Did he really serve at Kokoda? Or did he only go as far north as Broadmeadows? What did you really do during the war Grandpa?
There is something wrong about the eternal, glorious, ennobling spirit of Anzac. Would you believe some people are faking their war credentials? They’re putting real Anzacs about, by pretending they’ve performed acts of courage, daring and unquestionable faith in the eternal glorious flame of Anzac-hood by faking their military history. Some of them have never ever been to war. Worse still they’re bedecking themselves with Croix de Guerre’s, Iron Crosses,(first and second class) Orders of the Chrysanthemum, Stars of Lenin, and MC’s DSO’s and V.C’s just in order to feel good, and pull the odd bird at a post Anzac day Piss-up..
We at Pcbycp are OUTRAGED!
This is worse than fake news. It cuts to the very core of aussie Anzac hero-dom, and besmirches all those who died gloriously on the field of battle to preserve, God, King and Country and the sacred entitlements of pollies to go on sending young men to war in VAIN.

Like flies to a carcass. And it works. Dress up as a digger and you get four sheila’s. (But there’s always the thought, one amongst them could be a MAN)
From a New Zealand web site comes the following news:
‘Liar, medal cheat, wannabe, valour thief — those are a few samples of the insults you’ll find on the website run by the Australia and New Zealand Military Imposters Group (ANZMI).
Key points:
• ANZMI post on their website names and photos of people they claim are guilty
• Members of the website say anonymity is important for them to operate
• The CEO of Veterans 360 says the website is often used to vilify veterans
ANZMI have investigated hundreds of reports of people either inventing or embellishing their service record.
More than 300 of those cases, complete with names and photos, are published online by the anonymous group.
ANZMI claim they have never been wrong, but its detractors argue the group unfairly destroys the reputations and mental health of people, many of whom are also veterans.
One of the small number of people who run ANZMI is a man who goes by the pseudonym Neville Trueman.
He feels strongly about the group’s work.
“If you go to war, you come back a different sort of a person,” Mr Trueman said.
“It’s just simply not right that people will falsely claim that they’ve been through that experience.”
We at pcbycp heartily agree.
But now we’re really worried.
Mr Abbott claims he was awarded a Rhodes scholarship. We have no proof of his scholarship, his intelligence or his prowess as a sportsman. He’s as thick as the proverbial, and clearly is not nuanced for imagination, intelligence, subtlety, candour, insight, tact, anything!
He doesn’t even talk like a Rhodes scholar. Malcolm’s got one, and he’s all class.
This can only have one effect, to draw the ire from those who believe they have been ousted by those wearing Fake Rhodes scholarships…. Mr Abbott step forward. How much did you pay? And, who was in on the lurk? No good pretending to be the Avignon Prime Minister and holding counsel with the IPA if you’ve got a fake Rhodes scholarship.

Cecil. A real life Colossus. When he wasn’t granting scholarships across the “White Empire” he was busy on making the Intervention work!
Cecil Rhodes, a man of impeccable credentials would be turning in his grave.