It has been noted that the Lesser Consultant is in decline. Expressing concern the Federal Minister for the Environment Mr Greg Hunt, (not to be confused with Michael) cited numerous causes but couldn’t put his finger on any singular catalyst. “Forget about the Great Barrier Reef, and Global Warming, we only know that sightings are increasingly scarce, and we think it has something to do with either renewable energy, wind turbines and the like’. Asked why?, ‘Because they’re ugly, and the lesser consultant always had a predilection for aesthetics, like coal mines, smoke stacks and open cuts’.

Eminent Professor

Lesser Consultant
Interviewed by the BBC in an effort to explain the collapse of the Lesser Consultant species the leading naturalist, Professor David Rattenborough was unequivocal in his findings; ‘Clearly it’s a case of declining species numbers caused by natural selection. How can the ‘homo sapiens sub-consulsis minorii’ compete with other advantaged species? In the last twenty years we’ve witnessed the rise and rise of ‘The Spiv’, (sub species; ‘used carsalensis’. ‘The Pseud’,‘sartorious niger” and the ‘Corporate‘, ‘opportunisma narcissisium”.
The writing was on the wall all those years ago when I spoke at the Kyoto conference on Global Stupidity. Unless drastic steps were taken, the sub species ‘consulsis minorii’ would be virtually wiped out, And what happened? No one took any heed. We now have the much feared outcome, a corpus of sub consultants who can’t actually do anything, practical. The absence of written, graphic, analytical and communicative skills has been reduced to idiot dot points. And with the rise of the sub class, ‘Cadensis monkeyii‘, we haven’t had the need for intellectual skills for years and years.
Their reliance upon the host species the public, and the infectious nature of the disease they carry, “rent-seekus absorptis” and the impact upon society, (points to Docklands) is self evident.
You can see it here, and here and here, (points to maps of Swanston Street, Geelong, and new suburbs), without the lesser consultant we now have a sort of melgalomania writ large, for characterless environments. A sort of crass mind numbing cheap internationalism. And you know the consequences, will be dire. In simple terms the consulsis minorii is and I shall sadly say, “was” good for business, especially good for thinking , and good for humanity’. Corroborating the interview the lead anthropologist for the late Natural History Museum, (recently integrated into the Foxtel entertainment precinct) Professor Margaret Medea confirmed the trend downwards for the lesser consultant. ‘One can only say at this point that with reality television, Chaddy-itis, and the rise of Facebook, the end was inevitable. With fifteen second attention spans becoming the DMN, (Deep Meditative Norm), we could only expect the Lesser Consultant to hang on in the margins. That’s why sightings have become less frequent. There was no where else for the Lesser Consultant to go. And I make this point , the LC was outclassed by the new work culture bought in the late nineties. How could you expect the LC to compete with the SFT, the SGWP, and the HP. And with Universities morphing into technical institutions and vocational colleges, there was clearly no new life being put into the species. It’s like the DODO, well suited to its niche, but the niche has been ‘Nietzsched’.
Illustrations. The SFT, SGWP and the HP.
See tomorrows gripping analysis and share with us the deep concern for the future of the Lesser Consultant.