Dear reader, we return to our saga, once again, much like Fox news the events we describe seem improbable, but then as Ian Fleming was fond of saying, ‘ Never say never”!
And it is from the nether regions of the soul we bring you this tale of torment. This tale of indescribable woe in which out three anti-heroes are pursued, punished, and pulverised. Not for their beliefs but for the crime of being naïve. It’s a sort of Julian Assange paradox. As the years fly by, it’s not what he did, as no one can remember, in the afterlight of what a twenty-one-year-old can do to intelligence, but that intelligence in any way shape manner or form seems unintelligible. And no one can remember what he is being punished for in the first place. Save that whatever is said or written, he must be punished!!
For that is the way of things in the alternate fact, witness K scheme of things.
That’s, why we support the industrial military complex in Ukraine cos it’s gotta be better than the Russian one. And the good guys are on our side. That’s what Angus Taylor told us and he’s a man of character. He’s got the Liberal party to where it is today. There is no prize for standing by your conviction, and if nepotism, graft, and corruption is what you need to stay in power, the optics are good. That’s what sustains Donald, he’s got the optics right, and their tinged in an orange hue. He’s probably an Orangeman. Donald would support William of Orange and would draw the line on gays as school captains, and that demonstrates a stand on standards, if we don’t stand on standards, we have nothing to stand on.
So standing on principle we return to our saga, just at that point when they revealed to us, the crumpled figure of Brendan; ‘Brenny Boy Nelson,” the sole occupant of the helicopter that plunged into the chasm. What a chasm, and we haven’t even mentioned Sophie yet. Juurkaan Gorge anyone?
We return to our saga. We acknowledge we’ve said this before, but we just want to see if you’re paying attention.
‘Jeez’, Ces spluttered as Benny-boy leaned into the crumpled cockpit and with one mighty hand lifted the crumpled figure up and lay him on the ground. The face quietly at peace and illuminated by the flickering glow of the helicopter fuselage as it quietly smouldered, its rotors a forlorn heap of twisted metal and non – whirring- ness.
‘I reckon he’s just unconscious’.
Benny turned him over and checked his pulse, ‘he’s still breathing, look’! And in his hand, he clutched a small object. Benny as expertly as if he was tossing a wop off a cliff opened the clenched hands, and there within the sweaty palm a document. ‘Open it open it’! Ces Urged. ‘Wait’! Quent remonstrated. ‘It may be top secret and our future may be at stake’.
‘Future Smuture’ scoffed Julian, and with an alacrity borne by being a ratbag, he swiped the document from the clenched hand and read aloud…

“Quis quod sibilus ictus audet’ ( English translation) ‘He who has the biggest whistle will blow loudest’! or….’Who whistles for the whistle blower?
‘Well, I’ll be a dead Dingo’s donger’, sighed Quent, ‘it looks official, what is the monogram there’? Quent pointed a stubby finger into the right-hand corner, and sure enough three plumes and a monogram ‘CR’ That’s either a new look for the CWA or I bet its none other than prince, now King Charles’s monogram. And look here’! Julian read the address, ‘it says right here Highgrove Buckinghamshire’. They all gasped. It was from the King himself. ‘And he aint even been coronated yet. Shows what a divine right to be a chinless wonder can do. His power is immeasurable! Jeez this is from King Leonardo himself, look here’! And countersigned in red ink the unmistakeable scrawl, ‘Camilla, ‘and she’s in on it. This document is an order, by the highest authority to bring Quent and Ces and their sidekick Terry to Justice’.
It read.
‘Your order is to capture those scallywags and bring them to justice. Dead or Alive! No one shall know of that they found in the arid wastes as it belongs to me. Only you as custodian of ‘Anzackery’ is instructed to being them to me, and once delivered a peerage is in the bag, and we’ll talk about another few million for Gina, as we know she can afford it.
Yours Charles Rex.
‘Well that just about takes the cake, who would’ve thought, it goes straight through Gina to King Charles himself. What a ratbag’! And turning to Julian Ces affirmed, ‘and we thought you were a ratbag, but mate, you’re just amateur’.
Julian gave a wry smile, ‘I always had the royals to look up to, I thought if I kept at being a rat-bag I might end up respectable like them’!
He had a point, we felt sorry for the poor bastard.
‘Still though, what good is it being wanted felons, Brendan is working for the firm and that means we’re rooted Royally’! We could hear the sound of the tom toms, getting perceptibly louder. ‘We better get out of this fix or royalty or no royalty we’ll be in the pot for dinner and Sophie’. Just at that moment Brendan groaned, ‘he’s coming too’! And not too soon, for just at that moment we could hear the savage cry of savages, and in the distance the inchoate bellow of Sophie, more frightful than a banshee, a harpy, a golliwog. ‘We’d better think of something quick’! And at that moment, the first of the spears as if from nowhere flashed past the and embedded itself into the wall of the chasm.
Looks like this is it, and to am n they had run out of time, but loke, might still be on their side,
Find out in the next episode, ‘will luck divorce them at the altar’? Or ‘try as they may, they might get a trifecta of trouble’!