Yumi Stynes is on the right. Kerri is appalled at the word “racist” being directed at her by someone of “foreign” ancestry.
Dear reader, if the perils of Theresa May in Brexit talks with the EU aren’t bad enough the plight of Kerri-Anne on telly is worth a look. We understand Mays plight it’s almost existential, the poms wanted to get out of the filthy stinking EU and demonstrate their independence. Trouble is no one ever thought how to go through with it, let alone a process. And though they tie themselves in knots the Europeans, (of whom Britain steadfastly refuses to be alligned with) say, “Non”, “Ni”, “ Nicht”, “Nein” and whatever passes for “No” in Laplandish. So back and forth May goes with the clock ticking and the public, (silly buggers) have just woken up to what have signed up for. The halfpenny has dropped. The so-called leaders are clueless. They’re buggered. But there’s a fall back position. In the end, they can resort to tradition, and blame it on the Irish. With a train wreck of stratospheric proportions there’s some comfort in reasserting traditional values.

Our Special Envoy for Aboriginal Australia Tony Abbott investing kiddies with mainstream Australian values.
Traditional values are under serious threat in Australia. On Telly, Kerri-Anne who is loved by those who vegetate in special accomodation homes, the underemployed and those in the queue at Centrelink, the reality is too much to cope. Kerri was doing just what Mal Brough, Tony Abbott Kevin Rudd, and Tony Abbott did in by banging on about the wretched state of aboriginal behaviour. Kiddies, Mums, the whole bloody family structure as we know it being cruelly raped. Kerri quite correctly drew the connection between aboriginal raping, (for which she reminded the tv audience that’s all they’re known for) and the desire to remove Australia Day. You’ve gotta admire Kerri, she has conviction. Probably supports that man of conviction Tony Abbott in being the special envoy for aboriginals. If only the aboriginal Australians had such convictions and leadership they wouldn’t be cranky on Australia Day.

Unwilling individual being invested with mainstream Australian values by special envoy for Aboriginals.
But the facts of morning telly are irrefutable, Rapes only happen in Aboriginal communities. Rapes do not happen in the “other world’. The “other world”world you may ask?. Yes the world “we’ live in , where rape if it did occur would only be via a misunderstanding between clean living people. Or some catastrophic and unheard of intervention on behalf of a priest and a kiddie bestowed to his care. Or any mother or, a battered wife, or the dead partner left to rot by a righteously immature male. But that’s the exception. Only Vile Rapes happen in the aboriginal community and Kerri-Anne should know, she visits them like Tony often.
So as Kerri-Anne was holding forth Yumi Stynes, intervened, “that sounds like pretty racist language” and all hell broke loose,
And before you can say “will Bill ever visit Rupert?, the Murdoch press went into a frenzy..
“Who the Eff is Yumi Stymes”? they ask. Turns out here DNA is definitely not of the Chesty Bond variety, and like that other trouble maker, Yassmin Abdel Magied, she can bugger off.
And allow the clever debate about culture wars to move on. A victory for mainstream Australian values, and like Brexit, a victory for common sense of the lowest common denominator type.

Troublemaker questioning mainstream Australian values on Q& A. Angry perhaps that Q&A never ever got the recognition it deserved for starting the Intervention.
Onya Rupert.