Seriously folks Humanity is Amazing!!!.
For the best part of ten thousand years humanity has been undergoing the process of civilising, and look where we are now. We are agreeably civilised. We are so civilised we’ve moved way beyond all the stupidity that so characterised our barbaric past. Allright, there may be the odd little flash-points in the Middle East, and things are not quite so nice in the Ukraine, most of Africa, and North Korea which aint all that good. Not a lot actually to cheer about for some of those on the wrong side of history in Burma, West Irian, and the other trouble spots, but we’re in pretty good shape really. China is having a few teething problems, but overall, when you look a everything in consideration we aint doing all that bad. Particularly if you’re not trying to get out of Syria in a hurry which may have something to do with our ‘fixing’ up of Iraq, and the follow on.

Opening of Worlds First Hybrid Slave/Coal Powered Power Station. Palmyra 2500 B.C. This hybrid power station was a boon to Humanity! It burnt both coal and slave and was in commision till quite recently when it was adapted by ISIS to just infidel burning, a sort of Slave/Slave Hybrid. Isis is in onging negotioations with the Minerals and Energy Council.
That’s why COAL is truly AMAZING. The plantation owners thought that slavery was truly AMAZING!. It was cheap, reliable, and it didn’t even give off filthy carbon. Once used, you’d just plough em back into the ground. Now I call that vertical integration. Coal has given us light, power, and in the nineteenth century it single handedly gave us the Industrial Revolution, which brought greater levels of civilisation and resulted in the comfort that we take for granted today. And the remarkable thing about coal is that according to the excellent advert currently screening on telly, it may be 40 % less smelly and carboniferous in another hundred years if we continue to divert research funding from CSIRO in to this new realm of alchemy. The right thing is to just keep burning it. Humanity IS pretty AMAZING. And i’m impressed and gratified that the Minerals and Energy Council disagree with climate science, by repudiating the Anthroprocene era, and would like us to keep on burning good ol coal, until the oceans rise, the levees break, and we all die a horrible protracted lingering death.
The Minerals and Energy Council want to willfully and knowingly deplete the bounty of “nature” to future generations of children. Yes!! our children because this stuff is bloody AMAZING for shareholders and particularly AMAZING for a coterie of self interested wealthy old men who just couldn’t give a stuff about anyone else. Because pretty soon they’re going to be DEAD. They like coal because this shit is what sustains them. They HATE education, science, renewables, because it threatens their right to completely and utterly fuck up the planet. And Rupert, surprise surprise, being another ancient specimen of humanity, reckons coal is spot on..

New Coal Miner Uniforms being trialled by the Minerals and Energy Council. Uniforms generously tested and supplied by the Rt. Hon. Christopher Pyne, Federal Minister for Education. From his personal collection
So Humanity is AMAZING. And what is truly AMAZING are those old men who so much want to deny the subsequent generations of Australians the privelege that they take for granted because they’ve got something akin to slavery. Provided you don’t think about the planet, the loss of good agricultural land, and the foisting of this rubbish on the population , is truly AMAZING! If you don’t factor in the environment, AMAZING! If you HATE the future, AMAZING! And if you have lobbied an entire front bench and found a champion in a reactionary ultra right wing, fundamentalist conservative catholic hardliner, you’ve done something that is truly AMAZING! And if you’ve managed to control the entire apparatus of science, education, decision making and taxes to ensure your unassailable level of control and influence, that is so fucking AMAZING! I dip my lid, chop my testicles off and eat them as a sign that I am so truly and unutterably AMAZED, that you have perverted the entire fabric of governance to furnish your singular, cynical and egregiously opportunistic needs. So three cheers to the Minerals and Energy Council. You the valiant few have staved off a tax that would have some mere percentage of your profits returned to the community. And now, depleted of a car industry, depleted of science, renewables, innovation, future training, governed by fear, myopia and self seeking hollowness you have now corrupted the very fabric of our democracy and turned parliament into a rump of puppets and forelock tugging satraps. All under your bidding.
In the words of Winston Churchill; “Never was so much owed by so many to so few”!!
Well Done, That is TRULY AMAZING!!