Dear reader, we, (the editorial staff at PcbyCp) have been struggling to maintain our consistent high level, thoughtful, imaginative and deeply insightful commentary on contemporary politics and society. And, it is with deep regret we inform you that it’s just getting too hard. You see, the purpose of this blog was to establish a platform on which to make satirical observation on contemporary society. We liked to think we gave equal weight to lampooning both sides of politics. And to date, the job’s been pretty easy. But now it’s almost impossible. How can one reasonably lampoon the Presidential fracas in America. They’re doing a bloody good job themselves. Lampooning only works when you have an objective sounding board to lampoon against. It’s an echo principle as distinct from an echo chamber. The problem is, rather than interpret the echo, as we used to do, the chamber is on ‘full effect’, and we only get distorted perspective that’s already been echoed. Or in other words, we think the rational hypothetical construct that we used to refer to as the ‘general public’, is no longer there. There is no rational base. There is no reflective medium with which to synthesize the babble. And what are we left with? Very little indeed.
We were going to ask a learned university professor, but all the one’s in politics, anthropology and classical literature have been replaced by business funded chairs, in departments with new names like ‘Business ethics and success management’, ‘Entrepreneurship 101’, or ‘The V. Putin chair of rent seeking value adding, for contemporary society’. It’s all very depressing, and the trouble is, that our elected representatives are surpassing us. We’re like manufacturing in this country. We are effectively closed.

Phil Hughes helmet. ‘Possibly the most significant news event of the 21st century’ ( Malcolm Turnbull , current P.M)
Take for example this weeks gaffe by the Finance Minister Kelly O’Dwyer. This excerpt from the ABC says it all; ‘The Federal Government has been embarrassed by a procedural bungle in Parliament, after accidentally endorsing a bill amended by Labor, which criticised the Government. Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer was seeking to pass the International Tax Agreements Amendment Bill 2016 through the House of Representatives on Wednesday. But Ms O’Dwyer accidentally endorsed a second reading amendment put forward by shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh. The amendment calls on the Government “to explain why it has failed to close tax loopholes and increase transparency in Australia”. After some confusion, Ms O’Dwyer appeared to support the amendment, facilitating its passage through the House of Representatives. Manager of opposition business Tony Burke said it was the first time in the history of federal parliament that a second reading amendment had ever been supported.
You see it’s ‘Game Over’ as the Yanks would say. We’ve been outplayed. How can we compete with this? What’s really difficult to trump, (excuse the pun) is a minister, who is assumedly briefed by a small army of minders and under secretary’s boldly going onto the floor, and reading, (robot-like) the oppositions amendment, and not realising for an instant, that she was on the wrong side, batting for the wrong team. And quite possibly thinking that the laughter and applause from the other side of the house, was akin to rapturous applause. You see, we can’t top that…
And that’s just the beginning, because, it get worse. And it’s about, a bloke called Brian Burston. We’ve nicknamed him ‘Brain Burstin’, cos he’s making our job just too bloody hard. We need an enquiry. But like the Phil Hughes enquiry. And though we know the reason why, we just cant ever get over it. Blame the pitch, blame the umpire, the ball, the bowler, the fieldsmen, the umpire, but don’t you dare ever touch the game. It’s all gone ‘Count Kook’ if you ask me.