. But there’s hope.  Hot on the heels of the Fantastic EPOCH MAKING BREAKTHROUGH of Russian Scientists in producing Vladimirs first Covid Vaccine, we hear from the same source the first prototype fully automated HUMANOID. 

This triumph of cyber-engineering is just what we need in a post-Covid world, no messy cleaning, no requirement to feed, ‘it’s a new workers paradise based on ingenuity, refinement, service and our shared yearning for a better world for billionaires who know how to utilise sate assets’. (V. Putin)  (That’s what the brochure says) It comes in the basic model Melania-Bot 1#, and can be programmed to suit your lifestyle and budget. It’s fully washable, and set to ‘material mode’ with a programmed desire for expensive designer items, accessories and twitter posts from other billionaires who know how to save the world, restore equity and are environmentally serious about advancing “real change” to save the world.

(Batteries are not included). 

Melania-bot prototype just prior to killing its prospective owner. Some Billionaire behavioural tendencies were modified after clinical trials.

Anyway, back to this thoughtful piece. Which sort of takes us back to year zero, or whoever it was who invented the wheel or reality television. 

From Ira, this  reflection…


On Genius.

“Everything changes yet everything remains the same’

Mediocrity has no new ideas.  Paranoia is  it’s only friend. It is revealing  that the GOP,  like an insane corps- de- ballet, follows faultlessly their witless Nijinsky because, in the end, they have no choice. Trump’s Core-deh-Ballay lack the wisdom, the courage and the imagination to stop the music..

Melania- bot prototype 2, real “Human- like” skin and emotional programming

“Don’t expect us to think! We must go wherever our leader takes us! We must do whatever He asks! We  were, like all good soldiers, only following orders!’

‘…But…but… the triumph of evil only requires that good men remain silent…., ‘

Melania -bot prototype 2 maintains safe distance during trials from poor outside Flemington Housing Commission flats. Programmed by Victorian State Government to keep ‘Corona- Safe’ distance from potential threats.

The trouble is with genius ideas , like  religion, for example, is that the moment the idea is introduced some cretin or other, who has spent most of his life under a rock, decides his time has come. Gathering his forces and his followers he spends the next two thousand years ensuring that any form of democracy that might have existed within the original idea is utterly excised and the system used instead purely to exercise HIs right to delude, terrify and exploit millions of people.

Melania-bot prototype 2 still demonstrating anti-social tendencies due to in-built programming nuanced for Billionaire clients.

This  is why I feel that all people who exhibit the capacity for genius should be taken outside and shot. The consequence of genius is almost too awful to contemplate. Genius stimulates people,  Untalented, tasteless vulgar people, like the guy under the rock who imagines he has something to contribute. He has nothing to contribute, but his negativity , which will, endlessly, time and time again , murder millions and  create endless suffering and misery.

‘The consequence of genius is the appalling  prospect of mediocrity galvanised’

Clinical trials have proven that Melania-Bot anti-social tendencies can be reduced through social interaction with kleptocrats, psychopaths and oligarchs. This phenomena referred to as ” displacement behaviour” is still under investigation. Possibly an unanticipated manifestation of cultural bias on the part of Russian cyber-programmers

Our sage left a footnote of mixed metaphors. Clearly an inducement to all of us in these corona-challenged times to go out and do some serious gardening. His commentary demonstrates to all of us a way out of this mess by returning to our roots. And re- discovering the fruitfulness of nature.

Melania – Bot compatible and fully programmable for dysfunctional and anti social cliques on the fringe of society. A perfect companion for those who have everything, and yet, have NOTHING!

With regard to the Hedges lecture I have always been stimulated by a low-cut hedge (or bush) particularly cut in the South American style. I hope you don’t think I’m  trying to edge out of this  by hedging my bets  but the entire business had me on edge from the start. As a gardener in the past I was called upon by many members of the opposite sex to plough up their furrows and then to gently manipulate their bushes. I found this manipulation splendidly stimulating and look forward to repeating it as soon as possible.


Hang every genius you can find and  the lunatic under the rock stays there, forever.

