Modern Chinese Insults Understood

For reliable and fact verified coverage of world events

Dear reader, we at pcbycp are shocked and deeply disturbed by some of the well-crafted insults thrown at us by senior tiers of the Chinese Communist party. In this latest series of pan Sino-Australian invective we recoil and wince in visible pain to the breadth and creativity of well crafted words and worry that we may have gone to far in asking the party to offer some sort of explantation for closing down the worlds economy. Though we bewail the cost and the break it’s put on our singular cultural pursuit, (shopping and real estate) we see the silver lining.  It’s given us clear skies, and for some amongst us renewed pleasure in knowing that there’s no place like home. 

Unbiased objective coverage of global issues

At breakfast we absorb with utter devotion every detail of the “People’s Daily”, and the “ Global Times” (possibly more factually rigorous than either “The Truth” or “Pravda”) and enthral to the efforts of the Yang-Dung workers collective and their increase in annual production of manure spreading on the Dai-shan Agricultural Enterprise.  From our great distance, we sigh and wish that we too could be part of this wonderful enterprise and witness first- hand the  inspired leadership of the Communist Party.  Led by selfless leaders who at no personal gain to themselves guide the Peoples Republic to a glorious future. Sadly as far as we got “The Glorous Julie Bishop Foundation” was quashed by anti Chinese hysteria and like the Hong Kong Bookseller, never had a chance. 

Recognition of greatness and leadership

But seriously we are disturbed by the ignorance shown by the Australian Government into the true meaning of alleged insults hurled across the Pacific. Who dont understand the very real threat of crippling sanctions in our brazen and ungrateful attempts to ask the reason why.

To describe Australia as “the chewing gum stuck on the sole of ones shoe” has been taken as a perjorative and derogatory reference by senior levels of the Australian government. “Sometimes you need a hard rock to scrape it off”, was seen as equally offensive, suggesting that like chewing gum we could be compared to other viscous, and adhering material found on the pavement. The mind boggles. 

Sadly, not all rejoice in LEADERSHIP!

The respected “Peoples Daily” and ‘Global Times” have described the Australian Governments call for an enquiry and subsequent adoption of an EU resolution as ‘a  joke’, and other common colloquial expressions such as  “Wonton short of a Uighur”, “Up the collectives manure spreader without a brush” and “Two Wongs wont make it white” have become common currency in the Middle Kingdom. The question is should Australia make a stand? And what insult should we hurl back?

May we suggest it’s all a misunderstanding

Our leader, (man on the left)

In Mandarin, Chewing gum, (currency amongst the politburo elite) was once highly prized. More prized than ground Rhino-horn, Coelocanth testicle and Pangolin brain extract. To “wipe the chewing gum off ones boot” was considered a sign of indolent luxury. The anthem of the Chiang-jy workers collective, “ Oh that we be chewing gum” is still sung by older party members who still sock away the odd stick of Wrigleys left by American troops in support of Chiang Ki Shek. A talisman of the glory days. When one stick could bribe a party official or sway a war lord.  “To scrape ones boot”, as described by the communist poet Weng shu fang, (before his execution during the Cultural Revolution) is to understand the beauty of collective farms and arbitrary arrest.

Outstanding Australian Journalism, sadly is a thing of the past.

The Australian Government needs to be more nuanced in its approach. Rather than recoil in shock and horror and apologise for suggesting any level of enquiry we should see these insults for what they are, recognition by the ‘other superpower’ that we are worthy. In Uighurstan they dont even bother with the insults they just round em up and kill em. It’s been a plank of Australian indigenous policy for several centuries. Why should we complain when it’s directed at us? Better to understand than be understood. And in the end, they’re bigger than us, and by rights to our other great ally we should always apologise when in doubt. And recognise our status as a quarry and a repository for well directed bribes. 

We shoud be so lucky. 

The lucky country. 

Some poetry of a Mondee

Dear reader, because we know you love poetry on a Sunday, and sometimes are left wanting, we’ve got another serve for a Monday. This is from our very own lawyer X, and when not working on the Witness K defence is seen performing mime alone, from his Corona cell. We wish him well.


This one is called “Intersections” Does it allude to our fraught relationship with China or America? The individual who can provide us with the biggest bribe will win this short comp.



She lovingly held his hand

While crossing the road.

