Keeping us Safe.

Commissioner of Vic POLICE Commissioner Mal Feasance demonstrates new Semi Automatic Laser guided Pulse Rifle to deter Jaywalkers.
It’s hard enough being Angus Taylor. He alone fights to save us from renewables. He alone must to the heavy lifting to save the citizens from new technologies,. From Innovation. From Science. From thinking. So that we may be dumb, pliable, and subject peoples. So that we may give praise to COAL. And pay dearly to protect us from the evils of renewable energy, the Trojan horse that seeks to take us unawares and question the very fabric of what good our politicans have done for us. The sacrifices they’ve made to ensure that we are beholden to the lobbyists, the vested interests, the corporates whom must be all powerful, so that we may be SAFE.
But what of the saferty of ordinary Citizens? What is being done? What measures are being taken to protect us from CIVIL UNREST? To protect us from Mass PROTEST? To save us from the curse of the MOB? And those who would question the orthodoxy of selling all the Commonwelath to private enterprise. So that the shareholders may rejoice in a pliant, supine, complicit populace who have so much to learn about Safety, and FAMILY VALUES!!
Good then that the Victorian Police is showing the way. And it’s a sacred way, paved with good intentions that give us SAFETY. And the knowledge that we are protected from EVIL doers. From protesters who question the status quo, and criminals who activate REBELLION.
The new riot gear and pepper guns are what the law needs. No one will respect a police force that deosn’t look like an EVIL, MECHANISED KILLING MACHINE!
And the armour, the blackness, the eye shades, the helmets and the apparatus would make an SS Panzer Grenadier look like a pansy. And that’s what we need to fight the scourge of protest, civil unrest and those who are intent upon UPENDING a CIVIL SOCIETY.
The Pepper gun is what we NEED, it sprays the CRIMINAL PROTESTER with a barrage of very painful pellets. It also comes with a BALL Projector. THIS is ESSENTIAL for CLOSE COMBAT. The ball STUNS the VICTIM, and marks in PAINT, the GUILT of the Protestor, so that they can be identified and ARRESTED to keep us SAFE.
There is also, in concert with the TASERS, the Truncheons, and the WATER CANNON, an array of scary BODY ARMOUR. The special response PUBLIC INCIDENT ARMOURED CAR is capable of dispersal, aggregation and isolating RIOTOUS ASSEMBLIES, and if needs be (only if the mob is determined UNRULY) by Central Command, the KILL switch can be activated and instant ATOMIZATION is CERTAIN.
We are Safe. We are protected. And through the Victoria Police we can sleep safely knowing that AFRICAN CRIME GANGS, NON CHINESE STUDENTS, JAYWALKERS , FARE EVADERS, HOMELESS and MALCONTENTS will be PUNISHED. And they will know that the streets and PUBLIC PLACES are not for THEM.
And they will meekly walk away. AND DIE!