So the New York Times doesn’t like Donald. Fair enough, Donald doesn’t like the Washington Post either. He doesn’t think much of the Chicago Tribune, and he’s not too keen on the New Yorker either. We at Pcbycp think if asked he probably wouldn’t mind the cartoons, they’re still a wonderful mix of the urbane and the idiosyncratic. Sometimes, we at Pcbycp, who can’t hold a candle to it, just don’t get them. That’s Donald’s problem. He just doesn’t get what goes into a decent bit of journalism these days. It’s hard work and not for the faint hearted.
We’ve got it easy. In Russia a decent journalist is dead. On order ‘from up on high’. There’s no future in what’s loosely called ‘Investigative journalism’ these days. Much better sticking to facebook and twitter. Donald loves twitter. You are restricted to one hundred or so characters. And he’s right, it’s all you need. Any more just becomes information overload, and there’s subtleties that the public just don’t get. Bit like the energy debate in Australia. The public don’t need to know as to why the system fails us. It may be rotten behaviour on part of private energy suppliers and the lobbyists, but the public are being told it’s all retribution for steering away for Coal. Pure and Simple.
And coal is right, they have an archaic, dirty polluting substance which receives huge subsidies and it’s at risk of being replaced by solar and renewables. Let’s not get the facts in the way, Coal, archaic, wrong, and inefficient, is ‘good for humanity’.
So though Donald is really really cross with the journalists, he’s making a very good point. Most people can’t be bothered about the news. The news is just not interesting enough. That’s why he does his news through Sky. That’s Rupert’s baby. Sky makes the news compelling. There’s goodies and baddies, and nothing overtly complex. And the best thing about Sky-news is that even in Australia, you’ve get up to date presentations on how the news ‘really is’ from people like Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt. It’s balanced and puts the boot in on anyone who talks nonsense about global warming, soaring inequality and on issues such as the decision by a group of very well paid old men to cut the awards for Sunday workers. That isn’t news at all.
So Donald is leading the way?. No way Jose!!! We, as Australians are leading the way, and the sooner Michelle Guthrie can get rid of all the trouble makers and lefties in the ABC and replace them with more ex Murdoch executives the happier we’ll all be. Because a happy Australian is a proud Australian, and a proud Australian, as Donald and Rupert demonstrate is more about waving the national flag, and talk of defence as absolutely necessary to being great again. And they’ve demonstrated this commitment by slashing wages, and watching the vast majority get poorer and poorer, whilst they get richer and richer. For those on top the view is serene, for those on the bottom, it’s just not news-worthy. That’s an order from ‘up on high’. Believe us, that’s news!