Scomo has nailed it once again. Why should kids be spooked into worrying about the global climate catastrophe?
And why should they even bother about extinction marches? They should stay at school and learn the bounty of NAPLAN. Nothing worse as a kid than being depressed about the end of the world. It puts you off your lunch, it may topple your ATAR score and really effect your ability (if you go to a church school) to connect with an all conquering loving GOD! So, the advice from the PM? ‘Don’t listen to the Doomsday sayers’. Kids should just stay in school and let sensible grown-ups decide their future. Like Barnaby, he knows all about the environment. It is wicked. It’s Unruly and must at all costs be controlled and subdued by THE HAND OF MAN! Fish die in the Murray Darling through Barnaby’s steadfast work as a servant of GOD! To prove the hand of MAN is just and preserve forever the doctrine of MANIFEST DESTINY!
And besides, think of all the good things those kiddies can look forward to when the planet is dead. Ok, the timeline is against them, but there’s no point in getting down about it. So what if the world is headed for a complete catastrophe? Why worry? If this is just the beginning, it’s the beginning of the beginning of the end of the first part before the beginning. And, Hey kids what are they worried about? Just in the past few years the tick list keeps growing we’ve killed: The Great Barrier Reef, the oceans, the forests, the fisheries, the Murray Darling, the list goes on and on. But why worry? Let’s not be ALARMIST! There’s much more to come. Rome wasn’t pillaged in a day.
Barnaby and his mates haven’t even yet begun to completely and utterly destroy the inland rivers once and for all. But we’ve been told, to paraphrase Faraser Anning, ‘they’re working on a FINAL SOLUTION’!!!. Just be patient and give them time. This new plan to turn the coastal rivers back inland is a brilliant piece of creative thinking. To divert all those billions of litres of wasted water into the hands of a couple of cotton growers. Who said our current crop of politicians don’t have imagination? That’s the problem with Greta What’shername. She has imagination. That’s the problem with foreign provocateurs, they still allow imagination into the education syllabus. No wonder why they’re all full of doom and gloom. They’re too busy imagining the scenarios that have been steadfastly predicted by climate scientists for thirty years. Crazy ideas that repudiate the benefits of CLEAN COAL and deny the very truth that the earth is FLAT!
In Australia we’ve killed imagination as part of the education syllabus, if it aint NAPLAN it don’t exist.
So take it from Scomo, he’d know. The world was created by GOD in six days. The world according to the Bible is as old as some six thousand years. And all animals, even some insects were saved by Noah in the Great Flood. And he knows this as a BELIEVER!! We shall be saved if we look to GOD for SALVATION, and repent our sins.
Kiddies are burdened with Original Sin for starters. If they don’t come to terms with their innate failings as pronounced by an all seeing loving GOD, they shall justly DIE as a consequence of their failure. And their souls will receive eternal damnation for eschewing the righteous power of an all loving GOD!
Or something like that. And as for animals and any other species, they’re not important, Only humanity is recognised by an ALL POWERFUL GOD. And his servants, Scomo, Barnaby, Kevin, George, Pauline, Rupert, etc..etc…