Jamie Packers real problem is that he’s UGLY!
Not just ordinary ugly, but slab of pig iron or over-pimpled arse cheeks ugly. Or wedding tackle ugly. The bloke for the Age, (officially referred to as the Age journalist) said it reminded him of Henry the fourth part two. “ Something about how heavy the crown is when you’re catapulted onto the throne’. The truth is James Packer aint no bard. He is bereft of poetry, irony and self reflection. He’s the Easter Island statue version of Donald Trump. In a word he looks SHITHOUSE!
Which proves one point, being stinking rich aint a measure of happiness.
We almost feel sorry for the bastard, something about power corrupts, and the coterie of bum lickers who helped him become a fucking ugly bastard. Perhaps anointed ugly bastard upon birth by his over-bearing dad. Through the enquiry’s eight hours of grilling, not one joke, not one quip to lighten the proceeding. Rather a grim, sullen, withdrawn, isolated individual, like a blue giant, compressing itself into the oblivion of a black hole through the inexorable weight of money. And the fucking hollowness of it all.
But after all is said and done, the vision for Barangaroo, whatever it is was is now a bold new opportunity sequestered by a fucking casino. You’ve got to ask yourself, is a business model dependant upon bringing filthy rich sub-criminals from overseas to launder money a great idea? What good does it do for the average Australian? Bit like asking Boris, and any U.K PM for the past forty years whether tax loopholes for kleptocrats, criminals and seriously dodgy dictators has anything to do with the well-being of Londoners. Admittedly, there is a trickle down effect for masseurs, interior designers, real estate agents, car dealers, (hang on, this is sounding like the federal budget) and branded fashion label sales. But surely it doesn’t have to be based upon such a dubious business model.
And in the end, like our Premier, and anyone from Laurie Connell and Alan Bond, when push comes to shove they can’t remember. It’s amazing they can even remember to show up. Beyond fronting the camera for whatever the enquiry is, they cant remember a fucking thing.
Why should they be in government, why should they be in business. Power corrupts?
Particularly a business that as far as we can see, without the benefit of what the poms do ,with their lotteries and channel the vast bulk of profit, back to the cultural fabric, restoring buildings, pubs, clubs and old-shit. Whereas here, the profits go straight back to the shareholders, and the few thousand who clean the loos, and scratch the backs of the high rolling crims.
It’s an ugly industry, and whichever way you look at it, James Packer is an ugly bastard. His industry is ugly. His networks are ugly. His principles are ugly. Why should we be surprised? Perhaps there’s a job for him, as trade envoy to the UK? (Job Taken). As ambassador to the U.S? (Job Taken). As High Commissioner to London? (taken).

A proper SUSTAINABLE Russian Kleptocrat Yacht. Ensuring that megalomanic tendencies are tempered by sound environmental principles.
We’ve got it!! As special envoy to Russia and China. He can talk the politics of power, and if push comes to shove he has mates in Mossad who can sort shit-stirrers out. That’s what Vlad does in Russia, and it keeps the journo’s in check to ensure rivers of gold, are kept where they belong, under raps in opaque investment schemes designed ultimately to benefit a scant few and impoverish the rest of society. James has to give it a go. He’s wasted on his trillion dollar yacht all alone. And besides if he can shirt-front Vlad and Xi, he might just get to hang onto his over-riding share in Crown, by demonstrating he’s a MAN OF CHARACTER!

“Pssst, is your character under scrutiny from pesky inquiries? Are you being questioned about dubious emails and forged documents impugning the character of public servants so that you may gain advantage? Do you have problems with hiding laundered funds? if you’ve got pesky Journo’s hanging around asking questions and causing trouble, have a word with Angus. He’s got offshore investments and connections that’ll keep the bastards quiet as a TOMB. Angus says; “no questions asked, and the bucks are quickly passed”. With Angus you can lie straight MATE!