Fraser’s little children

Fraser scored .2 % of the vote and we loved him for it.

We  were going to call this ‘ Five Good men”, but we thought long and hard about this and felt they deserved MORE!


Five good men, it reminded us of the cabal, for those of us not old enough to know that was when good king Charles 1 proclaimed absolute authority from the star chamber. Making up the chamber where Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale.  They looked after Charlies interests, just like Scomo looks after Craig and coal lobby’s interests. From this position, ( a chamber of sorts) they were able to defend themselves from pretenders to rational governance, an outstanding principle still practised today. In them days a pretender was a filthy ratbag lefty who questioned authority and the entrenched right of rich people to make their lives short and miserable in “ service” . Nothing’s changed. You’ve gotta remember this.  Just in case someone asks you. if you forget they’ll think you’re a dummy, Dead Set. 

Fraser, well read.

And worse still, if you don’t know your “Istory”, you’re doomed to failure! That’s what Pliny said, or it may have been Tacitus or some other bloke from Greece. Was it Herodotus?  He was heard to say? But it was before instagram, so it’s of no consequence. Thank Christ for that! 

Christ incidentally was a bearded bastard from Judea who banged on about loaves an fishes, a lefty socialist wanker who got his comeuppance. 

‘Wouldn’t know shit from clay’ as we used to say, and how can you be a starter when you don’t know you’re Magna Carta. 

Charles, (the first one)

But that’s an old view, 

its the view that led Blainey, (eminent historian and scholar) to opine that the aborigines were really after, all, (taking everything into consideration) better off with white  (European) occupation. 

Eddie, and his very own star chamber, the Collingwood Footy Club Board.

And he’s dead right. if you use metrics, the abos are heaps better off. They’re valued units of the economy. Before they were just nullius. That, as Pliny will tell you is NUFFINK! Ever since they were differentiated from fauna they’ve  helped the Australian economy grow.  And it has grown prodigiously . Without the abos the shareholders of private prisons would’ve been rooted. And in the olden days there would be no need for gunpowder, arsenic and  rope. And for those who drive the gravy train, there wouldn’t have been any gravy. It’s simple, as I was recollecting from me ol mate Cortez, who was almost contemporary with the cabal,’if you haven’t got a business model you’re stuffed’. 

And he said it in Spanish, he knew a thing or two, converted a rotten natively run continent into a cash cow that still delivers, to the big end of town, GOD and ROME!

Thats what the cabal did, they kept the shareholders, the aristocracy SAFE . And by doing so, kept the Hoi poloi in their places. This is governance GOLD! With just a bit of the old stick, they told everyone where their place was.  That’s what kept society in the seventeenth century, ( the 1600’s dummy) where they stood, And if they couldn’t stand, leaners not lifters, they were ROOTED!

So, are you following us? This is where the five wise men come in,

Adam Goodes, who couldn’t take a joke

We need the cabal to tell us were we’re going, not in an enlightened, sense, they’re the gatekeepers, but to tell  us as a society what we cant do. 

They’re Frasers Anning’s bastard children 

Fraser, who didn’t know what ‘the final solution’ was. The dog whistle, A dog whistle is code for a cabal. 

And who are the five wise men. They’re rooting for TEAM ‘FRASER’!

Craig Kelly, Kevin Andrews (recently retired) , the Collingwood Football board, Eddie McGuire and , SCOMO

True believers All.

And Eddie Mcguire?

Eddie got tired of doing ape routines every-time Adam Goodes stepped onto the field. Then things got worse, he had an African-Australian in the team, WTF! So he oversaw a regime, as good ol Collingwood will ensure for ever, the  good ol Aussie tradition of good natured racism. 

Collingwood, too much white and not a lot of black

No offence meant, what the….no offence given, MATE!, 

They’re the gate keepers holders of the sacred dog whistle, *

Funny though, the PM cant see em hear em, feel em. Such a blessing, cos the PM is colour-blind also. 

In Australia we call that The DAILY DOUBLE!

You betcha!

* if you suffer from dog- whistle- ism please consult life line, and we’ll support you in whistling EXTRA LOUD!

P.M’s personal Dog Whistle. ( lent to him by our greatest P.M John Winston Howard)