Dear reader, you may remember the project we were involved in prior to establishing pcbycp.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the documentary it requires re-telling,.
It’s a sage reminder of what happens when the management of a not for profit organisation, seduced by self importance, narcissistic hubris and delusional self belief sends things horribly wrong. For those of you who are sensitive we suggest you stop reading now. There are disturbing images conveyed in print that are not for the faint hearted.
Way back in the noughties, we ran a horse training facility. The facility kept lots of people employed. Even people who were described by the employment agency as being “functionally useless” found satisfying rewarding work in our enterprise. The name of the facility, “Windy Hollow”, was promoted by a dedicated group of young people. These young people came from a diverse background. All their parents were wealthy. So wealthy, they established a “Saddle Club”, where they could ride horses exclusively, and learn the fundamentals of comradeship, companionship and society in a nurturing environment. We organised the development strategy, as we felt that a profound grounding in social responsibility for spoilt over-indulged materialistic offspring would counter their tendency to be isolated and inherently anti social. We felt that this process was vital to avoid the schism between the “haves and the have nots” and the tendency for the elites to think that just because they have money, horses and tax free franking credits they can rule the world.
The Saddle Club was entirely successful. It ended up employing thousands, never made a profit, but that was not the point, it gave meaning to people and established within that community a “ society”.
The Saddle Club staff, headed by Lisa, Carole and Stevie promoted the enterprise, and their horses “Flopsy”, “Blossom” and “Tinker” became famous. We had a promotional theme song that went viral; “ Hello World”. Promoted on books, CD’s, Videos and merchandising. We became an “overnight sensation” and a “household name”.
Our benign leadership ethos made it very popular, and we had enquiries from around the world to see this enterprise at work.
Sadly, the General Manager didn’t see it that way. For the record his name was Joe Cocky. Mr Cocky pretended he was interested in horses. We subsequently found out that his interest was solely to use our enterprise as a springboard to a cushy sinecure where he’d never ever have to work EVER! He thought the whole enterprises sole function was to make money for himself. He eventually closed us down. Told all the organisations connected to the enterprise to “Bugger Off”! and before closing it down completely, got a job as Australian representative on the UN on Animal Rights.
Our favourite horses, “Flopsy”, “Blossom” and “Tinker” were sold off to IDMC (International Dog meat Conglomerate). We were unable to form a collective and save them. He changed the equine association rules and promised we’d be SENT TO JAIL if we protested. Our dear horses were sent to the knackery. And converted to dog meat. The infrastructure, stables, training yards and equipage sold in a job lot for one dollar to an obscure bidder by the name of Mr Carpet Burns. When we protested, we were issued with a suppression order, and made to watch the smoke issuing from the chimney of the conversion factory at the knackery. An image we can never forget.

Mr Burns is well known for his brutal leadership. famously remembered for his quote; ” Cocky owes me BIG-TIME”!
Turns our years later, the wounds still deep and bitter, that the manager, who closed us down, Mr Cocky got promoted to the top job in the industry, the International Equine Persons Institute. And is on a huge salary of four hundred billion million. Turns out he always had shares in the enterprise and made a fortune converting the facility to dog food. A blatant conflict of interest.
Turns out whilst he was running our enterprise he was offered a lifetime of free dog food at no charge by a business associate Mr Carpet Burns who is president of the international dog meat conglomerate. They now rule the dog meat world and have interests in horse studs and the racing industry as a sideline. They seduce politicians with free dog food, and tickets to dog shows.
Though our future has been destroyed and the industry closed down, and we are powerless to stop his enterprise from ruling the world we take solace in knowing that somewhere in neighbourhood a little bit of “Flopsy”, “Blossom” and “Tinker” has nurtured a little household doggy.
The final insult, our theme song,” Hello World” has been stolen!
But there is closure. On a street corner somewhere, a little bleached dog turd stands as a talisman of happier times.
Lest we forget.