Melania- Bot compatible for hostile environments. Comes with complete designer wardrobe guaranteed against “costume malfunction’

Smug, Sinecured and Safe

Vice-chancellor Duncan Maskell revealed how badly the prestigious university has been hit by the COVID-19 crisis in an appeal to staff on Thursday, when he urged them to agree to a 2.2 per cent pay cut. (The Age)

“This is an extremely difficult decision at a challenging time for our community,” Professor Maskell said.

Duncan, the very model of a modern Vice Chancellor. Steadfast to the principle of. accountancy.

“It affects many dedicated and hard-working staff members who have worked tirelessly for the university, especially over the last six months.”


Well put Duncan, we’re in furious agreement with you DEEP CUTS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE!

But ultimately, we’re utterly flabbergasted.

They ( The University of Melbourne)  asked us at pcbycp to write the draft response and they edited the bit we were most PASSIONATE ABOUT out,

Dunk, On the job, signing, the UNI’s handover to the metric of the budget bottom line.

But just for the record here’s the unedited transcript. That’s the trouble with Uni these days, everything written on campus has to go through the Campus Confucian Centre. And now the student union is no longer compulsory, its the only place you can get a half price special fried rice, two dimmies and a drink on campus.


” And as Vice Chancellors right across the industry, we shall fight to the death our rights to obscene levels of remuneration, and stand fast with the Communist Party of China in identifying student Hong Kong seditionists and charging then under section 15 C of the enemy aliens act ( Incorporated as law Beijing march 2020).

Dunk enjoys a photo op at the ( Now student union fees are no longer compulsory) at the empty Caf.

And as further proof of our steadfast loyalty to the Communist party of China in ensuring that ‘rivers of gold’ shall flow from the resumption of student admissions, we will work in concert with ALL UNIVERSITIES to ensure hideously low wages for operatives to keep them ‘grateful” and “Humble” and  the censorship of all anti party propaganda as University LAW.

And I say this with much conviction. We stand firm with Twiggy Forrest and Dan Tehan in de-funding humanities courses as they are not spade ready for the two pillars of the Australian economy ‘digging up shit and real estate’.

This is the image that Dunk sent to his mates in the Politburo to prove that there was no LIFE left at the UNI.

And finally, and I say this with some confidence, there is more life in a corona affected special accomodation home than you will find at Melbourne University. WE stand proud on our record of turning universities into vocational colleges and visa factories. And rest assured all our permanent staff are 100% Supine, sinecured and smug. Whist our contract staff, (the vast majority) are vulnerable, dissolute and utterly disposable. Neo-liberalism (said with a triumphant hand on heart) has delivered us a REVOLUTION in looking after the only metric that counts, the budget bottom line.

Just remember, as codified in our recent tour to the Annual Party Congress in which we were very happy to meet the leaders of our country, “Your children are Safe at Melbourne cos they never ever will have the need to ask the reason Why”?

IN his youth, Dunk prospered from a free tertiary education. He even read books then..(well… text books)

As the logo outside the John Medley building proclaims, they shall ” Believe”.

Paul Mees, criticised Government Transport policy and public private partnerships. Was hounded out of the UNI and DIED shortly thereafter.

BELIEVE in the sanctity of service and the decrees of obedience as laid out by an ultra conservative who goes by the moniker of “Dunkeld Farmer” and all who stand courageously to  dismember the filthy shibboleth of MUP and FREEDOM of SPEECH. To hound out malcontents like PAUL MEES, who proclaim truth and filthy government contracts to ensure by persecution and obscenely high legal costs they be punished and DIE!

No paper issued for this university shall EVER offer an alternative vision other than JOBS and GROWTH.

Incidentally, since writing this my super has incremented by another 25% and my leave loading has quintupled… Essay marking? 24 dollars per hundred and they should be grateful. WE all have to do heavy lifting. I had to lift a book once by my own hand as an undergraduate, funny? Universities were free then. It was a struggle. The politicking and the back-stabbing of those infected with ethics and principles, but in the end I prevailed. And of original thought, of spirited public offerings to challenge, to think, to question? I have remained a tomb. It’s not the the right for Vice Chancellors to think for the betterment of society at large. Rather it’s the role to LEAD. To demonstrate LEADERSHIP and POWER!!! By looking after the other CEO’s who carry the burden of making RIVERS of GOLD for THEMSELVES! AND  I make myself perfectly clear, by looking after the ESTABLISHMENT and FILTHY RICH BILLIONAIRE TAX KICKBACK CORPORATE DONORS!