He was all the joy and wonder of a life to be lived, with much to explore.

She selflessly gave of herself,

As they laughingly made their way to the park.

Mum and son.


He lovingly held her hand

While crossing the road.

She was all the joy and wonder of a life that had been lived, with more to explore.

He gave selflessly of himself,

As they gently made their way to the park.

Son and mum.

Remember today.

Hold hands.

And welcome tomorrow with a smile.

MDFF 23 May 2020 Bobbies on Bicycles

Hiya unprecedented fellow boat occupants,
(from the “we are all in the same boat” and “this pandemic is unprecedented” virus clichés)

Many young people will not believe me when I assert that I grew up with the stereotype of unarmed policemen as friendly bobbies who helped old ladies across the road.

Roger Miller’s 1960s hit: England Swings: Bobbies on Bicycles (two by two)

Some years ago a number of Yuendumu vehicles headed up the Tanami Road to Lajamanu to attend a Royalty Distribution meeting. Unfortunately one of the vehicles struck a camel (camels have a bad habit of unexpectedly crossing the road) resulting in two Warlpiri fatalities plus a number of wounded. The accident happened between Chilla Well (Jila) which is 110 km north of Yuendumu and the Granites Gold Mine which is another 150 km further.

The next morning a group of anxious people gathered at my office. They’d heard there had been an accident. They knew all the people who had set off in the vehicles (all friends and relatives) but had no further details.

I rang Yuendumu Police Station and the policeman who answered the phone had come across from Nyirrpi (150 km west of Yuendumu) that morning. He was in charge of the station because Yuendumu police had to attend an accident. No, he couldn’t tell me anything because relatives had to be notified first. I pointed out there was a good chance that the relatives were standing in my office. This didn’t sway him, so I asked could he at least tell me where the accident had happened and when; so the people in my office could work out which vehicle was likely to have been involved as they knew in what sequence the vehicles had set off. Turns out he’d never heard of Chilla Well and didn’t know how far the Granites was. I didn’t bother to enlighten him, he told me nothing, so why should I tell him anything?

So next I rang Bruce Farrands at the since closed Rabbit Flat Road House. The previous day Bruce had received a call from Emergency Services (Darwin?). They asked him if he’d heard anything about an accident in his area so he told them he hadn’t but down the road towards Yuendumu there was the Granites Gold Mine which had an emergency mine rescue crew on 24 hour stand by and he gave them the mine’s phone number. Until Bruce had told them they weren’t aware of the mine’s existence.

The following morning Bruce rang the mine to find out what happened. The mine had been instructed not to give any information out to anybody (the next of kin had to be notified first). They told Bruce nothing.

Later we found out that the mine rescue team had picked up a number of wounded people, took them back to the Granites and put them on the Flying Doctor plane to Alice Springs. The police and clinic staff picked up the bodies and some less seriously wounded passengers the next morning and returned to Yuendumu in the afternoon. A crowd gathered at the clinic and started wailing as soon as they found out who had died. I don’t know if the police knew who the relatives of the deceased were, but there was no need for them to notify the relatives. Almost instantaneously all of Yuendumu knew what had happened and who the victims were.

So a couple of days ago I went to Alice Springs Hospital for a routine “procedure” (have my plumbing checked).
On the Stuart Highway, a few km south of the Tanami Road turnoff 15 km north of Alice Springs, there was a roadblock manned by two police and a soldier. I was made to slow down and was then waved through.  I had to stay overnight in isolation at a motel in Alice Springs and on the way back I had to once again go through the roadblock but this time had to stop and hand in two forms which exempted me from having to go into quarantine for 14 days before being allowed to return to Yuendumu. This time there were two policemen but no soldier.

There was no possibility of me confusing the pair with Bobbies on Bicycles two by two. They were dressed as ninjas and had guns and much other paraphernalia on their persons so that even if they’d had bicycles they would have had difficulty mounting them.

I had to help my interrogator with spelling ‘Yuendumu’. I don’t think he knew were Yuendumu is.
Maybe just as well.

¿Que te ha pasado justicia? (What has happened to you- Justice?)

Y al policia que era amigo, lo tengo como rivál…
(… the police who was my friend, is now my enemy…)



Stacked for GAS!


We at pcbycp are delighted wih the current trend in Federal Government decision making. 

