Dr Chau Chak. Allegedly pouring trillions into the Australian political system. WE want to see the proof!
Dear reader we’d like to take this opportunity to impress upon our readers how seriously we take the culture of donations to our political parties. In light of the recent Four Corners programme it was alleged corruption of the Australian political system by huge donations posed a serious threat to Australian democracy. Four Corners alleged that there was a conflict of interest and something very rotten to the core in regards to vast sums of money being spent by very shady individuals connected to the Chinese political elite. They even went so far to assert that a well connected Chinese business-woman had managed to infiltrate ASIO at the highest level through a relationship with a former top security adviser. To get the ‘inside-gen’, (spy speak) on what our politicians and security organisations were thinking. Subsequently she was jailed in the U.S for bribing a United Nations official. Which seems a bit harsh, as all he wanted to do was say nice things for a small sum, (say $200,000) about the Chinese Government.
We’d like to remind our readers just how important, (whether these accusations are baseless or not) the Chinese Government’s relationship is to Australian political interests and business. Without their cash, the political system of this country would collapse. That would be a disaster.

Andrew Robb, signing the Free Trade deal with a former politician. Allegedly on 800 k per annum for doing bugger all. Show us the Proof!
The program alleged that Mr Robb, former Trade Minister and front bencher on the very day of leaving politics, (after negotiating the free trade deal with China) got a very cushy job, paying 800 k per annum. The programme suggested that this inducement may have clouded his objective political and economic judgement. What rot!
He works better at 800 K. And from what we’ve been told, he works bloody hard to bring home the bacon. To suggest that our politicians could be influenced, bribed, coerced, in their political judgement just for money is an insult. It strikes to the very core of our belief in the integrity of our political class as being above corruption.
Our politicians, (no one could deny this) are beyond reproach. They are made of the finest mettle. We used to make steel, but you’ll have to take our word for it. The finest Chinese Metal.

Clear sign of Chinese Comminist party at work undermining political systems in the west. A spelling error even the yanks could not contrive.
Just the other day we were in a discussion with Mr Obeid, (who is a very nice man), and we asked him if there was any stench of corruption? He emphatically, (laughing we might add) said “No”. Then we asked the very intelligent, astute, urbane, (his autobiography emphatically says so) ex premier and foreign Minister, Bob Carr, who also is on an enormous salary paid for by a business man who just likes to donate vast sums of money. He scoffed at our suggestion that money bought favour and influence. He did say, though; ‘the Chinese government is very happy to help our political parties as it establishes the great principle of democracy’. The further we went we found that amongst all the political class they were only too happy to take vast sums of money, some if it as gifts, just to help with the process of building a vibrant society.

Doc Evatt. Still coming to terms with depth of Russian Intervention in the Australian Political System.
We can only agree at pcbycp, that any change to the current political donation system would be a disaster. For a start, really poor people, (even those who don’t own houses) might have a say in how things are done. That could question the very serious priorities the Federal Government and its adjunct the Chinese Communist Party have in just running things. And if you don’t believe this, go find out for yourself. You’ll have to dial international, because latest information is that ASIO headquarters have moved to Beijing. In the interests of efficiencies and as a consequence of the Free Trade deal. If they can’t give you a sensible answer, ask Mr Robb. He might be able to do you a deal whilst he’s at it.
Be patient. Centrelink operates the same call centre. And it’s moved.
To Beijing.