More on the blancmange plebiscite


Malcolm, leads the marriage debate. Adored by the Australian, but incredibly lowest satisfaction rating ever for P.M. How could this be??

Dear reader we hope you’re not confused by the marriage plebiscite. The latest Newspoll indicates the majority of the electorate are over the idea. There seems to be a conviction that Federal politicians who are elected to represent the people should just get on with the job and pass the legislation. And now it’s been revealed that the lowliest pollie can stump up to 195 thou, theres another good reason to do something. That would be the end of it. And like Ireland, people of any gender would be able to marry each other, and a couple of fundamentalist, bigoted puritans could just get over it.


Principles of marriage as defined by First Century ritual of Stoning.

But it’s not that easy.


Enlightened countries still adhering to first century rituals of stoning and ‘good ol misogyny’

Some uncharitable individuals have suggested the plebiscite, which is non binding is just a stalling tactic. How could this be? And others have suggested that for the reactionary hard line loony right fogies who oppose it, the plebiscite and everything to do with the marriage equality act is the thin end of the wedge. They reckon it’d be a catastrophe for clean living mums and dads, imbued with the spirt of first century marriage, which defines marriage solely as an act to unite a man and a woman. And this is an important overarching principle. They see it as a manifestation of God’s established order defined by the all embracing principle of marriage-hood. From a time when women could be stoned, crucified or beaten to death under the orders of the all powerful Man-God. Some religions are still pretty fixated on this view of marriage and their quite right to hold onto this view. They may only represent the will of a mere five percent of the community. But their will should on the principle of religious freedom be dictated to the vast majority who though not into stoning, bigotry and marginalisation should respect their principles of sticking to the first century. And keep us safe from “Safe Schools”.


The Spirit of Enightenment. Corey Bernardii.

Some enlightened members of the coalition have suggested that its a right to be bigotted, and the enlightened S.A Minister Corey Bernardii, says it should be legislated that companies and individuals deserve the right to refuse to serve loathsome, hateful, irreligious same sex marriage people. He’s quite right, and those individuals spurned by the Minister should be glad they’re not stoned as part of the bargain. Mr Bernardii, is quite right to enforce his view that in spite of the outward appearances as human beings they, (their ilk) can never ever be afforded the dignity of being fully fledged members of the community because of their disgusting loathsome marginal practices. Once again he’s quite right on that number, and must be respected as it’s he’s right to voice his Christian opinion. Good thing then that the plebiscite is non binding. That would mean kowtowing to these outrageous single sex marriages, and the inevitability, (as Corey has previously put it) of marriage to dogs, cats and spiders.

Good on Corey, after all his deliberations the message is quite clear. Marriage? Who’d want it? The idea itself is ossified. Gotta go now. Off to stoning. At least there’s one tradition that’s still entertaining. Like Guy Fawkes.

But that was too much fun, and had to be banned.