Hannah Clarke and her kids, needn’t have worried about the Feds doing anything. The economy is way more important.

Firstly we’d just like to take this opportunity to thank the domestic violence enquiry for their excellent deliberations. (The Senate inquiry into domestic violence, set up days after a Brisbane mother and her three children were burned to death, has wrapped up three months early, without taking submissions or holding public hearings. ABC News 20/5 ).Taking a leaf from Witness K all the deliberations of this Senate Enquiry were done without public scrutiny, submissions or any external force of experience, wisdom and analysis. Sensibly they’ve decided that enough is being done and that’s good enough. WE approve. As stated in Leviticus Chapter 2 v5. ‘If she annoys, even in as much as making a sneering or dismissive gesture, we must unite as the patriachy and she must be  stoned.’ So good to see God-fearing elected politicians ensuring the principle that women shall still be killed as a fundamental plank of Australian Domestic policy. As Lord Rupert of Murdoch himself famously said, “ A society without fear is one depleted of negativity and the truth that dreams and aspirations are not for ordinary people, but the wealthy’. On this principle of universal impoverishment WE concur wholheartedly. 

But this is the just the metaphorical tip of the kitchen knife, axe, sword, garden rake, length of pipe, claw hammer, saw, rope, cable-tie, nine gauge wire,  petrol bowser conflagration, and shooting, immolation, death through strangulation, smothering, mutilation, throwing off the cliff, drive by shooting and rape tortutre and mental abuse of good decison making. 

Angus and Scomo having a laugh over Jam- Land and Carbon sequestration.

There’s more. 

The Select Committee on Energy,  released their discussion paper. Stacked to the brim with climate denialist fossil-fuel lobbyists they came to the inescapable conclusion that Australia is not ready for full scale renewables. Hosted by that stalwart of  native grass protection, and the doctor of doctored documents, Angus Taylor, this  is just what the doctor ordered. The potential of renewables on cost, convenience and sheer common sense is eschewed and sidelined by more Fossil Fuels investment. Chief amongst them Gas. And this is the punchline, we are back to Year 1 of the Abbott ascendancy.  There is room, it’s on the table, it’s a second coming, for that great shibboleth of the fossil fuel lobby group.  Clean Coal. 

The aptly named Nev Power, the bloke from Fortescue who heads the Energy enquiry. ONYA NEV!

Excuse us, for effect we repeat it in bold type. …CLEAN COAL!!

Thankyou Angus. Once again you know how to look after your self interest and those of the lobbyist. Once again an opportunity for an engaged, imaginative, and ecolocically, economically and industrially suportive move into renerwables has been stiffed by you and your mates. 

And we at Pcbycp are so happy. We are happy for the billions more that will be spent on Clean Coal technologies.  After the billions already spent on CCT we know that none of them work. Yet, stoically there’s still taxpayers millions to be thown to the wind, sorry into the pit. Who said ‘Black wasn’t GOLD’!

This bloke couldn’t win a meat tray in a raffle. He’s the gold standard in non- public enquiries. We tried to interview the other bloke, ( Julian Syringe) but he’s not taking calls.

We jump for joy that you’ve stiffed an opportunity for a home grown energy industry that isnt just sucking stuff up or digging stuff out. We applaud your nostalgic determination to keep Australian industry needs and the pollution welded to archaic energy policy. We are overjoyed, that through the sterling work of yourself and your lobbyists who pay you, there is no energy policy.  No sensible carbon tax. No concept of adaptation to a cleaner future.  We delight in the joy of seeing the taxpayer, who happens to be the beneficiary of gas sold to us at vastly higher pricas than we export it to the rest of the world screwed……. again.  You’ve arrived at an energy policy that fits with our domestic violence policy, that nothing shall change, and in that we are safe from the fear of realising our potential.

You have enusured another generation of rent – seeking corporations that pay no tax can screw and screw and screw the taxpayer into oblivion. You demonstrated thus with ‘Jam land’, But jam wasn’t what you had in mind for the taxpayer. For them you chose Vegemite. You little Vegemite driller you!*

  • (Dear reader, we are unsure as to what ‘Vegemite driller’ refers to. Clearly it’s a figure of speech, and in colloquial form could suggest a lewd interpretation of unorthodox sexual practices. We have referrred this  matter to the highest authority, the High Court, and await their determination. 
  • We apologise for the tenor of this piece, as it suggests improper practices between the taxpayer and the executive government. All inferences, real or imagined between the government’s relationship to the taxpayer and the practices of the East Ballarat Catholic Diocese to its younger parishoners are entirely co- incidental.)

