We pay politicians good money and know they get the benefit of annual wage indexation , a benefit that ordinary wage earners may dream of, to tell it straight. That’s what we pay them for. And we’re glad to report that our favourite Aussie Battler politician, Mr Barnaby Joyce is at it again. Giving the electorate a dose of reality.
Barnaby knows what the average Australian is thinking. He knows the meaning of average. Not just because he stays in rent-free digs, has a HUGE parliamentary allowance for this “that and the other thing’. And the “other thing” is what ordinary blokes think. He’s spot on. Though he’s never lived as an ordinary bloke, safe, sinecured and superannuated. He dons his hat that’s as big as Queensland, and “Bingo”, he’s a conduit for ordinariness.

This man represents poor Australia. His colleagues nod to the wisdom that poureth forth. And he wears a hat as big as Queensland.
And we applaud him. On Climate change. On the Great Barrier Reef. On the Murrary Darling. Land clearing anywhere, he knows what ordinary blokes think. They’re with Barnaby on this one. They don’t care. You see Barnaby reckons blokes in pubs, ordinary mum and dad Australians don’t care when theyre shopping at K Mart about energy. He knows that whatever goevernment of any description do , the masses just take it up the arse. Like Huge Energy bills derived from the idiocy of neo-liberalist ideology. They’re happy that successive regimes of ideological idiocy have skewed the energy debate for their own very short term interests. Interests that having nothing to do with good governance. Rent-seeking interests. Barnaby’s glad as a consequence, ordinary folk are paying a fortune. Like Barnaby, Keeps them humble. And greatful for his wisdom.
So when Barnaby tells is that people who shop at K mart, (you will not find an Akubra there) and when he goes to the pub, (not to drink with the locals, because he’s not one of those) he knows what’s good for them. And he wants them to know that they don’t care about energy policy. They, unlike Barnaby don’t get the benefit of mates in the coal industry to pay for their business class trips and present their ideology at climate forums for looneys. But though these poor people shop at K Mart and Barnaby identifies with them, he knows that they hate anything green, or progressive or forward thinking.

Man of Wisdom winking to the electorate. A signal that he understands their poverty, and would try it if he weren’t so important.
Cos barnaby knows they hate CHANGE. And they’re Poor. And even if they go broke cos the government doesn’t give a stuff about ordinary people, Barnaby nows they’re safe, smug and content, in poverty and ignorance. Cos Barnaby tells em so.
And the coral polyps know. The suffocating fish in the Murray Darling basin know it. And the Forest creatures know it. That if you’ve got good mates like Barnaby, he’ll kill you to make the planet a better place for ordinary Australians. All of humanity is sick from knowing stuff. Knowing about the environment, education, gay marriage, anyfink! Barnaby knows that if you shop at K mart or go to the pub, you’re fodder. Fodder for the man who pretends to know what you are, and puts your ilk into an accessible vessel. A basket of sorts. But what kind of basket you may ask?.
Barnaby may know the answer to that,
But its deplorable.