Dear reader, as we are committed to the latest in up to date thinking , we could not pass up the opportunity to print the most up to date Liberal Party newsletter. After reading it, you’ll agree that this government is a “CAN DO” operation and is committed to fixing some vexed issues wtihin the Australian body politic.
Moving Forward; Good news from Senate Select Committees and State and Federal Parliamentary Enquiries. To remind all and sundry 2015 is shaping up to be a very good year indeed. Dear members, party faithful, volunteers, and supporters, parliamentary officers, members of federal parliament, state ministers, premiers and shadow ministers, and staff. A special thanks to our dear friends from the Minerals and Energy Council and the excellent assistance granted us by their generous donations. It is with considerable excitement we report on the latest work being undertaken by the State and Federal parliamentary wings in progressing common sense and preferred outcomes on the vexed issues of Climate change, Constitutional recognition of Aborigines and some positive news, post Royal Commission into Child sexual abuse.
The Fiction of Global Warming and the Curse of renewables.
We would firstly like to acknowledge the superb work being undertaken by the Western Australian branch in putting forward the parliamentary enquiry into ‘questioning the scientific Basis of global warming and the failure of computer modelling’.

W.A. Liberals deny climate change. Job Well Done!!! Enthusiastically reading new edition of ‘Noddy in Coal Town’.

Mr Dick Warburton, lead Climate cience reviewer approving of Coals ‘Gift to Humanity. (eerie resemblance to Liberal senator to right in previous photograph).
Special thanks must go to the two state W.A back benchers in calling for a parliamentary enquiry to “examine the scientific evidence that underpins the man-made global warming theory and investigate the reasons for failure of computer models, the intergovernmental panel on Climate Change and prominent individuals to predict, among other things, the pause in global warming this century’. As detailed in the most recent conversation between our own celebrated experts the P.M and Mr Rupert Murdoch, their submissions objective is clear, “ in light of uncertainty around the issue, Australia does not sign any binding agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris later this year’. We look forward to their courageous stand, and anticipate Australia once again stands tall and proud on the world stage. Indeed, Mr Dick Warburton and our friends in the Mineral and Energy Council tell us, ‘it’s been a cool winter, and it feels quite a bit cooler than last year and the year before. Though those nuisance, troublemaker scientists point to a long term trend, at this very moment, (this winter) it is quite cool indeed. The skiing was excellent at Falls. Understandably, the whole science of global warming should be rigorously tested’. We wish to report excellent work being undertaken by State and Federal branches in refuting the miserable findings of the AMA into the ‘proven effects’ of wind turbines on working families. It comes as no surprise we find the AMA unworthy to comment on both climate science and renewables. Their bias is clearly motivated by leftist sympathies as a rebuttal of our considered approach to achieve full privatisation of the health system.
Congratulations must be given to both the the Minister for Finance, and Treasurer in setting up grounds for a Royal Commission into renewables and the ‘fallacy of climate science’. For this we have received special thanks from our friends in the judiciary, and expect, the commissions terms of reference to be opaque, and trust the commission itself to deliberate for several decades. Excellent trends now prove the shutting down of the entire renewables industry in the face of considerable global pressure. Once again boundless thanks must be given to both ministers Morrison and Dutton. As proven, global responsibilities happen outside the maritime exclusion zone, and are therefore ‘not our problem’.
It is with some regret that current research at the Lomborg Centre is on hold and the $800, 000 dollars granted to this excellent research has been sequestered by the Clean Coal initiative to further the 4 billion sequestered by CSIRO to establish Coals proven worth to HUMANITY. We should like to use this opportunity to thank our friends in the IPA for their suggestion as to relocating the Lomberg Centre to their headquarters and to set up a research wing at Melbourne University.
Constitutional Recognition. It is some regret that the progress made by none other than the P.M, for Aborigines, Infrastructure, and Women have stalled. With some frustration the P.M, his holiness Tony Abbott has encountered resistance to his ambitious and entirely altruistic plan to insert a sub clause acknowledging the original Australians “happy in the Commonwealth’ and to preserve their right to perform “Quaint, colourful and primitive rituals, for AFL Games, and public ceremony”. Once again their behaviour and insistence on “meaningful dialogue beyond empty symbolism” proves their niggardliness and ingratitude. Suffice to say we are pursuing the member for Mackellar’s excellent suggestion to gather the ringleaders, curb their sense of entitlement, and remove the status of ‘Australian of the Year’ from Mr Adam Goodes.
Victims of Child abuse Royal Commission. Happily we can report that further to the Royal Commission into victims of child abuse the Catholic Church is ‘treating victims in the usual way’ . We have been warmly congratulated for this by none other than his excellency Cardinal Pell, who has busied himself with keeping the spiritual interest of the church, (real estate and capital) in safe hands. Congratulations to all who dealt with this vexed issue and summarily a special thanks for the the Member for Mackellar Mrs Bronwyn Bishop for getting it off the front pages. By all accounts father Risdale is doing well. Once again, 2016 promises to be a very good year. With an election in the wings, and our determination to ‘Keep Australia Safe’, our election slogan; ‘Stand Together Real Australians’ will guarantee a successful second term.
Could members please continue to send in their nominations for ‘the most reasonably Australian Muslim’ competition. We acknowledge that they are hard to find in the leafier suburbs, but there must be some acquaintance worth pursuing. We regret to announce that through a clerical error our nominated ‘most reasonably Australian muslim’ Mr Aly Waly Wachbar, was inadvertently repatriated by immigration officers back to Iraq. He has not been heard of since.
And a further reminder to our Bendigo branch that a progrom of Muslims would not look good in the media.
Advance Australia
Delighted to read some objective reporting and commentary for a change – and to learn that I don’t have to rely only upon Fox News and certain well-informed, non-ABC radio opinion-leaders to get the REAL facts!
I’ve had enough of the left-wing agendas of the inner-city, latte-sipping, chardonnay-guzzling, bien-pensant, Marx-inspired, chattering classes!
It’s time to hear more from the outer-suburban, Bushell’s tea-sipping, port-guzzling, mal-pensant, Ayn Rand-inspired, droning classes!
Suggested future topics for discussion:
– Fluoridisation as a key driver in the UN’s Strategy for a New World Order
– How Can They Say the Earth is Not Flat When the Science is Yet to be Settled?
– How Wind Power Destroyed the 19th Century Dutch Economy
– The Role of Knighthoods in Creating a Meritocratic New Australia
– Gay Marriage Debate: Survey Shows Most Australians Choose Miserable Marriages
– Why Creationism Makes Sense (It’s Easier to Cover Geology Over a 6,000-Years Span)
Well done, Sir… I look forward to more independent and fact-based opinions!
The Hon. Rupert Prongstik-Brizzell
The Middens
Fogeyville, Vic.