The Highest law maker in the land, ( another ambitious little Queenslander) before he filled his taxpayer funded bookshelf with self important taxpayer funded tomes. Or, ” self portrait sans stuffing”.
Dear reader, for some years now we’ve been waiting in rapt anticipation for the contents of George Brandis’s diaries to be revealed. After all the kerfuffle, all the bickering, back-chatting, innuendo and obfuscation it has been worth it. These diaries are Gold!
We believe the ‘fractious’ Shadow Attorney General, Mr Dreyfus is bitterly disappointed about the waste of time. And we can share Mr Dreyfus’s frustration over how long it took and the seeming contempt for the legal process demonstrated by Australia’s highest law office holder. But we can tell you the wait was worth it. Mr Dreyfus was trying to find out whether Mr Brandis was in discussion with legal groups before he slashed funding to legal aid right across the board. Mr Brandis alleged he was in consultation with stakeholders. Lawyers representing really poor people. That was what all the obfuscation was about. Mr Dreyfus felt that Mr Brandis had just acted unilaterally to slash funding to poor people in the 2014 budget, just like the Abbott government slashed finding to everyone, and gave a huge taxpayer funded gift to really really rich people.
What’s wrong with that? Really really rich people pay no tax and employ the odd gardener, that’s the trickle down effect. And in one spectacular instance Gina Rinehardt no-less, offered an unemployed dead-beat polly a job. And because of the incredibly high price of mineral exports and the absence of any fair and equitable tax upon those obscenely large royalties, the dollar soared sky high and there was a bit of collateral damage. For example the car industry closed down. But that’s all small beer to the goings on in Mr Brandis’s diary. And at last we can put a light on what the ‘toppest’ law maker, has to do amongst the myriad other things such as sequestering Australia Council funds to his private discretionary stash, and the peccadilloes of paying for a rather large library at tax payers expense.
Brandis Diary entry Thursday, a week before the 2014 Budget
8.00 a.m. Had breakfast with Alexander Downer, very excited about the High Commissioners job on offer.
8.30 am. Booked lunch at the Savage Club to discuss travel plans with former industrial relations minister the Rt Hon Peter Reith.
9.30 am. Attended ‘Madame Sylphide’s Cha Cha School’ and practised the fox trot and the tango two step.
10.30 Important meeting with the IPA, briefed on the iniquitous Resource Rent Tax.
11.00. Summoned to News Corp headquarters to be dressed down by Rupert, for suggesting I was the ‘highest, most powerful man, in the land’.
11.30 Attended Christopher Pyne’s, book launch. Hired pixie costume for function.
12.30 Spoke at National Press Club on being “another ambitious little Queenslander”.
1.35 Presented by James Ashby with new choice of Parliamentary underwear.
1.48 Consulted with Property Council on increased tax breaks for negatively geared properties.
2.30 Won Mastermind in the inter-parliamentary trivia comp.
3.00 Played Golf with friends and associates for the Minerals and Energy Council.
5.30 Wrote on back of golf score card relevant section of 18C and how to repeal it.
7.00 Attended Dinner at the Property Council to discuss party donations.
9.00 Briefed by CEO Shenzou Trading as to why open slather on overseas property speculation in the Australian housing market was good for the Liberal party fund raising arm.
10.00 Read another chapter of Blyton’s excellent book, “ The Faraway Tree” before going to bed.
10.30. Brief conversation with Rupert and was forced to repeat five times, “Oh you are the highest most powerful man in the land your lord-ship’.
And as you can see the highest law maker in the land has a busy schedule and funding cuts to poor people and the “average“ taxpayer is all part of the burdensome task of ‘Leadership’.
And Mr Dreyfus will just have his own case to answer. A sign of our times? A Dreyfus case perhaps?