It is with breathless excitement we report that last Tuesday was a red letter day in Australian Literature. A day that will be talked of in years to come.
Our very own poet laureate, Lionel Fogarty has won the prestigious Kate Challis award for unparalleled excellence in the arts.
Captured in is full regalia, Lionel is seen being congratulated by the prize’s patron, and some other bloke. Lionel entertained to a full house and was rapturously received. He also shared the limelight with family and admirers who clapped and cheered so hard their hands became chapped and calloused, and their vocals hoarse.
Unfortunately the former Minister of the Arts Mr George Brandis was unable to attend the function. His personal secretary suggested that being a ‘renaissance man’ he was thoroughly busy in translating Dante’s inferno into cunieform, and re-printing his best speeches for 2015 in Latin and old Norse. We wish him well in this endeavour, though we feel assured that Lionel, if he had his poems translated into Latin or High Empire French would have been frontrunner in the Excellence in the Arts Awards.
Lionel and his long time partner Ali, (also a contributor to this blog) flushed with the radiance of much and well deserved success have retired to the secret rural hideout of Cecil Poole somewhere in ‘Kelly Country’. We wish them all a safe return.