Dear reader, it’s encouraging to know that whilst the context of leadership is a known unknown in the Australian political context, we have so many amusing opportunities to make fun of what passes for informed comment. Where is policy you may ask?
Indeed as metrics for education are an undisputed part of our intellectual framework, so to speak, it’s comforting to know that by the time they get to politics, our elite eschew all rational thinking for the one hit wonder, the cheap shot and the last word.
So focus now, (we beg you) on the vexed question of carbon. luckilly Australia has been kicking goals in pretending carbon actually exists as an issue. There is no issue with climate change.
We stand united, on the environment, marriage equality, carbon,everything, in being dis-united.
Yes indeed it’s all one big policy vacuum.
The policy vacuum is really really big. They reckon, just to keep it going requires the full-scale equivalent of fifteen coal powered electricity stations. That’s fifteen, just to get the policy vacuum started. And to keep it cranked, just to keep the bugger going, it requires another ten. That’s ten folks. Ten major coal fired power stations , working, flat-chat. providing BASE LOAD POWER.
Without that Base load, Policy Vacuum, she no work.
It’s all very well to talk of renewables. All very sanctimonious to talk of renewables as some bloody saviour, but they just wont work. Yes, we admit they’re cheaper, they’re possibly more reliable, and we admit they are the way of the future. But, and this is the most telling part, even Elon Musk, can’t counter this. The Policy Vacuum can run only on coal.
Yes indeed, good ol reliable coal.

The New Policy Vacuum is much bigger and incorporates a Space- Age Design principle of concealed chimney and coal conveyor.
And you can fume all you like about policy moving forward and any other brain dead oxymoronic platitude designed to keep your lobbyists happy, but the truth is there for all to see. There’s no point in moving forward. Looking forwards is being backwards, and the 1960’s policy direction is the here and now. Back coal. It’s safe, and stupid, though it does have a voice in Parliament. These are the fundamentals the policy vacuum was designed for in 1965. The Liddell power plant was built in 1972, It’s clapped out, a worthless piece of junk. But to the energy provider shareholders, it’s GOLD. Cos with the Policy Vacuum at work the taxpayer will pay squillions against the advice of the bean-counters themeselves, just to keep it going.
And the PM will thank them for screwing the taxpayer just that bit harder. That’s how the policy vacuum works, It’s an ideas free zone. It’ll just suck , suck suck. And it’s “Super Suction”.
So next time Josh and Joel do battle in the corridors of power, thank them that there’s any power at all, cos with the policy vacuum at work, It’ll require this world, the next world and any world just to keep it going.
And in the end it’s not about climate change, the environment or people’s Livelihoods. It’s all about entertaintment. As Lord Rupert says’ Beyond the Policy Vacuum, it’s beer and circuses”.
And it’d be Un-Australian to disagree.