A defining moment in Anglo American relations.
Dear reader, by now some of you may be aware of the vexed question of diplomatic relations. How the UK ambassadors private description of the US President as ‘inept’ and ‘dysfunctional’ was leaked to the press. And how in the consequent furore, the diplomat was encouraged to take a leap by the presumptive PM Boris Johnston. On both sides of the Atlantic, pundits have sought to mark this as a new low in diplomatic relations. And a new low in the exercise of balanced protocols in favour of a more dynamic exercise of power nuanced though the principles of hubris, narcissism, immaturity and short-termism. The truth of the matter is that they’ve got it all wrong.
The President of the United States is the man of our time. And the presumptive PM Boris Johnston, is the right man to lead UK from the wilderness to the uncharted waterfall that lies at either corner of the flat earth.
And gladly their collective vision repudiates the evil, misdirected conspiracy of scientists and historians to subvert the course of western civilisation through the principles of objectivity and clear mindedness. Because of this, we the public have been hoodwinked by elites who seek to destroy our understanding of things as they REALLY are, with fake news and crony-ism. Trump and Johnston, are symbols of our release from the curse of objectivity. The latest intelligence on Trumps repudiation of the Iran nuclear deal clear evidence of bi partisan clear sightedness of a common objective. We await further analysis from the good folk of the Catholic Boys Daily. ( the Australian).
But it was last week when the President staged his fantastic and worthy fourth of July the facts were revealed. One hundred and twenty seven years before the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, the Americans possessed a formidable airforce. No wonder the British coveted them, and it defines a moment in our collective history buried under the weight of FAKE NEWS.
What were these aircraft you may say?
They were formidable and untried, and yet, at that moment of need their contribution was inestimable. As Washington said himself, “ in their finest hour.”
And it is not to be forgotten the British possessed their own aircraft.
The following, just a snapshot of the aeroplanes that contributed so much to the war of independence,
On the British side, the Cuthbert Cornwallis.
And the Bristol Brexit
On the American side, the Liberty Belle
The Potomac Pusher
And the legendary Bunkered Hill
And none finer than the Galvaston Grater
An aeroplane that made America Great.
And history. A correct understanding of history, a tale of enlightenment that makes America truly free and Great. Just like Britain will do when they dump the interfering EU in favour of am alliance with the US. To do to them what 1776 did to George 111.