It’s good to see since that popinjay Turnbull was dumped some clear sighted policy coming from the Morrison Government. On every front they’re kicking goals.

Angus will fight the accursed wind turbine to cleanse the land of SCIENCE! And the certainty that WOMEN shall not FRONT BENCH!
Let’s have a quick look,
On keeping women out of the front bench, they have proven to be stellar performers.
On making sure that women need not even think of entering parliament they’re “numero uno”. The truth is written, “If you be woman, don’t bother. According to the Liberal’s founding fathers, not Ming, but Leviticus, and Mathew, Abraham, and another bloke called Corinthians, it is written, “If she riseth to representeth the deeds of man she will be flung from the temple and deserve a righteous stoning”.
And so it is written.
On the science front we have more good news. Once again we return to the founding principles of the reformed Liberal party. For it is written; “To question the works of man as not God given is apostacy. And the non believer will be cast out, denied funding, and those rivers of gold shall be given to the private sector, to do whatever is in their infinite wisdom”.
Another good policy direction that ensures silly and untrustworthy public departments are denied funds which are righteously diverted into private coffers. So that the “great deeds” of philanthropists, who by Gods grace and hard work have made vast sums and righteously pay no tax.
A further delight is the special clause for Queenslanders.
It goeth thus;

To ensureth family values, a moleskin, RM Williams Boots and Belts and the assuredness that this land will never ever be stained by science and renewables.
“And God created Queensland. Queenslanders are his chosen people. Their solemn duty is to trust in God and cleanse their state of all living biota. And in doing so establish in this place of tree, river, and endless beaches a desert for which only the flower of God, the banana shall flourish. And when in righteous certainty the state is deforested, de- coralled, and denuded of species other than human who was chosen by God to ordain civilisation and real estate subdivision, God will be pleased. God will also be pleased, when those that are not white, christian, and ignorant, shall be sent down to the southern states, where they will (as took place in Soddom and Gomorroah), perish in Gods name, and quickly. For such is the mercy of the all seeing powerful redemeption of God’s divine hand.
And on Coal, it is written: ‘Give us a saviour, his name shall be Angus. For that is the name chosen by GOD. Angus will cleanse this land once again from the stain of renewables. Angus shall talk big. Angus may even wear a big hat. Angus shall be righteous in his indignation of renewables, science, economics and the common people. The common people will realise, that, though they vote, they are not “his people” and will suffer. Angus, will deliver more lumps of coal in parliament and make the little people pay a high price, for daring to question and ask the reason WHY?. For such is the sacrifice required to ensure coal is maintained as the “saviour of humanity” as decreed by Lord Tony of Abbott, and Lord Rupert of Murdoch. The true spiritual leaders of this land.
Angus has decreed. “Ignorance is Bliss, Stupidity is Gold, and smugness, xenephobia and insecurity a symbol of God’s almighty grace and power.
May it endureth. Forever!
In God’s name.