Dear reader,
another-un from our scribe from the North-West Frontier.

We can only hope that the Poms, (the British) and the Septics, (the Yanks) may help the Ukrainians out as well as they did for us at Singapore.
In this-un, Frank gives us the full bottle on Submarines. And poses the question, will our submarines be yellow?
We’d like to offer Frank some cogent advice on this issue, as he would be aware of the extensive use of camouflage used in both the First and Second World War. He also cites the excellent work of the Royal Dutch navy during the Spanish Civil War delivering arms to the highest bidder. We like to think that for individuals of Frank’s father’s era, this was the first ‘Ukraine inspired’ act of goodwill between those bits of the west hell bent on defeating the scourge of totalitarianism at the right price. Just as we cleaned the Transvaal of evil racist Boers during the Boer War so as to put in a stable and well guided administration blessed by Great Britain, so we hope that those poor Ukrainians may get their own submarine deal one day. Then they too may have a new respect for good governance and the principle of a constitutional monarchy and all the benefits that come with belonging to the league of FREE NATIONS who understand the Boons of a RULES BASED GLOBAL ORDER!
We own the rule- book, and won’t have any wop foreigner telling us that it’s not to their liking.
So in this fair- minded context, take Frank’s commentary with a grain of salt. We hear the quality of the salt to be found at Bakhmut is rather good. And goes terribly nicely with a pinch of caviar and gold- leaf sauteed sirloin. That’s what Mr Prigozhin told us and he should know as he served to George Bush Junior last time he spoke of the ‘New World Order’.
Frank writes;
From the draft of My Yuendumu Story continued (Ngaju-nyangu Yurntumu-kurlu jaru-kari):
Coercive Reconciliation is an oxymoron. Stronger Futures is a euphemism. Defense Weapons is an oxymoron and so is ‘Civil War’ There is nothing civil about it.
Dad elaborated on Jan Lucas’ stint on submarines. Jan Lucas had told him that during the Spanish Civil War, their Dutch submarine had plied the Iberian coast selling weapons to the highest bidder. ¡Olé!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness. – Oscar Wilde
It was the era when the largest transfer of wealth and power in history took place. When the wealth of the Soviet Union was transferred to a select group of oligarchs, not least Vladimir Putin. When hundreds of schools in Victoria were converted into prime real estate. That was Jeff Kennett, ably assisted by an NT Education Dept. official who crossed over to Victoria after he finished applying a wrecking ball to NT education (Gary Springer?).
In the Australian Parliament during a debate on whether Telecom should be privatised a luminary parliamentarian proclaimed “Even Albania has privatized its telecommunications” Albania that beacon of democracy and freedom. The only European country to wave Mao Ze Tung’s little red book about as a symbol of enlightenment.
So, what do we have in the U.K.? Their Prime Minister adopting Australia’s three word slogan ‘Stop the Boats’ Yes, we Australians have something to be proud of.
Several days later there stood Rishi Sunak smiling like a Cheshire cat. The UK just sold billions of dollars’ worth of submarines to its former colony down under.
In Australia opinion is divided. There are those who think it is a terrible waste of money, and those who think it is an imperative to make us safe.
There are those who think that the increased militarisation of Australia is a not to be missed opportunity for the Northern Territory and there are others who aren’t so sure.
Alice Springs is divided, those who think the spy base is a welcome component of the local economy, and those who think Pine Gap makes us a nuclear target.
Just read Kieran Finnane’s ‘Peace Crimes’ to get an insight into how authorities deal with dissent.
Australia missed an opportunity “If you don’t stop torturing that poor bastard Assange and let him return to Australia, we won’t buy your submarines”
Yellow Submarine-