Dear reader, in this time of crisis we ask, are you still with us?
If you’re not, could you please send us a message from” the other side”.
As Abraham Crowley, so astutely put it to the Kings Surgeon Sir Charles Scarburgh, as he observed the fading pulse of Charles the Second upon his deathbed;
This is the poetry part:
“Let nature and art do what they please,
When all is done, Life’s an incurable Disease’.
There’s a queue to the “other side”, and on the latest account it’s quicker if you board a ‘ Cruise-Liner” .
On current analysis, our average reader is of male gender, in his mid 90’s, and still capable of wielding chainsaws, the axe and the crossbow in an hour of need. These are the sturdy yeomen we call upon.
Heed this message, your hour has come. From the special accommodation homes, and the emergency treatment wards of hospitals we summon you. From the retirement villages, the gated communities along the Sunshine Coast we summon you. And from further afield, from the leafy chateaus, and tax havens of the the Bahamas, we beckon you to join us and stand vigil to ensure that when this crisis is over there is a new dawn. A dawn of a brand new era, that promises that nothing changes and we all stay the SAME! So stand together. And ensure that the single greatest legislative Act passed since the Magna Carta, the act of Habeus Corpus, and the gift of universal suffrage is upheld. As every penny had to be be paid at the height of the Great Depression to ensure that those who died gloriously on the mud slurried morass of Flanders did so in noble sacrifice that the Bank of England be kept in black.
This is now OUR TIME! To uphold the right to maintain the STATUS QUO! To ensure by an inalienable right of manifest destiny that future governments should wallow in debt. To uphold what we regard as the implacable, indefatigable, indisoluble, (anyone for inditerminable?) rights of a fairer and equitable society.
The right of Franking Credits shall remain a foundation stone of our modern democracy. So that those who have superannuated for Australia, those that have benefitted most from the relaxation of insidious death duties should get paid not once, but twice from the Federal Government. The last election was won by installing fear into the hearts and minds of those who are about to DIE! To ordain the near- dead as inviolate. To ensure that the young, the carefree, and the uninitiated are PUNISHED!
Never let it be forgot, that though death comes knocking in all shapes and forms, it is ordained, that the old who gather within the anointed vessel, the sacred rites of Cruise- linership shall PREVAIL!
This phenomena, this crisis, will pass, and see of us may pay the ultimate cost, (not of death) but, of actually paying taxes. But for those that survive, they stand firm to ensure POST CORONA that any further distribution of their personal wealth, shall remain unchallenged. Wealth derived from a society, so that they in turn can give nothing back. To ensure corporations that pay no tax are free to continue doing so. So that philanthropic trusts that abuse the system in the subterfuge of confected public largesse vanity projects will prevail. To ensure, POST CORONA that nothing changes, and all will remain in STASIS. To ensure that in the end, POST CORONA, that only two classes in society will remain; the winners, and the losers.
And besides , why worry, we’ll all be dead soon, the twenty first century is all about depletion. It’s the downward spiral. This pandemic is only a foretaste of things to come. Of bigger pandemics, and the hope that one day we might enjoy a very real Black Death. For in death, as the old papist would say; ‘comes the resurrection’.
Death is black, but it aint all bad.

Post Corona, gated Communities will offer free barbecues, torchlight processions and apocalypse themed sing-alongs every night. Free rotisserie for franking credit beneficiaries.