Glad Donald has sorted out the gun control issue in the U.S. He’s in serious talks with the NRA. (not to be confused with the NRMA) They’ve been working on a plan. The plan is simple and deadly effective. If you buy a gun and are a terrorist you will not be served.
Also, and this is the clincher, even if you stump up the cash you possibly wont be able to buy that assault rifle. This will really put the kibosh, (love that old term) on nasty terrorists. You may be able to buy a knife, knuckle dusters, and some really lethal bottles of metho but submachine guns and assault rifles are out of bounds. Also Donald was quite right in suggesting that if everyone at the Pulse night club had a gun, the atrocity would never have happened. And he’s quite right. I find it most reassuring to jive at my acid house funk techno doof doof rave and know that with my Glock safely tucked into my undies I’m ready for action. My partner prefers the Smith and Wesson, but then, I’l admit she always likes to be on top.

Dear reader, though not strictly relevant to THIS article, we have (due to unprecedented demand) included this image of Gerry Gee, and the Uncle Norman Party. Uncle and Joffa were to be running on a joint ticket, but lost preselection to Kelly O Dwyer. The Liberals will pay for this!!
There’s lot of talk about what happened to motivate this nutter, and why he chose Islam as his motivation. Could be a hangup about gays, perhaps he was gay himself and just had to kill everyone to get it out of his system. Or perhaps he just found out what we all know, that you can walk into any gunshop, ask for an assault rifle and you’ll get one. What are you going to do with an assault rifle if you’re not a soldier? Shoot paper planes? Go rabbit shooting? Scare starlings? Or just plain ol shoot people? I think you’ll know the answer. And perhaps it has something to do with the culture?. Nup, that’s a long bow, and as the NRA says , been saying it for years, ‘Guns keep us SAFE’.

Ninjas can be very very dangerous also.
Other talk on the pulse shootings has ranged far and wide. Marco Rubio suggested that if the “shooter”, (we prefer gunman as the correct term) hadn’t had an assault rifle there’d be half a dozen other ways he could’ve killed so many people. It’s wrong to blame guns and their proliferation on disrupting civil society. Rubio suggested almost the same could be achieved by a car bomb, a fire-storm, poisonous gas, or just plain ol arson. I don’t think Rubio went far enough, he forgot to mention meteorite shower, tsunami, nuclear powerplant explosion, tornado, and civilian airliner crash. I suggest that a truck load of Ninjas with star knives could’ve knocked off a whole lot of people, even an angry, underpaid mexican contractor with a very large and customised ride on lawn mower, with wing sickle bar mower blades would create absolute carnage if applied with sufficient vigor. Yet I haven’t heard a call to ban them, nor knives, knuckledusters and nun-chuckers. Nuns are not as common as they used to be, but I believe before the fall of Acre, they were used to deadly effect in stemming the tide of Islam.

Don’t be silly, it’s a toy gun.
Donald should look into this. Why pick on guns then? It just doesn’t stack up. Guns are freely available to protect all of us, and as Bob Katter clearly demonstrates, it keeps foreigners at bay.