    The real leader of Australia (Twiggy) talks to the other leader, (the bloke who represents China, and Twiggy’s interests) and looks after Nev. That’s NEV POWER! Don’t forget it. You never (No pun intended)  elected him, but he controls energy policy.

Exit stage left Little Richard

Little Richard

In an era when music was big, big LP records, big radiograms,  big bands, big trombone, and big suits,  little Richard was the biggest of the little big men.  His hair was the full-on triple wave bouffant and his moustache ,earrings and makeup were an affront to all respectable people who tuned into the wireless to be educated. 

Good thing Little Richard eschewed all that, because his great gift from the grave was to instil in all of us the infectious virtuosity of his voice, his technique and laughter.  To give us a sense of fun. To demonstrate how to not just play the piano, but demonstrate with hands, elbows and feet, how to make the piano a  pulsating, syncopating instrument of sexual potency. Rolf never achieved this with the wobble board. Without Little Richard there may not have been an Elvis, and for some brief period (some say a decade) people as great, as significant, as Elton John and Paul Macartney pointed to little Richard as the inspiration. The diminutive little black guy put sex into rock. Before little Richard it was just rock n roll. Bill Haley and three chords? Little Richard took a boppin hillbilly deep south rock of Chuck Berry and the Mississippi blues, from Howlln Wolf and John Lee Hooker somewhere else.  He was the first, BB (Before Bowie) to make it effeminate, androgynous and definitely, (please , God-forbid), homosexual. 

For Little Richard batted for the other team,  in a new genre of music that Liberace wouldn’t touch with Benjamin Brittens baton.  And why? cos he was flamboyantly and devilishly gay. And being an American he went to God. Found him boring, and went back to being entertaining. He realised that his gay-ness was just the pure expression of self and he didn’t need to be embarrassed by it.  He could just worry about being black in an entrenched racist society instead. Rather than worry he laughed.

Playing second fiddle, Liberace and Elvis.

WE all need a bit of Little Richard in our heads these days.  We need a little bit of tutti frutti, and lop bop a loo la a lop bam boo… cos with out it, we might just think that the past sixty odd years of modernism, was just an experiment in which bankers, billionaires and really b grade politicians bought us nowhere with the neo-liberal dream to end up with nothing. And that would be really depressing. And who needs to be depressed when there’s so much good that could be happening in the world. Like great music, and breaking down barriers, between race, gender, sexuality and religion. 

No wonder governments haven’t declared last Monday as ‘Little Richard Day’. With coronavirus, such a thing might makes us think of more important things than money, mortgages and lock-down. We might question the Feds decision to embrace science for corona virus and eschew science for more Coal and GAS. Good thing that Little Richard karked it in the states, cos they’ve got this corona thing under control and know how to redirect their politics to ensure everyone gets a fair go. 

Rolf, Australian own Little Richard. (sort of)

The same might happen here, but with pubs and clubs closed, funding for the arts stiffed, and thinking and imagination capped, we might have a a few little Richards ourselves. But don’t hold your breath, the post corona age will ensure we’re all steeped in fear, and deep worry, and for those unaffected by the corona crisis , who will grow richer still, there is JOY. 

Billionaires will be SAFE in the post corona world. 

A poem of a Sundee


W.H Auden, had a face more wrinkled than Don Chipp. The message is, if you are a deep thinker, it’ll destroy your facebook profile. Stick to shopping.

For comparative purposes we include this portrait of Don Chipp. (for the kiddies out there we must remind you that Donny made the split from the Liberal party under the slogan ” keep the bastards honest’ to found the Australian Democrats, a ‘new wave’ in Australian politics, Eventually they sold out also. That’s why you’ve never heard of them).

