WE at pcbycp are deeply worried about the black cloud. WE are so worried and deeply troubled by the reassuring Murdoch press. The Australian headline, “Coal is better than good for humanity’ has us troubled. WE suspect there may be a hidden agenda.
And so we sought the advice of our top scientist, he’d left for the UK. We then trawled the halls of academic excellence, Melbourne University. We commissioned the School of Earth Sciences to set up a laboratory to try and find out what powered the creeping blackness. WE spent quite a bit of money. Several million, then more and then before we knew what we’d committeed over half a billion dollars to the cause. For a week we waited and in spite of repeated requests the senior academic in charge assured us that the antedote was forthcoming,. Still no answer, though we were impresed that something was happening. The staff had increased to five hundred, their letterheads were stunningily corporate, and the Executive Officers overseeing the research had taken themselves on a junket to Bermuda. We waited, knowing that staying in first class hotels would probably help imeasurably with the research. And after some prompting, knowing that they had to follow up research in Honolulu and the New Hebridies, they returned.
They told us by telex that their finding was positive and we were to await a special announcement on the next Monday.
Breathlessly we waited and then we were summoned to the highest tier of Melbourne University. The Vice Chancellors office. And the Vice Chancellor, beaming, told us, ‘we have the answer’. He looked pretty relieved. We were ecstatic. An answer to the black death sweeping down upon us.
Then, the senior bureaucrat, the Chief Executive Officer of the Black Cloud Research Foundation suggested we sit down. Then florushing a manilla folder he announced; “ This is the answer”. And pulled from the folder a card. He passed it to us. On it the word printed in Bold text, “BELIEVE”.
So this is the answer, ‘Believe”? we enquired.
“YES”! He pounded the table. ‘This is the answer to the black death. Then, turning to the Vice Chancellor; ‘and we‘re offering a twenty five percent discount for overseas long term PHD students and indexing the normal overseas student rate at an un-believable eighty five thou per annum’.

” If you’re gonna stand for something. Stand for NOTHING”. P.M delivers stitrring address on the floor of Parliament.
But… we stared fidgeting, We’re a bit flumoxed, How will these new visa rates and discounts for overseas students help us in the fight against the creeping darkness? He paused, looked at us as though we were stupid. He laughed. His colleague simpered in agreement, “Don’t you understand, this new dispensation wil give confidence to overseas investors and mums and dads investors in China’. And how will that help? ‘It will help because it gives us all confidence that the system is working’.
Working for what? We enquired?
‘Working to ensure that our status in unquestioned, and that we’re seen to be reliable and beyond doubt’.
‘Believe’! he said
‘It’s that simple’.
In what? we said
‘In belief. And that’s unquestionable’.
‘But what of the spirit of the enlightenment and the question why’?, We said in desperation
‘To ask Why? Erodes the principles of Believe.
And besides, it makes people worried that we don’t know all the answers’.
And that would damage our reputation.
And that would COST US BIG!