“In the past few weeks, we learnt that executives at Australia Post were given Cartier watches in return for doing their job, that the Premier of NSW kept her relationship with a disgraced MP secret from both her colleagues and the public, that the federal government paid $30 million to two Liberal Party donors for a piece of land worth only $3 million, and that Crown Resorts, largely owned by a Packer and boasting former Liberal and Labor MPs in senior positions, has been facilitating money laundering’. (Sean Kelly, The Age)
Yes folks after all is said and done that’s why the Federal Government doesn’t want us to have an Anti-Corruption Commission. And why, blind Freddy would tell you they don’t want to have pubic hearings even if there was an anti-corruption watchdog.That’s why as a society we’ve gotta “Bell the Cat”! If the cat was let out of the bag, who knows what else would disgorge itself from said bag. Might get to the stage that even the emergence of the pushmi-pullyou and the Dodo wouldnt raise an eyebrow. As the Police enquiry said to the press after the dodgy, targeted, bogus, hand-crafted disclosure on Sydney Council travel expenses: ‘there’s nothing to see here”. How did we get to this? Could it be neo-liberalisms crowning glory?
Would Maggie feel vindicated?
What would Ben Chifley think?
Who was Ben Chifley? you might add, as he aint got a twitter account and is not on facebook.
What would Cicero say? (OH…come off it stop trying to be clever), well what would Cicero have said about all the feather-bedding, the back-slapping and outrageous acts of entitled kleptomania?
He’d say this, “Quis custodes custodiet?” We asked Boris what it meant and he told us it’s all about checks and balances. “Who guards the Guardian”, and he’s right, the Guardian is anti Boris and should be CLOSED DOWN!
Just as it was when they ditched the Republic. It was ok for a while. The chariots ran on time. But without the checks and balances we got Caligula and Nero. Nero was good for urban renewal, but after Caligula’s horse was voted into the Senate things went a bit crook. It was almost as funny as Daryl McGuire heading up regional roads, or Angus Taylor’s office setting up the false documentation on Clover Moore. Or Jam-land, or having a hand in the airport deal, or giving Trev millions just for being a good sport and donating to a good cause, The Liberal Party.
Closer to home, the. Council elections are on. To any thinking person, it won’t be won on the criteria of accessibility, equality and yearning for a better society. It’ll be measured by money. As we increasingly become more “Americanised”, our politics, and society itself is monetised.
In that respect you can’t blame Dazza for making a few bucks on the side. Same as you’ve gotta hand it to Angus for looking after his family interests. Next to mateship, family is a key pillar of the Australian identity. Well that’s what Eddie told us. We love families, particularly nuclear families cos as Vonnegut, famously said they represent the most prevalent form of insecurity known to existence. They’re so cowered with debt, mortgages, and Harvey Norman credit, they daren’t say “Boo”. And that’s great for wanting to turn a blind eye. As witness K will tell you, “being moral gets you into HUGE trouble’!
So stick with the best, and be like the rest, when you’re getting the big bucks and entree into the insiders, you shut your mouth.
And the one abiding principle thereon, DON’T GET CAUGHT!!!