Dear reader we wanted to find something empathetic about the end of the British Empire. Or at the very least celebrate (in an under- hand sort of way) that the Poms have out- done the Eye- Ties on corona virus deaths. That really does put the kibosh on pommy exceptionalism. And wot (we wrote this in cockney for our U.K readership) with Brexit and saddling up to Trump, only to be dumped, is about as fin de siècle as you can get. Poor pommy bastards, even on VE Day where every pom is allowed to wallow in the fact that they stood alone against the hun, was a no show. It’s akin to having no red carpet at the Brownlow. UNTHINKABLE! If any-fink was symbolic of the fall of Empire its the fact that Britannia is the absolute wooden spooner in the corona virus stakes. So we looked hard, had a go at Cavafy and, “Waiting for the barbarians” ,  but we thought; “Jeez, we should get a Pom to deliver the coup de grace”. So thinking of Boris and his corona batting average, we came up with Auden. This seemed singularly apt, for being an Anglo-American, he encapsulates just what’s so globally progressive about Johnson and Trump. Children of the neo – liberalist mind set. Ayn Rand’s love Children. Bit like the Anne Hamilton Byrne family sect with extra peroxide.  And what a sect they’ve become!!


Auden loved a smoke! It made his writing better.

We dedicate this to the next empire and the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’. And the conviction that in the new era, there’ll be a lot of belting and plenty of lonely roads. And as Donald said to the American people on corona mortality, “you better get used to it”.


Anyway, here’s Auden, he also wrote “The Age of Anxiety” and dedicated it to either the National Party leadership or  Prince William before he was even born. Its eerily presentimental.

The Fall of Rome

W. H. Auden – 1907-1973

The piers are pummelled by the waves;

In a lonely field the rain

Lashes an abandoned train;

Outlaws fill the mountain caves.

Fantastic grow the evening gowns;

Agents of the Fisc pursue

He could smoke, drink and speak all at the same time.

Absconding tax-defaulters through

The sewers of provincial towns.

Private rites of magic send

The temple prostitutes to sleep;

All the literati keep

An imaginary friend.

Cerebrotonic Cato may

Extol the Ancient Disciplines,

But the muscle-bound Marines

These days pollies can only do one thing at the same time.

Mutiny for food and pay.

Caesar’s double-bed is warm

As an unimportant clerk


On a pink official form.

Unendowed with wealth or pity,

Little birds with scarlet legs,

Sitting on their speckled eggs,

Eye each flu-infected city.

Altogether elsewhere, vast

That’s why they have minders.

Herds of reindeer move across

Miles and miles of golden moss,

Silently and very fast.

MDFF 9 May 2020 Yurampi


Everyone is doing it, commenting on the pandemic, so why not me?:

a) Our leaders are telling us what to do and have deployed a horde of uniformed armed enforcers. It would have been much nicer if they’d asked us instead. We’re too old to have fingers wagged at us.

b) They’re determined to get the economy back to what they define as ‘normal’.

I beg to differ: a headlong rush to the climate change cliff edge, less than a hundred people owning half the earth’s wealth and resources, whole countries being bombed into oblivion and much more, is not my dream of normal.
Ozzy Osbourne- Dreamer…wondering will Mother Earth survive…

c) Millions of people on earth are enjoying a respite from ever increasing pollution, surely they should factor this in when planning a post-corona world?

That’s enough on that.

I may not have got the following entirely right, but I’ll do my best:

The main songline or dreaming path to cross Yuendumu is a Yurampi-jukurrpa (honey ant dreaming)

What determines a child’s jukurrpa, is the place where, after conception the child quickens in the mother’s womb, indicating that a child spirit from that place has entered the child. Thus there are many people born in Alice Springs Hospital who came to this world as Yuendumu Yurampi children.

Kate Thompson is an author who lives in Ireland. Last year her book Provenance was published.

A lot of stuff written about Aboriginal Australia and its interaction with whitefellow society makes me cringe, so it is always an immense pleasure when a book like Kate’s comes along which is both enjoyable and credible.

Her fictional story includes the following in the acknowledgements:
“Thanks also to the residents,
yapa and kardiya, of the Warlpiri community of Yuendumu, who were so generous with their time and knowledge.”

Kate did a lot of her research and writing of this book whilst “house-sitting” in Yuendumu. It is fair to say that the story quickened in Yuendumu and the book is therefore a Yuendumu Yurampi book.

Here you can check out the first 50 or so pages




One of my all time favourites- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young….Teach your Children…

and one of my latest favourites-

Heidy Ocampos- Galopera:

Or same song and singer on Paraguayan TV-

After the Royal Commission, Pell is STILL a Cardinal.

