The May-bot in action. Devoid of imagination and other ” human weaknesses” proclaims empty slogans to an auto cue.
There’s an earthquake across the western world. It started in the UK. First they had Brexit, and now Therese May has shot herself in the foot by calling an early election. An important election held just after the other one, and then the one before that. As she rarely turned up to anything approximating to a public debate it could hardly be said she shot herself in the mouth. The fact is that the young, the old, and even some of the middle of the road have had enough of being screwed. They don’t think that hideously expensive university fees and gouging old people is such a good idea. It could have something to do with the yawning abyss between the ‘haves and the have-nots’. Or it just could be in spite of everything Rupert’s, cheerleaders in the Sun and Daily Mirror proclaim; ‘you can’t fool all of the people all of the time’. And for the average person, they’ve had enough. The high tide of the neo con movement?. Perhaps? We’re waiting on Vladimir’s determination on this and he says he’ll get back to us as soon as he’s finished with Donald on how to restructure the FBI.
A funny result from the UK election, the balance of power has gone to a party the (DUP) that is more nutty than One Nation. Excuse us, we’ll say that again, “More nutty than One Nation’. They don’t like renewables, and though the English channel is chock a block with wind turbines and the country has gone renewable crazy (without the confected outrage of a S.A power crisis), most intelligent people see it, (as all emergent) technologies are a sign of the future. And this time round, well worth following. And the Labour party seems to have rediscovered ideology. And there’s a thirst for those about to be bludgeoned again, for CHANGE! So the Poms, broken, belittled and ‘Brexited’ may find in all the gloom a reason for cautious optimism. And Jeremy Corbyn rusted-on old lefty, (RUPERT hates him so he must be good) actually stands for something other than banks, big business and rent seeking corporations. It’s truly refreshing. The other day he even talked about free tertiary education as being worthwhile, Who would have thought?
Not so in Australia.

May-bot 3. The Roberts-Bot. A refinement on the previously mentioned. Repeats one idea over and over. Shown here correctly demonstrating the relative proportion of science and imagination in national affairs.
Its almost ten years ago when Kevin Rudd, possibly the greatest Prime Minister Australia has ever had EVER, (cos he told us so) claimed that climate change was the single most important issue ever in the history of this country. And he was quite right, It’s really big, and a sort of paradigm shifter, (more impressive than smashed avocado). Then he got the boot, and Julia Gillard, the best ever Australian female PM lost her nerve, and we got Tony Abbott, our own version of Donald Trump. Since then, electricity bills have skyrocketed and everything to do with manufacturing has closed down. And even now, with utility bills going to stratospheric heights, the thirst for change is just not here. The Finkel Report offers a very soft transition to a non carbon based culture, and the politicians, and rent seekers are in meltdown. And the public, quieter than a grave, which tells you something about optimism in THIS country. In order to have optimism you have to THINK.
Looks like the Finkel’s proposal will have to go to the cross bench for approval. And who’s on the cross bench? Malcolm Roberts. He reckons Global warming through CO2 is a hoax. Fake news.
And from the Australian Labor Party? In order to have a social conscience you need to FEEL. And THINK all at the same time. And that’s never gonna happen. Bit like negative gearing. When you’re onto a good thing why change it. Finkel reckons this is the most important decision for the next century. In Australia, that’s code for “DOOMED”
And that’s a very basic principle of Australian politics since the 80’s. Life’s comfortable for those on top. Why change it?