Budget feedback.
The wire has been twanging with furious activity since the Federal Budget, and we only have space to print two, but enough to feel the timbre of the moment.
From Francesca, who’s postal address is ‘Beyond the black stump’!
‘Am I missing something? Was climate change mentioned? (by either major party).
What the fuck is all this ‘new normal’ caper? As if the old normal was so great.
Saw a good idea on TV (which will therefore not get off the ground- intended pun). Some Kiwi bod was suggesting a New Zealand exit tax. Money raised to be used for clean air initiatives.
Rather neat, he mentioned something about people (both overseas visitors and locals) being willing to pay such a tax so as to (and I forget his exact words) salve their ‘carbon footprint embarrassment’
Cheers all’,
And another from Sweeney Street. Who has made a startling discovery.
Read on :
Believe it or not, (and I am sure it is directly connected to the Shite-geist ), in the May 6th edition of the Age newspaper, there are nine (NINE!) full pages of Harvey Norman ads, plus four more full pages of ‘Domayne’ furniture ads…. Far Canal…
I find this shameful, outrageous and downright insulting. This is not why I buy newspapers and besides, the predominant reds and blues of the HN ads leave distinctive Union Jack stripes on my post Empire and post big job Irish arse.
Now, understandably a lot of the Harvey Norman ads are for cooking appliances not the least of which are powered by gas. Imagine my confusion, (not to say chagrin) then when, in the the same May 6 edition, on the front page, down the bottom(and continued on page seven, with Editorial on page 10) there is an impassioned piece by Tom Cowie bringing to our attention the danger, to the children clustered round you, as you fling together a mess of potage on the gas stove whilst all unwittingly providing your kids with an assortment of respiratory diseases provided by the ‘nitrogen dioxide and certain forms of particulate matter such as PM2.5.’ given off by burning natural gas.
Well now… have they just discovered this? Is this something new, I ask myself, something some sweatingly enthusiastic researcher has just discovered, a Eureka moment at midnight, a Tesla-like revelation to be shared immediately with the world?
Yes, of course it is! How ennobling then of HN, to so expose themselves in such a naked fashion to the possibility of litigation by advertising their gas-driven enthusiasms in the same paper as the Tom Cowie piece. Good on ’em, I say! What bravery, what courage, what selfless self sacrifice! Even from here, the sunlit uplands of Sweeney Court, I can sense the deep, deep level of HN grief, the unparalleled levels of guilt they must surely feel for those who must suffer the lifelong torture of asthma and assorted bronchial ailments. How, I ask, were HN to know? I can only conclude that the scientific community has failed them completely and utterly. Oh woe is me is all I can say… An Empire, a bastion, brought to its knees because of scientific frailty
The last word I leave to Percy Bysshe, whom, I am assured, only smacked poor Mary in the chops occasionally…

New Australian SPACE AGENCY UNIFORMS being trialled. Boosting Australian Manufacturing. (the badges will be proudly manufactured in Australia)
“I am Ozymandias, King of Kings!
Look on my works, ye mighty,
And despair…
We asked the Federal Minister for Energy for his opinion, but he declined, being up to his armpits on delivering the GAS LED RECOVERY, CLEAN COAL, and THE CENTRE FOR NATIONAL RESILIENCE!