Totally Innocent and redeemed in the eyes of an all loving GOD….( and Rome)

Pell is entirely innocent. 


At the end of the day, when all is said and done. It doesn’t matter what the Royal Commission findings were, the Pope and Pell himself have walked away. Its a “You beaut” victory for the patriarchy!

Dear reader, this may come as no surprise, but at last we have it from the Cardinal himself, he did nuffink wrong. And he qualified his innocence with his proclamation that the evidence presented to the Royal Commission was all distorted.  There is no factual basis for anything that was flung at him. So there you have it, in spite of fhis original sin, he aint sinned. And as the Pope will tell you “he’s still a fucken Cardinal”. 

Which is Rome’s way of giving Australia the one fingered salute. 

Prince Andrew and the under-age sheila. DOCTORED-FAKE NEWS!

“Onya Rome” !!

We at pcbycp are so relieved it aint funny. Half of the case against Pell was circumstantial and hearsay. He was alleged to have turned a blind eye when little kiddies were buggered, broken and tossed aside by his mates. Mates he shared digs with. He said he had no idea, that the entire system he grew up in and presided over was stuffed, and a haven for sexual deviants, psychos and sadists. He’d know he’s a fucken Cardinal fer chrissakes. And the worst of it, when none of his mates were done for rodgering hundreds of little kiddies, who then subsequently went on to have miserable lives and killed themselves with self loathing, Pell, showed em the door, and told em to stop complaining.  He was right, the victims, wallowing in victim- hood were wrong. Christ suffered, and according to Pell’s creed, you’re not really having a proper life unless your suffering. Not that he suffered, but you cant expect him to do what the congregation does cos he’s a fucken Cardinal. GET IT! He lives a comfy-chair existence, to prove he’s closer to God. Those other poor bastards have shitty miserable fucked-over lives, cos they’re not as close to God. They pay money, build the churches, bequeathe their properties, souls and children to God, to be buggered over, cos that’s the will of an all loving GOD!  And Gods message is ; “Pell’s still a Cardinal, so youse can stick it’!

What disturbed us,  was just because he shared digs with his deviant mates for decades he was fingered for being a pedo-lover cos he turned up and gave a good word to his mate Risdale. There was the doctored photo going round of Pell and Risdale . Not the one Pell took of Risdale buggering little boys, (that’s in his private collection) but this is the one of just mates hanging around outside the Magistrates Court. 

In all fairness, you can’t nail a bloke just cos he hangs around with deviants. Mateship, (under an all loving God) goes deeper than that. And our royal correspondent, none other than Prince Andrew, has weighed in to say Pell is clearly innocent of any wrongdoing. ‘That photo of the sheila I was banging with Jeffrey Epstein is fake, and as proof of my distaste for that kind of thing I have pubically shamed dear ol Geoff by calling his conduct “unbecoming”. In actual fact I stayed with him for three whole days, and shagged all these Sheilas just to let him know how disgusted I was’. 

Prince Andrew is right, and he’s right to give George the royal slaute. Now George is innocent he can live a free life hundreds of miles away from victims on Sydney harbour.  An innocent man. Morally, ethically, spiritually on the phone to Rome and God. All round good bloke who may never ever need to think for a moment of those who were tortured under his watch. For introspection in a man of such standing is both un-becoming and un- Godly. 

George and Risdale. Doctored and FAKE NEWS!

There’s benediction in that. 


More poetically inclined fragments on a Sunday

Dear Poetry lover,


Jules Henri

After last Sundays brilliantly poignant piece we decided after vigorous discussion to include this masterpiece from the other worst poet of all time. Thoophile Jules-Henri Marzials.  Allegedly, Marzials was a British composer, singer, and poet. He was also the author of a poetry collection, the wonderfully named The Gallery of Pigeons and Other Poems (1873). It is in The Gallery of Pigeons that we find Marzials’ masterpiece, if that is quite the word: the poem ‘A Tragedy’, which is more of a farce than a tragedy, although undoubtedly its claim to being a tragedy is rather tragic. Bit like Coronavirus and the leadership demonstrated to Australia at large by Twiggy Forrest, who entirely and  altruistically saved Australia’s relationship wth China. We dedicate this poem to Twiggy.


Here is the poem, reproduced in full:

A Tragedy



The barges down in the river flop.

Flop, plop.

Above, beneath.

