MDFF 20 April 2020 Outrage

Howdy folks,

Our leaders are outraged.

Last week as we all sat in front of our TV screens we were being admonished. “Stop it!” we were told. “I’m very disappointed” declared our great leader. Some of us had behaved atrociously, we had stockpiled dunny paper. Makes the bombing of Yemen pale into insignificance.

In Australia, public enemy number one is the budding capitalist who’d been blocked by eBay from selling 5,000 rolls of toilet paper. Public hero number one is the Supermarket manager who refused to issue a refund to public enemy number one and gave him the highly publicised bird instead.

This week as we Happy Little Vegemites sit in front of our TV screens we are no longer castigated as our leaders change the focus of their outrage onto the World Health Organisation and the Chinese so called ‘wet markets’.

It is alleged that it was the influence of the Chinese Government that got Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the job of Director General at the WHO. The good doctor is being much maligned. Whatever the whole story is, it does remind me a bit of when allegations and innuendo surrounding Geoff Clarke justified the disbanding of ATSIC.

Cases of the baby being thrown out with the bathwater are all too common.

There is no shortage of straw men either.

So there was our treasurer the Honourable Josh Frydenberg in an Oscar winning performance expressing apoplectic outrage about the WHO not banning China’s wet markets.

Lets face it, it is all the WHO and the Chinese’s fault.

Several million people being up in the air at any one time flitting from continent to continent, thousands of people being shunted around in those disease incubation vessels of industrial scale tourism, a Global Economy that needs perpetual growth to prevent it from falling over and the ever increasing movement of people and goods, none of these have contributed to spreading the virus.
It is all due to the WHO and the Chinese wet markets, its as simple as that.

I think it was Dylan Moran who in a comedy routine expressed his gratitude to Muslims.

We Irish are no longer stereotyped as terrorists thanks to the Muslims

Out here in remote Aboriginal Australia we know all about stereotyping as a tool of political opportunism.
I guess we have to be grateful to the Chinese.

Keep safe you-all


Sister Sin- Outrage

And as an antidote to the heavy metal- Ronnie from Botswana: