Graeme Watson. So good at keeping wages down he couldn’t wait to complain about the tax being levied on his two hundred and eighty thou pension. Onya Graeme.
Dear reader, we’d like to apologise. Quentin is fuminating again. Is there no end to this? Seems he’s terribly upset about social inequity and the plundering of public institutions by self seeking opportunists and sinecurists. Apparently, this latest symptom of the systematic corruption and rorting of our public institutions is endemic. The ACCI is doing the heavy lifting. Ensuring unsubstantiated claims that the worst paid come from wealthy backgrounds as a justification for stiffing wages growth is their latest strategy. Still, it’s comforting to know that the Federal Government is making the prosecution of single mothers and “overpayments” a top priority. Gives us confidence that everyone, is doing their bit. Now read on, ( if you dare).
The Australian Chamber of Commerce, (excuse me dear reader, look at Australian Manufacturing? Need we say any more), are perhaps the most supine, rent seeking, low level opportunists this country has had the privelege to spawn. They’re the architects of the 457 scheme, which sees an army of underpaid, sweat shop overseas workers establish an army of unemployed ice addicted losers who’ll cost the taxpayer a fortune. When the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is not berating society for the fact that they have to pay wages at all, they’re lobbying the Federal Government to ensure that the rest of the unrepresented, voiceless untermensch are paid less and less.
The Chamber is the personification of all that’s lazy, unimaginative and process driven. They should be sequestered to the board of Naplan and ATAR for good measure. They alone have anointed us with the bounty of a fully fledged banana republic. There aint any Rockerfeller’s amongst their ranks mate. These are the ‘inheritors’, the chinless wonders who allegedly represent small and big business. I’m a small businessmen and have watched in dismay as all the pillars of a diverse, functioning, vibrant economy have been piece to piece torn down by the self seeking short termism of this Chamber.
A Star Chamber if you like, echoing the one inch ideology of the IPA and Lord Murdoch.
Its spokesman James Pearson, displays as much. A robot, representing other robots who are the square root of nothing in particular. Talking well and truly within the very very tightly controlled and narrow square others amongst us who are apt to think beyond.

Joe Hockey. Our man in Washington. Champion of the ACCI. Bonus Points for closing down the car industry. Outside his taxpayer funded hut as leader of the Trump Cheersquad, and lifetime sinecurist for standing for absolutely nothing.
Life is pretty expensive these days, have you noticed? And if you live in regional Australia, which hasn’t seen the boom of property prices you can rest assure you’re poorer. At the local supermarket, milk doesn’t sell two dollars for two litres, it’s $2.89 and there’s nothing under $3.00 for dishwashing detergent. And shockingly, Banana’s are up, $4.00 a kilo!! And there’s mark ups on petrol and health care, and everything!! But, you do have the benefit of fresh air. And if you don’t know anyone, you can escape the vicissitudes of life and the grinding wait by taking on a very dispiriting employment training scheme. They’ve proliferated faster than scabies. Or you can just go down the street to the local meth lab, and get yourself absolutely out of it.
From, the ACCI, who allowed the car industry to piss off, not a whimper. They’ve established a dystopian class of bottom dwellers, pursuing exciting careers in the hospitality industry. The fact that cleaning dishes, scraping to plutocrats and wiping arses is even called an “industry” is galling. And their mates in the Property Council are all about making sure that the burgeoning under class of supine underlings, are kept in their correct place.

Head of ACCI James Pearson presents rubber ducky prize, ( symbol of Australian Industry’s confidence in itself) at Crown Casino. ( the ducky was later rescued from a fast food sweatshop).
They lobby the Fair Work Commission, another Orwellian construct and wait with bated breath for another determination from another overpaid ex bureaucrat to determine the fate of the underemployed, the crushed and the subjected, who’ve had the light of optimism completely snuffed-out. Hooray for the Australian Chamber of Commerce for ensuring that imagination and humanity and compassion had nothing to do with it. They’ve created just the sort of society we now live in.
And in the process, found their correct place.
The bottom.