Dear reader, we return once again to our saga, as our trio desperately try and escape their pursuers.

The Rotodyne has been short listed as a must have for Australia’s forward defense. According to the British Aerospace brochure; ‘it comes in both right hand drive and left hand drive.
With Sophie the Fair Work, (‘is that a professor in your back paddock’?) Commissioner Mirabella, bound and trussed in the rear of the Rotodyne, they know that one way or another they have an invidious decision to make. To dump Sophie and lighten their cargo? Or keep Sophie in the distant hope that she, sanctified as a Fair Work Commissioner and ardent monarchist, may be able to save them in the end.
Will it be a bitter end?
Only the end will end when we’ve reached the end. Endlessly speaking.
In the end, our end is upended as our trio made a compassionate decision to take Sophie with them. Perhaps her skills as a negotiator in the interests of fairness and transparency for ordinary Australians might come in handy?
A wise move or a flawed logic? Only time can tell.

The proposed first batch of Rotodynes have been earmarked for Qantas. ‘They will be crewed by baggage handlers and other support staff, thus creating greater efficiencies in airport safety and aircraft useage’. (Alan Joyce).
With Sophie bound and gagged, screaming her lungs out and kicking, and saying some very nasty and rude things. You’d think she’d be more grateful. But like the first Australians she’s inured to all the good we’d done for her. In the end we felt to a man, that she was ungrateful. And we didn’t have to ‘mansplain’ to her as she in her own words,’ was more manly than all three of us put together’. We gathered that as even though she was trussed and bound she exclaimed; ‘GROW A SET OF BALLS YOU BASTARDS’! In spite of our compassion, we had no choice but to stow her in the cargo hold, where only her muffled cries of anguish could be heard above the roar of the Rotodyne.
We’re headed for Darwin, and as Terry tapped the fuel gauge, we had even enough fuel to get to Indonesia. Will they get out of Australia and away from those who are hell bent on pursuing us? So that we, Like Witness K may face rough justice and a summary execution. Execution you might gasp isn’t that banned in Australia? Well technically, but with Australia’s most decorated war hero Benny Boy Roberts Smith on the loose and his sidekick Julian ‘shagger’ Assange anything might still happen, and you wouldn’t be a dummy if you got caught out by the dummy AK47. An AK that just might show up as it did time and time again at Tarren Kwot.
Wot of Kwot? We cannot say. We just hope that ‘Benny Boy’, Australia’s noblest and most decorated soldier gets a fair trial, so that he too can return to our national stage and be proud of what he has achieved. Just as Zachary Rolfe has emerged for the shame of having to kill an innocent fare evader at Yuendumu.

Australia is in dire need of great men to steer this country resolutely to war. (‘Drums of War’, Vol6. Ch.7.)
So wittingly or else, we return to our saga,
‘Jeez, this Rotodyne sure packs a bit of speed in getting away’, Quent enthused as he gripped the railing that ran along ceiling of the cockpit. ‘Yep’, Terry grimaced; ‘it’s good ol old school technology at work! Old school turbines, old school electrics, and old school know- how! They knew how to build em in the olden days’!
Still holding the wheel tighter than the proverbial intervention. Terry took out another Camel stashed in the pilots console and lit up. Ces pointed to the sign ‘ NO SMOKING’ and they all laughed.
‘What difference does it make’? And they agreed, it made no difference at all.
‘Oh dear’! Ces replied, ‘the editors have run out of time we’ll have to finish this episode right here and now. If we over- run we’ll be in huge trouble with the Printers Union’
‘Printers Union’? Ces enquired; ‘Yes, cant you see, the sign above the cockpit says this is commonwealth property and all requirements pertaining to munitions, fuel and personnel are compliant with the arbitration act 1956. Which includes in case you hadn’t read the small type, the people who wrote this sign, the Printers Union. And that limits us’! Quent, thumbed through the copy of Hansard, ‘a maximum eight hundred words per installment’.
‘Let me see this’! Terry, clutched the Hansard, he read the relevant section.
‘You’re right fellas, we’ve gotta stop this episode, toute suite, even though the code had been quashed by the likes of Sophie, to my knowledge it aint been repealed, on this craft, which as you read is subject to Australian law circa 1956. So if we get to Bali, it’ll still be subject to 1956. Law.
‘Which leaves us’, the ensuant pause was palpable.
‘Leaves us where’? the other two replied.
‘In deep shit’.
Will our heroes find themselves in deep shit?
Is deep shit just too deep to give a shit?
Find out in our next episode, ‘Deep shit or shit deep’…. Or… ‘Too deep to give a shit’!