Dear reader , welcome to part two of “Crime”.

Department of Infrastructure heads, (Justice Division) examining a model of the new seven million dollar police facility at Yuendumu.
As you may well know, the catalyst for this blog, was a journey made to Yuendumu way back in 2013. It really was a journey into the heart of darkness. It revealed that being a male aboriginal, post “the intervention” implied frequent, and unremitting bouts of incarceration. Indeed to our thinking, (and our northern correspondent will corroborate) with the new seven million dollar police facility at Yuendumu, we now have a bold and brave new stronger future, in which the entire male population can rest assured with some certainty that at some stage in their brief lives they will be incarcerated, once, twice, or as many times as you like. And the process is breathtakingly efficient. It’s just an index of how efficient things get when you’ve got a wonderful merger between the public institutions of justice, and investment in private prisons. It’s a growth industry that’s unstoppable, and the reason why? The general (crime-fearing) public seem to like it, and It’s good for business.

Artists impression of the new Police and Community Justice law Enforcement Facility almost completed at Yuendumu. Apparently, (Architects design response) this structure is also ‘visible from the moon’. And features unique, ” Australia is open for business” rooftop signage.
And that’s why you can be criminalised nowadays, quite readily for all sorts of things that legislators never thought about only a few decades ago. There are so many new ways to end up in chokey. You can do it generally speaking for non payment of fines. There are so many new categories for fining the citizenry. Up north it’s just banal. Parking, unroadwothy, passenger behaviour, dirty windscreen, etc, etc.. indeed all the things that the white folks, “on the other side of the fence” (pastoralists) wont get pinged for, because their unroadworthy vehicles are legitimately assisting in ‘opening up the north’ to agriculture. The favourite being DWB, “Driving whilst Black”. It’s a banality of non-evil. Almost a banality of banality itself.
Governments like being tough on crime. I wont bore you with the offences that’ll end you up in chokey, but like our North American allies, we seem to be catching up and surpassing them in our criminalisation of “natives”. And who said justice was “colour-blind’?
So flummoxed, gob-smacked, and incredulous at the stupidity of using such a blunt instrument of “control” we felt that if we didn’t do something about this proliferation of the criminalisation of society, these measures unchecked, (because they’re great for business) would be meted out to us folks down south. Indeed, they, (the police) are fining people for the heinous crime of “jaywalking” in Melbourne right now. That is already happening, and it was with some chagrin that we missed the random “herding”, and incarceration of “offenders” during the much anticipated and cancelled attempt by “Border Force” to make us ‘SAFE’.
Though we missed “the great roundup” in Melbourne, we can thankfully say that no such hindrance is encountered in our northern outpost, (not Darwin silly) Nauru. There we have a braver new world. We have all these “illegals”, branded such by the fact that there’s quite a few people (we’re not keen on) with no MONEY who would like to come here. No such restrictions apply if you’ve got tons of the stuff. Crime and poverty are axiomatic. And the government, (of both persuasions) would like to demonstrate that our policy of meting out punishment to those whose crime is poverty and hope is a message that rings loud and clear. Australia is incidentally “OPEN FOR BUSINESS”!!

Impecunious ‘Illegals’ who just don’t understand the “Open for Business” model. And incidentally should be punished for poor grammar. (Ed.)
Coupled with this is the recent decision to incarcerate these “illegals” with real criminals. Now this is a new highpoint for efficiencies. We, (the ordinary citizenry) have been hearing about the consequences of “hardened criminals” going on the rampage. We are not told about what is going on, because the government and the private operators, remind us that it’s not really in our interests to know what is happening on “Devils Island” because they’re all “illegals”, and ‘non-citizens’. That’s code for ‘non-people’.
Apparently this may damage our prospects in gaining a foothold with the U.N on a nebulous committee of some sort. It’s very confusing. Because we’re keen to let the world know that we hold a strong position on “Human Rights”. And that’s the problem with the rest of the world. They just don’t understand “crime” in Australia. And quite frankly it’s none of their BUSINESS!!