noun informal
noun: moron; plural noun: morons
1 a stupid person.”we can’t let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend”
We at pcbycp are deeply troubled by events within the Victorian Liberal Party.
According to recent statistics 13 of the 19 new positions within the party have been taken up by Morons. The leader of the moron group, and up and coming conservative, Marcus Bastiaan was unavailable for comment.
We can only assume that the Liberal party’s values of fairness, decency and balance will be distorted by this outbreak of moronism. We are worried that the very excellent opposition leader Mr Mathew Guy will not be able to operate in a manner of fairness, objectivity and even handedness as he so ably demonstrated on the Fisherman’s Bend decision. As the head of the Property Council said, “It’s just not on, allowing the foundation principles of the Liberal party, real estate and property development to be thwarted, by moron ideology’.
Speaking of ideology.
The head of the moron group within the party Dr Stratove says this;
“I studied a disease called HIV; 35 million people have died from that disease because they all decided they were going to make man’s love, not God’s love,”
And he’s right, man love is a disaster for property developers, armnaments manufacturers, incarceration of natives, you name it. WE need God derived HATE. Bought to us by Christian fundamentalists! So that we may be certain in our HATE. And stone women, as stated in the bible. And kill non- believers.
“Some more moderate Liberals see last weekend’s result as an effective takeover of the party by social conservatives likely to lead to more progressive Liberal MPs being replaced. They also fear that many moderates and progressive may now abandon the party”. (The AGE)
Mathew Guy, Keeping the party free from impurities, mafia links, vested interests, conflict of interest. Moron Opposition leader.
We are inclined to disagree, We believe that the influx of morons ordained and encouraged by the pillar of conservative right thinking values anywhere, Mr Michael Kroger, sets the Liberal party to achieve absolute power. “Power to the people”, Mr Kroger was heard to say at a recent launch of his latest tome, Mein Lumpf, ( translation ‘My Burden’). With morons in active power as personified by the likes of Dutton, Joyce, Christiansen, Abbott, Andrews and Bernardii, we already have what we sought to achieve, A master race of morons.
A lumpen Autocracy who by their stalwart efforts in reducing any issue to a single slogan have ensured that Australia is dumb, ignorant, and forever happy to wallow in the bathos of Anzackery. As the worlds greatest sporting nation to prove once and for all that we’re leaders in outstanding acts of collective moronicism’.
And for that ideology?
The key moron principle is to have a one second concentration span.
What’s next?
We’ve forgotten.