We cannot compete with our highly paid politicians for laughs. The latest from New Daily’s, Rachel Eddy requires no editorial comment, the words say it all:
‘Aspiring Australian citizens could soon test their English with a series of “politically charged, inaccurate and inappropriate” questions on coal, the Climate Council has warned.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton last week announced that changes to the citizenship test would include a controversial “stand-alone English test involving competent reading, writing, listening and speaking”.
The reading task contains a passage that appears to be in favour of “clean coal”, while acknowledging climate change is driven by human activity.
The passage is accompanied by the questions in this link

Not only amazing, but able to stymie intelligent debate and bamboozle foreigners who wish to live in G.O.C ” Gods own Country”
Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie described the exercise as “beyond belief”.
“It is completely inaccurate and inappropriate,” Ms McKenzie told The New Daily.
She said the section included “politically charged, incorrect, biased subject matter that has completely suspended any notion of the truth”.
The sample test, used by the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and written in 2009 contains several controversial passages.
One such paragraph reads: “Defendants [sic]of mining point out that, environmentally, coal mining has two important factors in its favour. It makes only temporary use of the land and produces no toxic chemical wastes.”
Dear reader,this is GOLD! Goodonya Peter, and thanks must be given to the architect of neo liberalism the English world over, Lord Rupert. He has bought us to this. The credit is his alone, and Peter as one of his standard bearers must be proud. Though he will need tutoring in eloquence if he’s to fill one of the sinecures on offer when he “ retires”. He is cureently in talks with Andrew Robb and Joe Hockey. Two ex pollies who’ve made retirement PAY.
But the final word is from our own Ira Maine, who puts the narrowness into a very specific pidgeon hole, marked, “intolerance’.
‘Unbelievable, Surely not…
This is simply a perfect demonstration of how, in any society, gentle forms of Fascism are introduced into our ways of thinking. This insidious infiltration could not happen in any normal circumstance; it would be rejected out of hand. Yet ours is not a normal circumstance. Ours is a time when people from Africa and elsewhere are being driven from their homes, even their own countries, by bullies, thieves, bandits and rogues. Their landing on our shores provides our two bob Hitlers, our shameless Fascists with a perfect line of easy prejudice with which to inflame the more ill-informed elements of our society. This is precisely the strategy of lies employed by UKIP and Nigel Farage in the Brexit business which has resulted in the Teresa May election debacle and which will almost certainly accelerate Britain’s plunge into political oblivion.
Our politicians, sadly, don’t seem to realise that, with the rise of the disgracefully treated Corbyn in Britain, Macron in France and the ridiculous neo-prat Trumpery in America, the disastrous adventure of neo-liberalism is finally over.
Our mob, our Australian political mob, as if nothing had changed, as if it was still the rip-roaring, demented eighties, ludicrously keep on trotting out the same, lunatic,’economic’ message. As if the bankruptcy of the West had never happened.
God help us but their arrogance, their chutzpah, their political Fascism, will be the death of us all’.