A Likely Royal Comissioner. Justice Teflon Coates, Q.C. Will look into the issue root and branch and in doing so achieve justice. (and pay off a swimming pool, an overseas trip and a new Maserati for his wife).
Dear reader, after the recent four corners segment on bastardisation in juvenile justice in the N.T, we thought we’d jump the gun and begin our search for a leader. Someone from the very highest level to lead the enquiry. There will be a Royal Commission, and you know that leadership is required to sort this thing out. As in the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Royal Commission, real leadership determined what needed to be done, and nothing changed. That preserves the order of things and the status quo. This time round we can expect the same, reliability of outcome is another index of leadership. To augment the search we have commissioned our excellent character artist Fortesque Metall esq, to capture the sort of individual, male or female who would most aptly fit the bill. An individual preferably from the legal profession and preferably with a need for a well paid sinecure, that may prolong a reasonable income for some several years.

Justice Betty Crocker Q.C. Will determine significant change in juvenile Justice. Will also write autobiography, secure speaking circuit and talk at global Forum on Youth Justice Issues. (and will also purchase a quite nice villa in Dijon)
As for the terms of reference, were working on them right now for tomorrows installment. We know one thing, and not being overtly cynical either, but we know that a flunkey somewhere will be blamed for the fracas, and the culture that sustains it. The culture that wont recognise the original crime which debases first Australians when their land, language, culture was stolen will remain unresolved. Strictly speaking the technical legal term is“ White Wash”. And to be quite frank, it’s a business model that has bought reward for many over several centuries. As the old expression goes; ‘If it aint broke why fix it’?
Stay enthralled.