We’ve been doing quite a bit of soul searching. After our experience in the presence of Lord Rupert of Murdoch, we see things differently. And from now on, we choose to make a difference to our society and bring benefits and delight to those who choose the correct path.
Lord Rupert has given us this much. A sense of ourselves. Wheras once we used to think that humans, society and the commonwealth could be elected, by deep thought, dignity and the spirit of equity, we know now that this is untrue. We shouldn’t try too hard. And obey only one law. The law of Murdoch which says, “be humble, know thy place, and observe power that canot be stemmed, for it is for thy own good”.
Could we start by congratulating the ABC board on removing Michelle Guthrie. The board are on the ball. And with a bit of luck communication between the board and it’s titular head Sir Rupert, Lord of Murdoch is absolute. Pesky journalists must learn, not to bite the hand that feeds it. And the hand, let this be known, is not the taxpayer, but Lord Rupert. And Lord Rupert is not pleased, that after extensive talent searches, they always, (the abc board) come up with the wrong appointments.
So here’s a few pointers, and we hope someone on board, (nice pun), takes heed.
For the new CEO?
Our first choice is Barnaby Joyce. He’d make a good head. He’s good at talking and he is undoubtedly a champion of the ordinary person. He can make connections. That’s why he’s special envoy for the Murray Darling. He can connect people on the river with irrigators. And irrigators with the people. And the people with the rivers. And the irrigators to ensure the funding for fish, ecosytems and the entire biota is redirected to irrigators. And the bonus is the same irrigators will get huge bonuses paid for by the taxpayer. To make huge profits and employ someone to turn those rivers of water. INTO RIVERS OF GOLD!!!
Barnaby would be a shoe-in for the ABC. Do a better job of connecting than Michelle Guthrie did, and make the ABC relevant by relocating the entire organisation to the headwaters of the Darling, or the Diamintina. With up to date reporting on farming issues and how to open up useless country for industrial scale farming.
Tony Abbott would be a front runner. He knows about certainty. That’s what the ABC needs. It needs certainty. Only one program provides certainty, Q and A. And with Q and A pushing the intervention, Tony can rightly say it’s been a catalyst for certainty and incarceration of Aboriginal Australians right across the country. And that’s good news for the shareholder.
Tony Abbott, has conviction!
But, there is a journalist for the job. Technically speaking he may not be a journalist, but he’s a great thinker. Alan Jones. He’s clever, insightful and knows how to arrive at the right conclusion, and how to question those who dare question.
So it’s a conundrum. A conundrum for Lord Rupert. A conundrum for whoever may be the Prime Minister at any time. And a conundrum for the board.
So who would best serve the ABC?
Our answer? Roman Quadvelig. He brings security and safety to the ABC, and an unquestioning ability to balance the needs of the public.
For himself.
For our own good.