Dear reader we continue to talk up the free Trade Deal with China.

In the interests of transparency, we’ve been donated this fine map from Dyson Heydon indicating China as that large portion of land not covered pink between India and north of the Protectorate of New Guinea
Rupert likes China a lot. His ex missus is Chinese. They don’t bother with democracy or any of that crap. It’s a bloody one party state. If you’re in the party you’re o.k. If you’re not you can get stuffed. And lets face it Australia pays way too much for wages and tradies and miners over here.

Dick Warburton. he knows how good COAL is for our future, and he and Maurice reckon the UN is going for World Domination! He is also very clever, but clearly hasn’t got quite as many books as Bob Carr. Not that it doesn’t make him any less cleverer.
Gina reckons, (she’s in favour of the trade deal as well) that we can get workers for two dollars a day. Dick Warburton and Maurice Newman, not only hate wind farms but they reckons Coles and Woolies would romp it in in China. That’s if we can hold onto the farm. But I think Dick or Maurice just sold it to China. So who gives a stuff about education, national competitiveness and what we may lose in rights and priveleges? If you’re really fucking rich, this free trade deal will ensure that you’re wealthier still. And, the best part is that you’ll get the privelege of being able to afford a house servant, a maid, a butler, and a few house boys, a groom, and a door sweeper, an perhaps a score of gardeners, and you wont even have to go through the pesky 417 visa, cos the beauty of it is you can get locals. ‘Cos at $2.50 an hour labour in this country will be truly affordable. Now if you’re like Joe, (our esteemed treasurer) you’ll get that many kickbacks on your investment properties you will have all this staff and you wont ever need to pay tax. Up the GST on poor people and you’re laughing. In fact I’m pissing myself right about now. It’s predestined. It’s part of being the white trash of Asia. Lee Kuan Yew was 100% right. Though he would never have dreamed that real labor men like Hawkey, “No child shall live in poverty”, would be his cheerleaders.

Pope being told, ” Cardinal Pell is here again, he’s come with a message from ‘Santa’s Little Helper’, and he reckons it’s COAL, not your holiness who will be the saviour of HUMANITY”!! Pope: ‘Is this where i say, I’ll be a dead Dingo’s Donger”!!
So Carn the Free Trade Deal. Let international contracts wrest the farce of the pbs and affordable medicine, cigarette legislation, better national health, health care itself, democracy, the Commonwealth, to the highest bidder. Let CAPITAL and the WINNERS rule this country. And ferrchrissakes don’t listen to the POPE! What’s a spiritual leader got over laissez faire economics? I’d want to know? Cos we all know that Capital is fail proof. Capital rewards lifters not leaners.
And Capital knows best.
And to quote from the old Benson and Hedges Advert, ‘And isn’t that all of the time’.
Some sound sense here!
About time we got the right perspective on the genuine wealth-generators in this country – those who through their own grit, energy, courage and far-sighted determination got off their backsides and with no-one else’s help managed to secure uber-wealthy parents for themselves!
Jamie, Gina, Anthony Pratt, Young Stokesie, and the others, give yourselves a pat on the back! Well done, I say…
By sustaining the private aircraft and luxury yacht industries, the Roller dealerships and Prada handbaggeries, these public benefactors are outstanding exemplars of the success of trickle-down economics.
Trickle down? They are PISSING all over those useless latte-sipping, chardonnay swilling, basket-weaving, nimby, envy-consumed, hand-wringing, public-purse-limpet, etc., etc., etc., chattering classes!
I look forward to more trenchant editorials of this ilk.
Sir Atney Emo
C/o- Whispering Gladesl Home for Bewildered Gentlefolk