Dear reader, In case you didn’t know, Australia is in DEEP TROUBLE!!

Bob Hawke. Doing it tough without the Free Trade deal
This is an emergency. Bob Hawke is quite correct. We MUST pass the fee trade deal with China.

Bob Carr. ‘Quite well read and of superior intelligence’ (‘Bob Carr My very own autobiography’)
Bob Carr has weighed in. He knows an awful lot about the American Civil War. He likes to tell us so. He is quite right to tell us. He is an educated and quite SOPHISTICATED ex politician. He has TOLD us so!! He has also, (upholding the fine example set by Christopher Pyne and Barnaby Joyce) written a very good autobiography about how important he was as Foreign Affairs Minister in the dying days of the Rudd Era. He spent quite a lot of time talking to Hu Jintao (who was the last general secretary of the Communist party) on just how important it is to have a Free trade deal signed off with China. Hu Jintao retired from his position with over a billion dollars in assets. He got rich by being THAT clever. Bob Hawke got rich also, (He even has a butler) he’s a real booster for China.
We could all get rich by doing deals with China. They only have one political party, so any deals done with China are safe. No silly senate to worry about, no backflips, no silly greenish legislation. Aren’t you convinced?? C’mon. Surely this is the time for us to sign the thing, and if GOD were about he’d sign it. But God is terribly busy working on developing COAL as the saviour of humanity. In his stead he has given none other than RUPERT MURDOCH the authority to say to all Australians. ‘For chrrissakes get in with this free trade deal’. At the moment, Rupert says, we are paying way way to much for Labour. Rupert reckons this country is currently ‘Ungoverned’. ‘Call a snap election, Give Tony another term… Do it now’!!… He’ll make it happen. What he is saying is that TONY is GOOD for Australia. He understands the requirements of BIG BUSINESS!!!
Unions looks after Tradies and ordinary workers. Little business people. That’s why they’re BAD!!! And they’re not rich and powerful. They must be STUPID! That’s why they belong to UNIONS. And Unions are SCUM. He’s absolutely correct.
This free trade deal might just keep this country on the road. Rupert should know. He’s managed after all that ‘hoo-ha’ to get all that kerfuffle over hacking into to little dead girls phone accounts to sell newspapers. He’s finally got Rebekah Brooks back on the job, running the News Corps operation in the U.K. He knows what it takes to make a business PAY. He’s not bothered by red and green and pink tape. Rupert knows you’ve gotta be mates with all the pollies. Rupert is so good at it, the pollies come to him. In China they call that ‘Feng shui’.

Donald. ‘This is my understanding of the general public in the Democratic Process!! And it works’!!’
See Rupert knows! And that’s the funny thing about people with shitloads of money, Gina, Twiggy, Bob and the other Bob, (the silver bodgie). When you’ve done well on the races, in real estate, and the share-market and made politics pay and had good mates to look after you and you’ve got quite rich, you generally know what’s good for the poor people. Your superiority is a God given fact. Just ask Donald Trump.