From the slimy branches the grey drips drop,

As they scraggle black on the thin grey sky,

Where the black cloud rack-hackles drizzle and fly

To the oozy waters, that lounge and flop

On the black scrag piles, where the loose cords plop,

As the raw wind whines in the thin tree-top.

Plop, plop.

And scudding by

The boatmen call out hoy! and hey!

All is running water and sky,

And my head shrieks – ‘Stop,’

And my heart shrieks – ‘Die.’

My thought is running out of my head;

My love is running out of my heart,

My soul runs after, and leaves me as dead,

For my life runs after to catch them – and fled

They all are every one! – and I stand, and start,

At the water that oozes up, plop and plop,

On the barges that flop

And dizzy me dead.

I might reel and drop.



And the shrill wind whines in the thin tree-top

Flop, plop.

John Betjeman gives Jules Henri the nod

A curse on him.

Ugh! yet I knew – I knew –

If a woman is false can a friend be true?

It was only a lie from beginning to end –

My Devil – My ‘Friend’

I had trusted the whole of my living to!

Ugh; and I knew!


So what do I care,

And my head is empty as air –

I can do,

I can dare,

(Plop, plop

The barges flop

Drip drop.)

I can dare! I can dare!

And let myself all run away with my head

And stop.



Plop, flop.

We dedicate this poem to Twiggy, who selflessly saved Australia, saved us from the mining tax, ensured that the nations riches were diverted to a few for safe keeping, bought an airline, and knows what’s good for aboriginal Australians, cos he’s an ordinary billionaire bloke who knows what ordinary Australians want.   God bless him.


A full hatful of Wot-if scenarios…. (In Cantonese)

Dear reader, we take off where we left yesterday, with the conflation of our vexed relationship with Formosan Tea and the unforeseen consequences of falling foul of our economic partners. As you remember we begged the question:

Wotif we were so reliant on one single trading partner for everything we were truly stuffed?

Being a bit apprehensive how this hypothetical was unfolding we decided on the spot to jump the gun and speed off down to the local supermarket, determined to do only one thing,  buy Australian. And prove we could do it ALONE!

After an hour or two we came away with some tooth picks, a pencil sharpener, and some tea towels. We wanted to get tea bags, but all of the tea was Formosan, (even Lan Choo) and the other stuff (Tea from Ceylon)  had sold out. Seems like the public have gone toilet roll on anything that’s made from the “other China”.

Alexander Downer, What he doesn’t know about foreign policy and Fair-Play is nobody’s business.

The tea towels were made in Bangladesh, and the tooth picks from ‘responsibly harvested Indonesian rainforest’. The pencil sharpener, said, “Korea”. We looked at a map, and checked it as ‘OK’. Still, we realised if we didn’d buy anything from the angry “other China”, we’d be safe, provided we find a comfy cave to dwell in and didn’t need electricity, (they own it) lights, (they’re the sole manufacturers), or matches (we don’t make em anymore). We consoled ourselves we’d be right with kero, though the refinery is closed and we’re waiting for our order to arrive from Tennessee.

Matter of fact, we’d have to ditch the computer, the car, the washing machine,…… everything, and just rely on the ol Imperial. Though we’d be stuffed for ribbons. Which begged the question if we make this stand, who is the winner gonna be?

Surely us, cos we kept out integrity intact.

And we’ll be self sufficient.

Witness K

And stand on principal.

We asked witness K, and he reckons Australia is the full bottle on integrity, and why the Chinese wont co-operate on an open enquiry without any political agenda except, doing the right thing by our other big mate is beyond him. And he should know, he’s going down for principles, though we’re buggered if we know what he uses as a defense, cos that’s a state secret. And our state secrets, even the improsonment of citizens without open trial is ok, because we’re the good guys and play a straight bat in Cantonese.

East Timor turned down the Australian Governments offer of a new Coat of arms.

Alexander Downer told us himself; ‘You’ve gotta hold rogue states to task. Or otherwise they’ll run all over you’. he should know he organised the partnership between East Timor and Kellogs.

And at the end of the day, (funny it’s much easier getting into any of the unis these days, and the campuses seem empty)  as Mr Dutton said; ‘if you dont do the right thing by your mates trust suffers. And that buggers up the friendship;.

And he’d know cos he was a Queensland copper.

Nowadays he’s just a politician.