Dunk sent this-un to China, enrolments soared.

As a fully CORPORATE CEO!!!

To talk of ” belt tightening” whilst enjoying all that holding high office entails, free tickets to any footy or cricket match, membership to club-land, and VIP, First Class Junketeering to any place on the GLOBE for EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND AS AN UNQUESTIONED DIVINE RIGHT!!

My autobiography, “Sinecured, smug and safe” is to be released next month. Published by MUP. I have Dan Tehan giving the oration..

Introspection? Never heard of it .

Dunk chose this one as his favourite; ” Whichever way you look at it, it’s utterly meaningless”,

“Waiter, this wine is corked, I asked for the Margot 54 you dolt!!

MDFF 8 August 2020 – The Long Arm of the Law

Salvete amicis,

When we married, Wendy’s father gave us a Holden Ute (remember those?). In 1967 we were pulled up in Geelong. You know that old adage: “Ignorance of the law….”

The vehicle was registered as a ‘primary producer’s vehicle’ (at a reduced rate) and could legally only be driven from Wendy’s parents’ home to and from Wendy’s father’s farm near Casterton.
Thus started our crime spree. Being mostly absent from Victoria during the Nickel Boom, summonses to appear in court reached us too late and eventually we ended up as fugitives in Canada.

In 1973, children in Wendy’s class were quite excited when a policeman, unannounced, knocked on the open door of the classroom. “Why is Nangala Mrs. Baarda in trouble?” “Nyarrpa jarija?”(What did she do?”) they buzzed.
The long arm of the law had at last caught up with Wendy. A Papunya policeman had come to collect the long overdue fine. Wendy paid the modest fine and that was the end of the matter.

A lot of water has since flown under the bridge and drastic changes have taken place in policing, not least in its pervasiveness. Indigenous Australia has born the brunt of the increased reach of the long arm of the law.

But just as the situation seems to have reached a new low, we are bamboozled into new hope.

The Council of Attorneys Generals (CAG) were to meet soon and media speculation was that they would change the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 (from children to older children).

The Government touted that the Closing the Gap initiative would be redesigned with for the first time consultation and agreement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait representative bodies.

On 27th July CAG held their meeting and reported that the Age of Criminal Responsibility Working Group had “… identified the need for further work to occur regarding the need for adequate processes and services for children who exhibit offending behaviour…”

Call me cynical but in my opinion the CAG have exhibited offending behaviour.

On 30th July in a media release Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the new Closing the Gap agreement is an historic achievement.

This excited me so much I delved deeper and am pleased to tell you all about some of the new targets:

Target 10: By 2031, reduce the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults held in incarceration by at least 15%

Target 11: By 2031, reduce the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (10-17 years) held in incarceration by at least 30%

I’m not particularly worried about Clause 144 of the agreement, which tells me the agreement is not legally enforceable. I’ve been assured in the media release that all parties to the agreement intend to do their best, which is good enough for me, particularly coming from the political party that introduced core and non-core promises to the Australian political landscape.

A few weeks ago an important Warlpiri man and friend was flown to Adelaide Hospital in a serious condition. One of his grandsons was appointed as his official minder.

At the same time as PM Morrison was telling us the good news, our friend’s 23 year old grandson was spotted smoking in Rundle Mall. In Yuendumu the smoking ban in Adelaide’s Rundle Mall has not exactly received a lot of publicity. The grandson was duly questioned by a policeman and it turns out that on a previous occasion when he was in South Australia (Port Augusta) he’d been fined for a traffic offence. Despite the fact that he thought the fine had been paid off (it turned out he still owed $200) he was locked up.

But he needn’t despair, the Closing the Gap mob are going to reduce incarceration of Yapa adults by at least 1.5% per year.

Vide te mox



Kenny Rogers- The Long Arm of the Law


Lucky Dube- Prisoner (Lyrics)


Lajamanu Teenage Band- Prisoner