outstanding Federal Environment Minister Mellissa Price. Last seen beyond star system NDIS 24/7 epsilon 5. In search of biota not yet killed off by ADANI.
The latest threat to Australian democracy looms in the shape of a the binary neutron star which (even as we type) is sucking up trillions of tons of matter.

When not entrenching respect for the needy and dispossessed and augmenting his extensive portfolio of investment properties the Greens candidate employs telepathic funds transfer to sustain his empathy for just causes.
Thus, (scientifically speaking) this extra terrestrial alien cosmos is making everything in its path….. immaterial. The great astro-physical vacuum cleaner (The GAPVC) was nominated last year in the Prime Minister awards for Literature, “The Power of Nothing”, until it subsequently became clear that a member of the Coalition had inserted Coalition climate policy into the awards by mistake. Since rectifying this error, the star is no longer eligible for the award, but may still be eligible to sit on the floor of parliament or find entry as a 457 visa holder. The Environment Minister, Melissa Price is keen to establish contact with the neutron star and gauge its preparedness to be utilised for carbon offsets in light of the excellent work being undertaken by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation in eradicating this particularly popular tourist destination.

Trevor St Barker. Got the government to turn 1 million into 770 million. Proof of Binary star system influencing gravity waves.
‘Finding a species of star that turns every atom of existence into nothing is an encouraging starting point for our re-branded climate policy. It points to a way forward between the exigencies of balancing increasing demand for raw materials, energy and consumer goods and the short term needs of the neutron star. And as the binary neutron star system is a billion trillion light years away its in perfect sync to the Australian electoral cycle and the web footed Potaroo slated for extinction on the Adani mine site. We hope that via synergies of gravitational wave energy, and input from the belt and road initiative and free trade discussions currently on hold with North Korea, The Peoples Republic of China, Russia and Turkmenistan, we have the capacity to establish the first ever inter galactic climate policy which is entirely 100 percent carbon based. Such an initiative will have broad and encouraging ramifications for this valuable sector and demonstrate our credentials in destroying biota through the three pillars of Greed, Carelessness and Indifference. That’s why we plan to call it “Murray Darlin Basin Plan mark 3”. We’ll put it all under the auspices of his most excellent Barnaby Joyce, and ensure that this space race is over before it’s begun. Thus delivering positive outcomes for the taxpayer.
We are delighted to report that the recent departure of the Chief Executive Officer of the NDIS has just left for a hugely paying job for a firm associated with delivering services to the needy, the ill and the dispossessed. They need private enterprise, to pick them up, to help them out, and charge them heinously, so that, they may get well.
Which begs the question.
What does Clive Palmer and Fraser Anning know about making Australia Great……again?
The answer they say…..“is written in the binary neutron stars’..